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Volume 52,Issue 10,2023 Table of ContentsDownload Contents

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Effect of Texture Inheritance on Microstructure of Beta C Titanium Alloy
  Wang Chunyang,Wang Yuhui,Li Ye and Zhang Wangfeng
  Published October 24, 2023 (5 pages)
  2023,52(10):3382-3386 [Abstract(450)]  [View PDF 1.91 M (1023)]
Effect of doping HfO2 on the properties of micro-arc oxidation film on titanium alloy
  Wang Xiangjie,Wang Ping,Liu Yi,Yang Biao and Wu Ting
  Published October 24, 2023 (9 pages)
  2023,52(10):3452-3460 [Abstract(284)]  [View PDF 5.78 M (827)]
Effect of Heat treatment and Pre-stretching on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TC4-0.55Fe Alloy
  Liu Sinong,Zhang Jingqi,Liu Bowei,Li Xin,Li Feng and Chang Hui
  Published October 24, 2023 (10 pages)
  2023,52(10):3485-3494 [Abstract(359)]  [View PDF 1.66 M (891)]
Effect of repeated nanocutting on surface quality and subsurface damage of γ-TiAl alloy
  Liu Yang,Feng Ruicheng,Yao Peng,Li Haiyan,Cao Hui,Lei Chunli and Li Jianhua
  Published October 24, 2023 (8 pages)
  2023,52(10):3507-3514 [Abstract(268)]  [View PDF 915.41 K (952)]
Optimization of Process Parameters of Ti2AlNb-based Alloys Based on Response Surface Methodology
  Liu Jie,Wang Kelu,Lu Shiqiang,Li Xin,Huang Wenjie,Zeng Quan,Zhou Tong and Wang Zengqiang
  Published October 24, 2023 (9 pages)
  2023,52(10):3581-3589 [Abstract(188)]  [View PDF 1.47 M (918)]
Research Progress on Additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Lattice materials
  Fan Yongxia,Lin Yan,Ao Qingbo and Wang Jianzhong
  Published October 24, 2023 (10 pages)
  2023,52(10):3630-3639 [Abstract(384)]  [View PDF 17.71 M (1100)]


Deposition Behavior of HVOF Sprayed WC-12Co Particles on AA7075
  Ji Shouchang,Li Jinglong,Yang Haiyu,Wang Shaopeng,Qiao Jiangjiang and Wen Qifan
  Published October 24, 2023 (10 pages)
  2023,52(10):3345-3354 [Abstract(304)]  [View PDF 1.95 M (1014)]
Reduction in Quenching Residual Stress of 2219 Aluminum Alloy Ring by Cold Bulging Process
  Yang Yanhui,Zhang Zhihong,Chen Xinyi,Wang Xin,Zhang Yangyang,Liu Yijia and Liang Zhengfei
  Published October 24, 2023 (8 pages)
  2023,52(10):3355-3362 [Abstract(277)]  [View PDF 1.94 M (894)]
Effect of Deformation Annealing on Microstructure, Texture and Properties of 2A12 Aluminum Alloy
  Jian Haigen,Xiao Kemou,Pai Junjun,Chen Miao and Zhang Wei
  Published October 24, 2023 (11 pages)
  2023,52(10):3363-3373 [Abstract(256)]  [View PDF 3.27 M (907)]
Friction Stir Channel Pressing of Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced 7075 Aluminum Alloy Composites
  Xiao SONG,Li XING,Tiesong LIN,Yuqing Mao,Duqiao Zhu and Yuhua CHEN
  Published October 24, 2023 (9 pages)
  2023,52(10):3424-3432 [Abstract(151)]  [View PDF 2.30 M (883)]
  Kuijing Song,Yukai Ji,Yong Wei,Ziheng Di,Mingyu Zhang,Xinquan Liu,Zhihong Zhong and Kun Fang
  Published October 24, 2023 (9 pages)
  2023,52(10):3461-3469 [Abstract(205)]  [View PDF 273.30 M (1126)]
Effect of Yb microalloying on microstructure and properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy
  Xu Yongxiang,Zhu Mengzhen,Fang Huachan,Zhang Zhuo,Duan Zhiying and Sun Zhen
  Published October 24, 2023 (7 pages)
  2023,52(10):3556-3562 [Abstract(151)]  [View PDF 2.02 M (833)]


Phase-Field Study of Low-Temperature Decomposition Mechanism in U-Nb Alloys
  Cui Shushan,Shi Tao,Lu Chao,Yin Jiaqing and Su Bin
  Published October 24, 2023 (8 pages)
  2023,52(10):3374-3381 [Abstract(173)]  [View PDF 2.09 M (870)]
Comparison of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Electrodeposited Cobalt Plates
  Xu Yangtao,Dai Jingmin,Pei Liang,Peng Yin and Du Haiyang
  Published October 24, 2023 (12 pages)
  2023,52(10):3387-3398 [Abstract(148)]  [View PDF 5.60 M (786)]
Crystal Structure Prediction, Electronic Structure and Me-chanical Properties of CrB: A First-Principles Investigation
  Liu Fei,Sun Wei and Wang Li
  Published October 24, 2023 (11 pages)
  2023,52(10):3399-3409 [Abstract(125)]  [View PDF 1.44 M (766)]
Evolution of Co3Sn2 Phase Growth Morphology in Under-cooled Solidification of Co-Sn Single Phase Alloy
  Kang Jilong,Ma Zhiyao,Li Zhengning and Chu Ke
  Published October 24, 2023 (7 pages)
  2023,52(10):3410-3416 [Abstract(97)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (763)]
Preparation of Spherical Scandium Oxide Powders by Ammonium Bicarbonate Precipitation
  fuguoyan,weijiaming,chensongxuan,wangweiwei,sunninglei,lvdong and liucheng
  Published October 24, 2023 (7 pages)
  2023,52(10):3417-3423 [Abstract(101)]  [View PDF 3.41 M (753)]


Mesoscopic Surface Crack Propagation Mechanism of SLM-IN718 Based on Digital Image Correlation Technology
  Liu Hui,Sun Rui,Bai Run,Xia Mingxing,Cai Xiaomei,Wang Feng and Zhang Wen
  Published October 24, 2023 (9 pages)
  2023,52(10):3433-3441 [Abstract(310)]  [View PDF 45.91 M (966)]
In-situ study of high temperature fracture mechanism of MAR-M247 alloy
  Liu Hao,Sui Yongfeng,Yu Peitong,Liu Yanling,Zhao Xinbao,Wang Jin,Zhang Yuefei,Yue Quanzhao,Gu Yuefeng and Zhang Ze
  Published October 24, 2023 (10 pages)
  2023,52(10):3442-3451 [Abstract(317)]  [View PDF 58.81 M (895)]
Preparation and Acoustic Characteristics of Magnalium Diaphragmwith DLC Coating
  fangfeifan,sunqinglei,wangwenqing and haoliang
  Published October 24, 2023 (9 pages)
  2023,52(10):3470-3478 [Abstract(177)]  [View PDF 56.86 M (915)]
Research on laser atomization processes for preparation of ultrafine spherical silver-copper alloy powders
  Zhao Xingke,Sun Changzheng and Zhao Zenglei
  Published October 24, 2023 (6 pages)
  2023,52(10):3479-3484 [Abstract(221)]  [View PDF 984.40 K (829)]
Effect of Lubrication on the Microstructure of Hot Extruded Nuclear Grade Zr-4
  Zang Pan,Yuan Gao,Wei Wang,Kuaishe Wang,Tong Wu and Yitong Wang
  Published October 24, 2023 (12 pages)
  2023,52(10):3495-3506 [Abstract(135)]  [View PDF 2.98 M (744)]
Preparation and Properties of Hybrid Reinforced (CNTs+TiB2)/Cu Composites
  Cao Fei,Shi Jun,Wang Ruosi,Zhang Xingde,Jiang Yihui,Xiao Peng and Liang Shuhua
  Published October 24, 2023 (7 pages)
  2023,52(10):3515-3521 [Abstract(212)]  [View PDF 924.92 K (722)]
Effects of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of GH4169 pulse Tig welding joint
  Liu Yongjun,Long Tianxin and Guo chengcheng
  Published October 24, 2023 (8 pages)
  2023,52(10):3522-3529 [Abstract(146)]  [View PDF 26.16 M (914)]
Preparation of nano-silver conductive ink and its application in high-precision flexible circuit printing
  Ding Zeyu,Lu Shuxuan,Wu Yaxi,He Ruibo,Ding Zeyu,Jing Xin and Zhang Wenyan
  Published October 24, 2023 (9 pages)
  2023,52(10):3530-3538 [Abstract(197)]  [View PDF 46.85 M (921)]
Investigation on the laser amorphization of Mg67Zn28Ca5 alloy and its bio-corrosion
  Song jie,DING Hao,DING Hong-yan and ZHOU Guang-hong `
  Published October 24, 2023 (8 pages)
  2023,52(10):3539-3546 [Abstract(115)]  [View PDF 1.43 M (736)]
Effect of medium coarse WC content on the microstructure and properties of Ni-Co coarse grain cemented carbide
  Zhao Chenhao,XU Shubo,LI Hui,ZHENG Junzi,LU Qingliang and PAN Yuefei
  Published October 24, 2023 (9 pages)
  2023,52(10):3547-3555 [Abstract(160)]  [View PDF 5.31 M (666)]
Research on the Spray Granulation Pre-Alloyed W-Ni-Fe Ternary Powder and Densification and Spheroidization by RF Thermal plasmas
  Chen Lunjiang,Chen Wenbo,Dan Min,He Yanbin,Nie Junwei,Zhu Hailong,Tong Honghui and Jin Fanya
  Published October 24, 2023 (8 pages)
  2023,52(10):3563-3570 [Abstract(173)]  [View PDF 6.70 M (667)]
First principles study of the electrical, magnetic and optical properties of Ga1-XTiXSb (X= 0.25, 0.50, 0.75)
  Yao Yunmei,Xiao Qingquan,Fu Shasha,Zou Mengzhen,Tang Huazhu,Zhang Ruiliang and Xie Quan
  Published October 24, 2023 (10 pages)
  2023,52(10):3571-3580 [Abstract(158)]  [View PDF 1.52 M (741)]
Effect of Bending Deformation and Heat Treatment on Grain Boundary Characteristic Distribution and Corrosion Behavior for Pure Nickel N6 Weld
  Chai Tingxi,Xu Hongtong,Yan Liqin,Yu Youjun and Wang Zhiquan
  Published October 24, 2023 (10 pages)
  2023,52(10):3590-3599 [Abstract(155)]  [View PDF 20.96 M (935)]
Tensile creep properties and damage mechanisms of W-4Re-0.27HfC alloy at 1500~1700 ℃
  Wang Chenrui,Dong Di,Ying Wenqing,Zhang Chao,Wang Chengyang,Li Mei,Sun Shangyue and Zhang Chengyu
  Published October 24, 2023 (8 pages)
  2023,52(10):3600-3607 [Abstract(188)]  [View PDF 1.44 M (803)]
Improvement of Pd dispersion and purification performance of NGVs exhaust on Pd/CeCoOx catalyst
  Li Zhujuan,Yang Jiahao,Cheng Cheng,Ruan Le,Tang Fushun and Zhang Zhe
  Published October 24, 2023 (9 pages)
  2023,52(10):3608-3616 [Abstract(193)]  [View PDF 1.01 M (775)]


Research and Development in Superalloy Composites by Laser Additive Manufacturing
  renqingguo,yaozhihao,dongjianxin and yexianwen
  Published October 24, 2023 (13 pages)
  2023,52(10):3617-3629 [Abstract(272)]  [View PDF 15.83 M (916)]
Review of low thermal strain magnesium alloys
  Kong Lingfei,Huang Xuqiang,Zhou Huimin,Sun Hao,Gao Fei,Liu Haifeng,Magdalena Bieda-Niemiec and Tie Di
  Published October 24, 2023 (7 pages)
  2023,52(10):3640-3646 [Abstract(231)]  [View PDF 1.94 M (855)]
Intelligent oil/water separation materials with reversible wettability
  Gao Yabo,Huang Zhong,Jia Quanli,Zhang Haijun and Zhang Shaowei
  Published October 24, 2023 (14 pages)
  2023,52(10):3647-3660 [Abstract(206)]  [View PDF 52.26 M (873)]
Challenges and Solutions to the Application of Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Alloy Coolant
  He Mingyu,Kang Hongjun,Lu Songtao,Yao Zhongping,Qin Wei and Wu Xiaohong
  Published October 24, 2023 (12 pages)
  2023,52(10):3661-3672 [Abstract(204)]  [View PDF 988.02 K (742)]


Preparation and Gas-Sensing Properties of g-C3N4-Cd2SnO4 Composites
  Chu Xiangfeng,Liu Xingxing,Bu Xin,Bao Sijie and Wang Chunshui
  Published October 24, 2023 (7 pages)
  2023,52(10):3673-3679 [Abstract(177)]  [View PDF 1.32 M (676)]
Influence of Cu on the Magnetic Properties of La0.7Ce0.3Fe11.54-xCuxMn0.16Si1.3 Alloy and its Hydride
  CHENG Juan,GUO Yaru,LI Zhaojie,GAO Lei,WANG Pengyu and LIU Cuilan
  Published October 24, 2023 (5 pages)
  2023,52(10):3680-3684 [Abstract(161)]  [View PDF 1.19 M (719)]