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Volume 53,Issue 2,2024 Table of ContentsDownload Contents

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High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Pure Ti TIG Welded Joint
  Han Lihong,Yang Shangyu,Wang Jianjun,Luo Sheji,Li Dan and Liu Ming
  Published February 23, 2024 (7 pages)
  2024,53(2):350-356 [Abstract(311)]  [View PDF 2.73 M (667)]
Effect of Heat Treatment Duration on Corrosion Perfor-mance of Electron Beam Manufactured Ti6Al4V Alloy
  Huang Junyuan and Zhang Wei
  Published February 23, 2024 (8 pages)
  2024,53(2):357-364 [Abstract(233)]  [View PDF 2.80 M (582)]
Effect of Heat Treatment Process on Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Ti555211 Titanium Alloy
  Gao Yushe,Xue Xiangyi,Liu Xianghong,Gao Huixian,Wang Jianguo and Du Yuxuan
  Published February 23, 2024 (6 pages)
  2024,53(2):371-376 [Abstract(209)]  [View PDF 2.37 M (594)]
Effect of γ/α 2 Phase Interface on Supersonic Fine Particle Bombardment of TiAl Alloy by Molecular Dynamics Simulation
  Cao Hui,Wang Jingqi,Zhou Baocheng,Yu Zhaoliang,Yang Wenle,Li Haiyan,Liu Jianhui and Feng Ruicheng
  Published February 23, 2024 (13 pages)
  2024,53(2):396-408 [Abstract(159)]  [View PDF 4.79 M (617)]
Dynamic constitutive behavior of ultrafine-grained pure titanium based on modified J-C and BP artificial neural network model
  Liu Xiaoyan,Li Shuaikang and Yang Xirong
  Published February 23, 2024 (8 pages)
  2024,53(2):409-416 [Abstract(164)]  [View PDF 1.16 M (491)]
Study on high power fiber Laser welding technology of TA5 titanium
  Lei Xiaowei,Liu Jia,Yu Wei,Chen Liyang and Ma Zhaowei
  Published February 23, 2024 (7 pages)
  2024,53(2):417-423 [Abstract(177)]  [View PDF 13.89 M (690)]
Anisotropy of Rotating Bending Fatigue Properties of α+β Titanium Alloy
  Chen Song,Hunag Sensen,Ma Yingjie,Yang Jie,Wang Qian,Liang Yu,Lei Jiafeng and Yang Rui
  Published February 23, 2024 (14 pages)
  2024,53(2):435-448 [Abstract(188)]  [View PDF 59.11 M (605)]
Influence of Microstructures on High Cycle Fatigue Properties ofTB17 Titanium Alloy
  Shang Guoqiang,Zhang Xiaoyong,Wang Xinnan,Li Chao,Gan Xueping,Zhu Zhishou and Zhou Kechao
  Published February 23, 2024 (8 pages)
  2024,53(2):529-536 [Abstract(197)]  [View PDF 1.14 M (596)]


Preparation of Ultrafine Nanosized Tungsten Carbide by Hydrothermal Synthesis of Tungsten Precursor, Carbother-mic Reduction, and Carburization
  Li Jiangtao,Luo Yongjin,Su Zhun,Zhao Zhongwei,Chen Ailiang,Liu Xuheng,He Lihua,Sun Fenglong and Chen Xingyu
  Published February 23, 2024 (9 pages)
  2024,53(2):321-329 [Abstract(144)]  [View PDF 2.59 M (512)]
Effect of Pulsed Magnetic Field Strength on Mechanical and Micro-motion Wear Properties of GH99 Nickel-Based Alloy
  Zhou Anyang,Huang Yanfei,Guo Weiling,Xing Zhiguo,Wang Haidou,Wang Zhiyuan and Zhang Yanfang
  Published February 23, 2024 (15 pages)
  2024,53(2):330-344 [Abstract(108)]  [View PDF 3.17 M (571)]
Magnetic Property Tunability of Amorphous SmCo Thin Films by Mechanical Strain Supplied by Flexible Substrates
  Liang Wenhui,Wang Yutong,Su Jian,Zhang Ming,Hu Fengxia,Zhang Jian,Liu Yanli,Ren Hanyang,Wang Jing and Shen Baogen
  Published February 23, 2024 (5 pages)
  2024,53(2):345-349 [Abstract(67)]  [View PDF 1.20 M (570)]
Microstructure and Properties of Soldered Joints of Cu/Ni- Coated Sintered-NdFeB Permanent Magnets and DP1180 Steel
  Su Jinlong,Luo Cui,Ruan Ye,Qiu Xiaoming and Xing Fei
  Published February 23, 2024 (6 pages)
  2024,53(2):365-370 [Abstract(96)]  [View PDF 1.75 M (467)]
Ultra-precision Surface Polishing of Gallium Arsenide Wafer Using Magnetic Compound Fluid Slurry
  Wang Youliang,Liang Bo and Zhang Wenjuan
  Published February 23, 2024 (9 pages)
  2024,53(2):377-385 [Abstract(114)]  [View PDF 3.41 M (538)]
Temperature Field Simulation and Experiment of Sliding-Pressure Additive Manufacturing Based on Joule Heat
  Li Suli,Xiong Jie,Gao Zhuang,Ma Kaiyue,Lv Jiawen,Gao Yang,Yang Laixia and Lu Bingheng
  Published February 23, 2024 (10 pages)
  2024,53(2):386-395 [Abstract(156)]  [View PDF 2.48 M (495)]
Effect of Deformation on the Microstructure and Properties of Semi-solid CuSn10 Alloys
  Wen Ke,Li Yongkun,Zhou Rongfeng,Yin Xinhua,Xiong Wentao,Liu Chengxiang and Zhang Yazhen
  Published February 23, 2024 (11 pages)
  2024,53(2):424-434 [Abstract(168)]  [View PDF 659.22 M (715)]
Preparation and characterization of TiB2 coating by molten salt electrodeposition
  Guo Buju,Xue Zhengduo,Zhang Yuankun,Niu Ziru,Liu Aimin,Li Song,Lei Yizhu and Shi Zhongning
  Published February 23, 2024 (8 pages)
  2024,53(2):449-456 [Abstract(127)]  [View PDF 1.45 M (636)]
Influence of pre-annealing temperature on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of semi-solid copper alloy billet
  Sun Zhen,Cui Yun Xin,Zhang Xiong Chao,Zhou Yu Hang,Chen Hao and Xiao Han
  Published February 23, 2024 (8 pages)
  2024,53(2):457-464 [Abstract(143)]  [View PDF 1.37 M (602)]
The secondary electron emission characteristics of molybdenum
  Zhang Yuting,Yang Jing,Yang Zhaolun,Miao Guanghui,Zhang Na and Cui Wanzhao
  Published February 23, 2024 (9 pages)
  2024,53(2):465-473 [Abstract(260)]  [View PDF 5.22 M (654)]
Analysis of Residual Stress and Fatigue Performance of Al-Li Alloy Riveted Panel
  DING Kun-ying,YANG Yi-fei,ZHANG Tao and GUO Wan-sen
  Published February 23, 2024 (9 pages)
  2024,53(2):474-482 [Abstract(136)]  [View PDF 14.51 M (606)]
Preparation and electrochemical properties of soot doped lead-based composite anodes
  zhang chenpei,yang changjiang,Zhao Lvxing,Li Can,Li Qikun and Chang Jun
  Published February 23, 2024 (7 pages)
  2024,53(2):483-489 [Abstract(103)]  [View PDF 1.03 M (532)]
Numerical Simulation on Stress Field of Selective Laser Melting Tungsten
  zhou muhua and zhao congcong
  Published February 23, 2024 (11 pages)
  2024,53(2):490-500 [Abstract(158)]  [View PDF 1.13 M (544)]
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of SP2215 Austenitic Heat-resistant Steel Tube after Aging at 650 ℃
  Jin Xiaokun,Zhang Shichao,Du Jinfeng,Liang Jun,Song Jianxin and Zhang Zheng
  Published February 23, 2024 (8 pages)
  2024,53(2):501-508 [Abstract(149)]  [View PDF 32.13 M (536)]
High temperature oxidation resistance and degradation mechanism of Al-Si coatings on a nickel-based superalloy at 1000 °C
  MA Dezheng,FAN Qixiang,WANG Tiegang,ZHANG Chao and GONG Jun
  Published February 23, 2024 (11 pages)
  2024,53(2):509-519 [Abstract(166)]  [View PDF 45.50 M (509)]
Effect of T6 heat treatment on the microstructure and properties of Ti@(Al-Si-Ti)p/A356Al composites fabricated via powder thixoforming
  zhang zhi guo,chen ti jun,zhang xue zheng and wang yan ming
  Published February 23, 2024 (9 pages)
  2024,53(2):520-528 [Abstract(117)]  [View PDF 21.35 M (681)]
Research On Gd Environment Friendly Ray Flexible Comprehensive Shield
  Wang Boyu,Guo Xiaolin,Yuan Lin,Li Tianlai,Qiu Tianyi,Fang Qinglong,Wang Xiaojuan,Wang Qi and Liu Yang
  Published February 23, 2024 (9 pages)
  2024,53(2):537-545 [Abstract(86)]  [View PDF 1.16 M (483)]
The Study for Synthesis of Different Morphologies Au Nanoparticles and Aappliction
  ZHANG Qiang, WU Rui, LIU Cunfang, ZHANG Hairan, GUO Xiaohua, WANG Junhong
  Published February 23, 2024 (9 pages)
  2024,53(2):546-554 [Abstract(217)]  [View PDF 9.32 M (661)]
Microstructure and superconducting properties of 7-filament Ba1-xKxFe2As2 composite conductors
  Nong Xiaoyao,Wang Zhihan,Chen Wenwu,Li Jianwei,Yang Luan,Jin Hao,Lin He and Pan Xifeng
  Published February 23, 2024 (8 pages)
  2024,53(2):555-562 [Abstract(114)]  [View PDF 14.30 M (558)]
Effect of medium temperature deformation heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical behaviour of a novel Ni-based superalloy
  zhenbing,kongweijun,Yubi GAO,wangxingmao and dingyutian
  Published February 23, 2024 (9 pages)
  2024,53(2):563-571 [Abstract(145)]  [View PDF 86.24 M (627)]


Effects of microdefects on the corrosion behavior of uranium materials
  董豪鹏,Cai Dingzhou,Su Bin and Liu Kezhao
  Published February 23, 2024 (9 pages)
  2024,53(2):572-580 [Abstract(151)]  [View PDF 13.12 M (596)]
Research Progress on the Magnetocaloric Effect of Mn-Fe-P-Si Alloys
  Luo Lin,Shen Hongxian,Zhang Lunyong,Jiang Sida and Sun Jianfei
  Published February 23, 2024 (12 pages)
  2024,53(2):581-592 [Abstract(149)]  [View PDF 21.29 M (619)]
Research Progress in Laser Repair of Single Crystal Blades
  Zhang Jian,Guo Yuanyuan,Zhang Mai,Ye Xinyue,Liu Yi,Liu Yu and Hou Juan
  Published February 23, 2024 (10 pages)
  2024,53(2):593-602 [Abstract(145)]  [View PDF 14.78 M (548)]
Research Progress on Damage Behavior of Molybdenum Metal by Ion Irradiation
  ZHANG Xiangyang,HU Ping,XING Hairui,HE Chaojun,YANG fan,ZHANG Wen,DANG Xiaoming and WANG Kuaishe
  Published February 23, 2024 (14 pages)
  2024,53(2):603-616 [Abstract(178)]  [View PDF 1.48 M (622)]