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Volume ,Issue 1,1998 Table of Contents

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Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Ta&Nb in China
  1998(1) [Abstract(1412)]  [View PDF]
Fabrication Industry of Niobium and its Products in China
  殷为宏 陈秦元
  1998(1):1-8 [Abstract(1250)]  [View PDF]
  何季林 张宗国
  1998(1):9-14 [Abstract(1308)]  [View PDF]
  吕义生 冷时铭
  1998(1):15-20 [Abstract(1238)]  [View PDF]
The State of Resources, Raw Material Production and Demand & Supply of Tantalum in China
  吴瑞荣 钱国文
  1998(1):21-25 [Abstract(1008)]  [View PDF]
HProduction and Applications of TaC& NbC in China
  周菊秋 曾芳屏
  1998(1):26-31 [Abstract(1139)]  [View PDF]
Dynamic Fracture Modes of Ta-W Alloy
  张廷杰 张德尧
  1998(1):32-36 [Abstract(1246)]  [View PDF]
Interfacial Structure of SiC-P/Mg Composite
  吴桢干 顾明元
  1998(1):37-41 [Abstract(1368)]  [View PDF]
Magnetic Properties of the Hydrogenated NdFeB Permanent Magnetic Material
  石永金 邓朝权
  1998(1):42-46 [Abstract(1211)]  [View PDF]
Room Temperature-Tensile Strength of the Aluminium Matrix Composites Reinforced by Alumina-Silicate Fiber and Factors That Influence
  高升吉 沈保罗
  1998(1):47-50 [Abstract(1258)]  [View PDF]
Preparation of Antibacterial Non-Woven Fabric with Silver
  1998(1):51-54 [Abstract(1469)]  [View PDF]
Discusion on Two Expression Forms of the Spectrum Standard Samples Prepared by Powder Method
  胡文珍 杨申彦
  1998(1):55-58 [Abstract(1135)]  [View PDF]
Biological Evaluation of A New Titanium Alloy, TAMZ, as Surgical Implant Material
  李佐臣 裘松波
  1998(1):59-62 [Abstract(1335)]  [View PDF]