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Volume ,Issue 5,2001 Table of Contents

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  2001(5) [Abstract(1010)]  [View PDF]
  2001(5) [Abstract(952)]  [View PDF]
  2001(5) [Abstract(1058)]  [View PDF]
Current Status and Prospects of Bulge Experiments for Thin Film Behavior Testing
  Ren Fengzhang,Ju Xinhua,Zhou Genshu,Hu Zhizhong,Zhao Wenzhen,Zheng Maosheng
  2001(5):321-325 [Abstract(1340)]  [View PDF]
The Stable Configurations of Vacancy Clusters and Their Effect on Neighboring Vacancy Migration Behavior in TiA1
  Wang Tianmin 1,Wang Wenjun 2,Zhang Hongtao 1,Wang Baoyi 3
  2001(5):326-330 [Abstract(1335)]  [View PDF]
Effect and Phenomenological Theory of Electric Field Treatment on Grain Boundary Strengthening
  Chen Zheng,Liu Bing,Wang Yongxin,Wei Qilong
  2001(5):331-334 [Abstract(1143)]  [View PDF]
Evolution of Fine Grained Structure in 7075 Aluminum Alloy during Hot Forging and Annealing
  Zhang Tingjie. Zhang Xiaoming,Tian Feng,Li Zongkui,Yin Jingou
  2001(5):335-338 [Abstract(1308)]  [View PDF]
Microstructure of Cu/Mo/Cu Explosive Clad Interface
  Yang Yang,Li Zhenghua,Cheng Xinlin,Zhu Xiaobei,Pei Darong,Gao Wenzhu
  2001(5):339-341 [Abstract(1214)]  [View PDF]
The Strengthening Contribution of
  Zhao Zhilong,Liu Lin,Chen Zheng
  2001(5):342-345 [Abstract(1189)]  [View PDF]
  Gan Guoyou,Sun Jialin,Chen Jingchao,Chen Yongchong,Yan Jikang
  2001(5):346-348 [Abstract(1328)]  [View PDF]
Co(Al,Ti)/Co Multi-Phase Alloys in the Co-Al-Ti System
  Wang Lijun,Gu Yijie,Zhang Yonggang,Chen Changqi
  2001(5):349-352 [Abstract(1281)]  [View PDF]
Performance of Ti-Mn Multicomponent Alloy and Hydride Air Conditioner with Composite Hydride Beds Used for Auto
  Wang Xinhua,Li Shouquan,Chen Lixin,Ge Hongwei,Yin Tiao,Chen Changpin
  2001(5):353-356 [Abstract(1212)]  [View PDF]
Study of Mechanical Properties of Diamond-like Carbon Coatings for Bio-medical Applications
  Huang Liye 1,2,Xu Kewei 1,LU Jian 2,Yang Shengrong3,Liu Weimin 3
  2001(5):357-360 [Abstract(1307)]  [View PDF]
Interaction between the Twins and the Anti-Phase Boundaries in Massive Transformation for
  Shi Jingyu 1,2,Zhang Yonggang 1,Gao Min 2,Duan Xiaofeng 2
  2001(5):361-364 [Abstract(1334)]  [View PDF]
Investigation on the Shot Peening of Commercial Pure-Titanium
  Zhang Jianbin 1,Ma Qin 1,Fan Ding 1,Zhou Qi 1,Wang Jingyi 2
  2001(5):365-368 [Abstract(1405)]  [View PDF]
Distortion Contrl of Heavy Alloys for P/M
  Fan Jinglian,Huang Baiyun,Qu Xuanhui
  2001(5):369-371 [Abstract(1261)]  [View PDF]
Mechanical Property and Fracture Behavior of the TiNb/Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb Composite
  Zhang Quancheng 1,He Guiyu 2,Wu Jiansheng 1,Zhang Taixian 3,Cai Xuezhang 3
  2001(5):372-375 [Abstract(1423)]  [View PDF]
Corrosion of Pure Ni and Two Ni-Based Alloys in Presence of
  Li Yuanshi 1,2,Wang Fugang 1,Niu Yan 2,Wu Weitao 2
  2001(5):376-379 [Abstract(1291)]  [View PDF]
Effects of Electrode Manufacture on Electrochemical Properties for Hydrogen Storage Alloys
  Guo Shengwu,Cheng Yu,Liu Yongning
  2001(5):380-383 [Abstract(1386)]  [View PDF]
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of the Layered Compound of
  Zhang Rui 1,2,Hu Yuan 1,Song Lei 1,2,Zhu Yurui 2,Fan Weicheng 1,Chen Zuyao 2
  2001(5):384-387 [Abstract(1588)]  [View PDF]
Effects of Post Heat-treatment of Electroplating on Plating Adhesion for TC4 Titanium Alloys
  Xia Yixiang,Li Di
  2001(5):388-391 [Abstract(1344)]  [View PDF]
Advances in the Reserach of Surface Pretreatment of Cemented Carbide Substrate for Diamond Coationg
  Liu Sha 1,Yi Danqin 1,Yu Zhiming,Lu Bin 1,Wang Jianhua 1,Li Yongxia 2,Zou Dan 2
  2001(5):392-395 [Abstract(1234)]  [View PDF]
Development of the Low-temperature Sintered Aids for AlN Ceramics
  Zheng Rui,Xi Shengqi,Zhou Jinen
  2001(5):396-399 [Abstract(1382)]  [View PDF]