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Volume ,Issue 5,1999 Table of Contents

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Microstructures of Multiphase Al3Ti-8Mn-Based Alloys
  1999(5) [Abstract(1099)]  [View PDF]
  1999(5) [Abstract(1066)]  [View PDF]
  1999(5) [Abstract(1229)]  [View PDF]
  1999(5) [Abstract(1081)]  [View PDF]
Spectrophotometric Determination of Ruthenium in Pd-Ru Alloys
  Chen Xueyuan, Niu Jinlong
  1999(5) [Abstract(1130)]  [View PDF]
The Warm Deformation Treatments for Improving the Resistance of High Strength Steel Wires to Low Cycle Fatigue and Room Temperature Creep
  Zhao Zhenbo, Liu Cheng, Derek O, Northwood
  1999(5) [Abstract(1235)]  [View PDF]
Strength Estimation of a Ti Alloy Matrix Composite Reinforced by TiC Particles
  Zhang Tingjie, Zheng Quanpu, Mao Xiaonan, Zhang Xiamin
  1999(5):265-268 [Abstract(1308)]  [View PDF]
Rolling and Recrystallization Textures in a Ni Substrate with High Reduction for YBCO Films
  Liu Chunfang, Wu Xuan, Wang Feiyun, Yang Zhijun, Feng Yong, Zhang Pingxiang, Wu Xiaozu, Zhou Lian
  1999(5):269-272 [Abstract(1480)]  [View PDF]
Lithium Purification of Industrially Pure Copper
  Chen Jiazhao, Zhou Xiuli, Zhu Dachuan, Li Ning, Tu Minjing
  1999(5):273-276 [Abstract(1140)]  [View PDF]
Microstructures of Multiphase Al_3Ti-8Mn-Based Alloys
  Shi Rong, Zhang Jinxu, Weng Xiaojun, Su Jian, Hu Gengxiang
  1999(5):277-280 [Abstract(1375)]  [View PDF]
Interface Reaction and Metallographic Observation of a Ti-30Ni Braze Welding Seam
  Yang Yongfu, Ai Jianling
  1999(5):281-284 [Abstract(1163)]  [View PDF]
  王爱华 聂继红
  1999(5):289-292 [Abstract(1304)]  [View PDF]
Microstructure and Multiple-Impact Response of the Transition Region Between a Laser-Clad Fe-Al Bronze Coating and Its Aluminum Alloy Substrate
  Wang Aihua, Xie Changsheng, Li Shudong
  1999(5):289 [Abstract(1342)]  [View PDF]
Quantitative Phase Analysis of an Aluminium-Lithium Alloy Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
  Zhang Mingang, Jin Zhihao
  1999(5):293-297 [Abstract(1235)]  [View PDF]
  1999(5):301 [Abstract(1187)]  [View PDF]
  Chen Lixin
  1999(5):302-304 [Abstract(1187)]  [View PDF]
Pt/Ti Bottom Electrodes of Ferroelectric Thin Films Fabricated by Electron Beam Evaporating and DC-Sputtering
  Song Zhitang,Zeng Jianming,Gao Jianxia,Zhang Miao,Ling Chenglu
  1999(5):305-309 [Abstract(1503)]  [View PDF]
  1999(5):309 [Abstract(997)]  [View PDF]
Influence of Magnetic Heat Treatment on the Properties of an AlNiCo Magnetic Steel
  Mao Zhonghan, Chen Jing, Bai Wenchao, Zhang Wei
  1999(5):310-312 [Abstract(1204)]  [View PDF]
Activated Sintering Process of a Tungsten Heavy Alloy
  Fan Jinglian,Qu Xuanhui,Huang Baiyun,Li Yimin
  1999(5):313-316 [Abstract(1258)]  [View PDF]
Conditiions for Producing Silicide in a Ti6242S Alloy
  Chen Weifeng,Shi Yufeng
  1999(5):323-325 [Abstract(1302)]  [View PDF]
Progress in Purifying Automotive Exhaust Gas with Catalysts
  Liu Fengsheng, Shi Wenfang, Gong Weiguo
  1999(5):326-329 [Abstract(1412)]  [View PDF]
  陈学源 牛金龙
  1999(5):330-332 [Abstract(1166)]  [View PDF]
Oxalic Acid Gravimetric Determination of Neodymium in Al-Nd-Ti Alloys
  An Baolan, Li Bo, Zhang Guorui
  1999(5):333-335 [Abstract(1221)]  [View PDF]