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Volume 48,Issue 3,2019 Table of ContentsDownload Contents

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Wettability of TiZrNiCu-B/Ti60 system and its brazing to TiBw-TC4 composite
  S. P. Hu,Z. B. Chen,Y. Z. Lei,X. G. Song,J. R. Kang,J. Cao and D. Y. Tang
  2019,48(3):701-710 [Abstract(1366)]  [View PDF]
Effect of Vibration on Remanufacturing Microstructure of FV520B Stainless Steel by MAG Surfacing Deposition Technology
  liu jian,zhu sheng,cai zhihai and zhang ping
  2019,48(3):728-738 [Abstract(1048)]  [View PDF]
The mechanism of crack initiation of dissimilar joints between 2219 aluminum alloy and 5A06 aluminum alloy
  Chen Chao,Lin Sanbao,Fan Chenglei,Yang Chunli and Li Qingqing
  2019,48(3):775-781 [Abstract(1102)]  [View PDF]
Low-cycle fatigue properties of friction stir welded joint of AZ31 magnesium alloy
  Ke Qiao,Kuaishe Wang,Wen Wang,Tianqi Li and Qiang Wang
  2019,48(3):788-796 [Abstract(1073)]  [View PDF]
Study on crack propagation law of hole in aluminum alloy friction stir welding joint
  Hu Zhili,Li Jin,Wan Xinyong and Pang Qiu
  2019,48(3):892-897 [Abstract(902)]  [View PDF]
Research on process and performance of Cu/W dissimilar Metal welded by A-TIG arc spot welding
  2019,48(3):947-952 [Abstract(874)]  [View PDF]


Initial application exploration of modified nanoporous copper in supercapacitors
  Wang Ying,Wang Peng and Song WenXue
  2019,48(3):1022-1028 [Abstract(1007)]  [View PDF]


Numerical Simulation of Electron Beam Melting Vanadium Alloys by Finite Element Method
  Su Bin,Chen Daoming,Wang Zhenhong,Ma Rong,Li Yufei and Xia Shengquan
  2019,48(3):711-715 [Abstract(1263)]  [View PDF]
A coupled DIC/EBSD analysis of the microstructure evolution and strain localization during bending in Al-Li alloy
  jinxiao,Zhang Guodong,ZhaoYanfeng,LiuWenbo and Xue Fei
  2019,48(3):716-720 [Abstract(1328)]  [View PDF]
TTT and TTP diagrams for quench sensitivity of Al-9.0Zn-2.5Mg-1.5Cu-0.15Zr-0.2Sc alloy
  Dai Xiaoyuan,Xiong Chaoyu,Li Ni and Luo Yibing
  2019,48(3):721-727 [Abstract(1010)]  [View PDF]
Effect of hydrostatic pressure on fiber orientation and deformation for Csf/AZ91D composite in thixo-extrusion
  Su Lizheng,Qi Lehua,Wang Xinya and Wang Kejun
  2019,48(3):739-743 [Abstract(1029)]  [View PDF]
Indentation size effects and strain hardening of glassy Cu29Zr32Ti15Al5Ni19 during nanoindentation
  Jin-Hong Pi,Ya-Nan Yan,Rong-Xiang Wang and Ji-Li Wu
  2019,48(3):744-750 [Abstract(1155)]  [View PDF]
Toughening Mechanisms and Interfacial Bonding of W-ZrC Composites
  Peng-fei Li,Jing-lian Fan,Yong Han,Man Zhang and Jia-min Tian
  2019,48(3):751-757 [Abstract(1100)]  [View PDF]
Thermal ductility and hot cracking for 70mm thick forge and rolling plate of nickel alloy 690
  jiangyunlu,chen huaining,wu changzhong and chi yunfei
  2019,48(3):758-764 [Abstract(946)]  [View PDF]
Effects of Sn on the Microstructure and Mechanical properties of as-cast AZ80 alloys
  Zhou Jixue,Ma Baichang,Wang Jinwei,Liu Yunteng,Zhao Dongqing,Tang Shouqiu and Yang Yuansheng
  2019,48(3):765-769 [Abstract(1090)]  [View PDF]
The influence of pre aging on microstructure and mechanical properties of coarse grained β titanium alloy
  Du Zhaoxin,Liu Guolong,Liu Fei,Cheng Jun,Chen Yanfei,Chen Yun,Huang Dongnan and Liu Huimin
  2019,48(3):770-774 [Abstract(1016)]  [View PDF]
Fabrication of tungsten–tin alloy powder and consolidate it by explosive consolidation
  Xiaojie Li,Xiang Chen,Kebin Li,Honghao Yan and Xiaohong Wang
  2019,48(3):782-787 [Abstract(1049)]  [View PDF]
The interface design and wave absorbing properties of FeCuNbSiB amorphous alloy strips/Epoxy resin composites
  Zhou Jia,Zhu Zhenghou and Zhao Hui
  2019,48(3):797-802 [Abstract(1096)]  [View PDF]
Mechanical Properties and Constitutive Model of Silica-based Ceramic Core for Directional Solidification of Single Crystal Superalloy
  Zilin Xu,Jiangwei Zhong,Xianglin Su,Qingyan Xu and Baicheng Liu
  2019,48(3):803-809 [Abstract(1142)]  [View PDF]
Characteristic Temperatures and Thermodynamic Calculation of Ge4Se96 glass
  Zhenting Liu,Junfeng Xu,Yaling Wang,Zengyun Jian and Jiangnan Liu
  2019,48(3):810-814 [Abstract(1091)]  [View PDF]
Creep Behavior and Fracture of Ultra-Fine Grained Commercial Purity Zirconium at Ambient Temperature
  2019,48(3):815-819 [Abstract(1073)]  [View PDF]
Microstructure of Hot Isostatic Pressing Ti-6Al-4V Alloy after Hot Deformation
  Zhang Zhimin,Ren Luying,Xue Yong,Wu Yaojin,Wang Qiang,Xu Jian and Zhang Huifang
  2019,48(3):820-826 [Abstract(1195)]  [View PDF]
Research on Flow Behavior of TA32 Titanium Alloy at High Temperature and Constitutive Model
  Chen Can,Chen Minghe,Xie Lansheng and Gong Zonghui
  2019,48(3):827-834 [Abstract(1030)]  [View PDF]
The Experiment Confirmation of the Inverse Hall-Petch Effect in Al-TiB2 Nanocrytalline Films
  Shang Hailong,Ma Bingyang,Li Rongbin and Li Geyang
  2019,48(3):835-840 [Abstract(985)]  [View PDF]
The surface microstructure evolution analysis of TiAl alloy by laser shock peening
  LuYing,Lisongxia,Qiao hongchao,Qunan,Zhaojibin and hutaiyou
  2019,48(3):841-846 [Abstract(972)]  [View PDF]
Flow Stress Characteristics and Constitutive Relation of Ti2AlNb Alloy under High Strain Rate
  Han Guoqiang,Xie Lansheng,Chen Minghe,Si Songshe and Wu Ronghua
  2019,48(3):847-852 [Abstract(952)]  [View PDF]
In-situ SEM observations of tensile deformation behavior of in a newnear β titanium alloy—Ti555211 with lamellar structure
  An Zhen,Wang Chen,Ding Xv,Xie Hui,Mao Xiaonan,Zhang Pingxiang and Li Jinshan
  2019,48(3):853-858 [Abstract(921)]  [View PDF]
Numerical simulation of heating process of Molybdenum powder in radio frequency plasma spheroidization
  CHEN Wen-bo,CHEN Lun-jiang,Liu Chuan-dong,CHENG Chang-ming and TONG Hong-hui
  2019,48(3):859-864 [Abstract(939)]  [View PDF]
Microstructure Evolution of Long-Term Aged 617B Ni-based Superalloy
  2019,48(3):865-872 [Abstract(1053)]  [View PDF]
Electrodeposition of Iron Nanocrystals from Deep Eutectic Solvents: Effects of Overpotential and Hydrogen Bond Donor on Morphology
  Wei Lu,Mao Yujie,Zhao Xinsheng,Wei Yongsheng and Li Jianwei
  2019,48(3):873-878 [Abstract(937)]  [View PDF]
The Ordering Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Al3Sc-based Intermetallics with L12 Structure from First-principles Calculations
  Zhou Zeyou,Wu Bo,Zheng Xiaoqing,Hu Kangming,Chen Kailu,Chen Chaoyang,chentong and huangweilin
  2019,48(3):879-884 [Abstract(868)]  [View PDF]
Effects of silicon on the oxidation behavior of Hastelloy N superalloy at 850℃
  Guo Weijie,Li Jianshu,Lu Yanling,Zhang Jixiang and Zhou Xingtai
  2019,48(3):885-891 [Abstract(917)]  [View PDF]
Measurement of magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials at low temperature
  Tianlong Wang,Qingquan Qiu,Liwei Jing,M.C.Ri and Dawei Ding
  2019,48(3):898-904 [Abstract(1025)]  [View PDF]
Corrosion behavior of metallic cerium in excess deuterium
  yexiaoqiu,wangwei,zhufei,mace,wujiliang,huangyu,xiaoyao and chenchangan
  2019,48(3):905-909 [Abstract(861)]  [View PDF]


Effect of transition layers on Microstructure and properties of TC4/TC11 interface fabricated by laser deposition
  He Bo,Liu Jie and Yang Guang
  2019,48(3):910-915 [Abstract(944)]  [View PDF]
Study on preparation and properties of TiN nanocrystalline films based on pulse width parameter
  Qiao Yongpeng,Jiang Bailing,Ding Yuhang and Zhang Jing
  2019,48(3):916-922 [Abstract(869)]  [View PDF]
Study on the Diffusion Behavior of Ti/Ni Multilayer Composites
  zhangzhijuan,zhangbing,shangxiaodi and wangqiuyu
  2019,48(3):923-930 [Abstract(1095)]  [View PDF]
Rapid preparation and electrical transport properties of compound FeTe<sub>2</sub>
  Qin Bingke,Ji Yonghua,Su Taichao,Bai Zhiling,Huang Run and Zhang Jinzhu
  2019,48(3):931-935 [Abstract(920)]  [View PDF]
Preparation and Characterization of Cu-Nb-C-Nb Micro-composites wires
  WANG Peng-fei,ZHANG Ping-xiang,LIANG Ming,JIN Li-hua,XU Xiao-yan and LI Cheng-shan
  2019,48(3):936-940 [Abstract(890)]  [View PDF]
Effect of Extra Lithium Amount on the Structure and Electrochemical Properties of Li-rich Manganese-based Cathode Material of Li1.2xNi0.1Co0.2Mn0.5O2
  Wang Zhengrong and Zhang Hailang
  2019,48(3):941-946 [Abstract(1007)]  [View PDF]
Research on Conductivity and Arc Erosion Test of MoW Coating
  YAN Tao,LIU Gui-min,ZHU Shuo and DU Lin-fei
  2019,48(3):953-959 [Abstract(860)]  [View PDF]
High Temperature Oxidation Behaviors of Two Cast Ni-based Superalloys
  Gao Shuang,Hou Jieshan,Yang Fei,Wang Changshuai and Zhou Lanzhang
  2019,48(3):960-966 [Abstract(1020)]  [View PDF]
Hydrothermal Electrochemical Deposition Synthesis of Co9S8 Film Electrode
  Chen Jie,Zhang Jia,Xiong Xinbo,Ma Jun,Zeng Xierong,Li Junqing,Tang Jiaoning,Qian Haixia and Li Yayun
  2019,48(3):967-972 [Abstract(965)]  [View PDF]
Research on the Powder Characteristics and Selective Laser Melting Forming Properties of CoCrMoW Alloy
  2019,48(3):973-980 [Abstract(942)]  [View PDF]
Research on Synthesis of ultrafine Carbon-encapsulated Iron by Gaseous Detonation Method
  Pan Xuncen,Li Xueqi,Li Xiaojie,Wang Xiaohong,Yan Honghao and Wang Yuxin
  2019,48(3):981-986 [Abstract(975)]  [View PDF]
Synergistic effect of Au and Ge on sulfide resistance of silver-based alloy targets
  Zhang Desheng,Zhang Qin and Yang Hongying
  2019,48(3):987-993 [Abstract(903)]  [View PDF]
The Effect of Ethyl Cellulose and Polyamide Wax in Ag paste as Electrodes in Silicon Solar Cells
  molibin,zhao lei,zhou chunlan,zhang yuyang and wang wenjing
  2019,48(3):994-1000 [Abstract(1016)]  [View PDF]
Effects of rapid solidification on the microstructural evolution, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of Mg-4Al-2Zn alloys with various Y addition
  Li Qizhi,Yu Hui,Wang Zhifeng,Wang Yuechen,Meng Shuaiju,Xiao Haitao and Zhao Weimin
  2019,48(3):1001-1007 [Abstract(920)]  [View PDF]
Influences of Melt Stirring Treatment on Modification effect of Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloys Modified by Cu-P Alloy
  Chen Shuying,Ma shengnan,Yue Xudong,Qingchun Li and Chang Guowei
  2019,48(3):1008-1014 [Abstract(849)]  [View PDF]
Effect of Nd2O3 on Microstructure and Oxidation Behavior of TaCr2 alloys
  Yao Jing,Lu Shiqiang,Xiao Xuan,Li Guifa,Deng Liping and Chen Dezhi
  2019,48(3):1015-1021 [Abstract(787)]  [View PDF]