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Volume ,Issue 5,1994 Table of Contents

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Methods for the Determination of the Trace Impurities in High Purity Tungsten by Chemical Spectrometry
  Yu Guohua, Chen Jue
  1994(5) [Abstract(1122)]  [View PDF]
Titanium and Modernizition Life
  Jin Ziyi
  1994(5) [Abstract(1130)]  [View PDF]
  1994(5) [Abstract(1124)]  [View PDF]
  1994(5) [Abstract(1092)]  [View PDF]
  1994(5) [Abstract(954)]  [View PDF]
The Effect of Nitrogen Partial Pressure on the Properties of Titanium Nitride Coating by Using Ion Plating Process
  Jiao Wenqiang, Xiao Guozhen, Huaug Chunliang, Yang ZijunNorthwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research,Baoji 721014)
  1994(5) [Abstract(1425)]  [View PDF]
Hydrogen-Absorbing Electrodes of Ti-Ni
  Wang Chunsheng, Lei Yongquan, Pan Hongge, Wu Jin and Wang Qidong
  1994(5) [Abstract(1128)]  [View PDF]
  Li Xiangyang, Lin Jianguo, Huaug Zheng and Chen Changqi
  1994(5) [Abstract(1173)]  [View PDF]
A Further Study for the Theory of Solid Solubilities on the Binary Transition Metals Based Alloys
  Liao Shuzhi, Zhang Bang wei, Ouyang Yifang
  1994(5) [Abstract(1324)]  [View PDF]
Strengthening Mechanisms of 2091 Aluminium-Lithium Alloys
  Shen Jian, Zhang Siqi, Zhang Xinming, Lu Bin
  1994(5) [Abstract(1178)]  [View PDF]
Investigation on the Behavior of Trace Silicon in W-7Ni-3Fe Heavy Alloy
  Ge Rongde
  1994(5) [Abstract(1299)]  [View PDF]
Chemical Synthesis of YTi(Fe_(1-x)Co_x)_(11) and its Structure and Magnetic Properties
  Shi Qiming
  1994(5) [Abstract(1249)]  [View PDF]
Effect of La and Y on Hydrogenolysis of Blue W O xide
  Yang Yang
  1994(5) [Abstract(1085)]  [View PDF]
The Effects of W on the A.C.Magnetic Properties of Fe-Si-B Amorphous Alloys
  Wang Lingling, Hu Wangyu, Wu Lijun, Lin Rangsu
  1994(5) [Abstract(1123)]  [View PDF]
  王春生 雷永泉
  1994(5):1-8 [Abstract(1042)]  [View PDF]
Recent Developments in Sm_2Fe_(17)N_x Magnetic Material
  Xi Shengqi, Zhou Jingen, Wang Xiaotian
  1994(5):14-18 [Abstract(1253)]  [View PDF]
Features of the Solidified Microstructure of PREP TiAl Base Alloy Powders
  Cai Xuezhang
  1994(5):41-47 [Abstract(1271)]  [View PDF]