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Volume 36,Issue 5,2007 Table of Contents

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Ti-Based Alloys of Bulk Metallic Glasses and Nanostructure
  He Guo
  2007,36(5):753-758 [Abstract(1340)]  [View PDF]
Luminescence Performance of Novel Sr2CeO4:RE3+(RE=Eu,Sm,Dy)Phosphors with Tunable Emission Colors
  He Xianghong, Zhou Jian, Lian Ning
  2007,36(5):759-763 [Abstract(1588)]  [View PDF]
Crack Forming and Propagation Mechanisms Tension of TiC/Ti Composites during Dynamic
  Jin Yunxue, Li Jungang
  2007,36(5):764-768 [Abstract(1185)]  [View PDF]
Effect of Ultra-Deformation on the Microstructures of Titanium Alloy Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Composites
  Xi Yulin, Chai Donglang, Wang Yaowei
  2007,36(5):769-773 [Abstract(1194)]  [View PDF]
Effects of Heat Input on Laser Welding Residual Stress and Distortion of TC4 Titanium Alloy
  He Xiaodong, Zhang Jianxun, Pei Yi, Gong Shuili
  2007,36(5):774-777 [Abstract(1492)]  [View PDF]
Fretting Wear Characteristics of Titanium Alloy in Seawater
  Ding Hongyan, Dai Zhendong
  2007,36(5):778-781 [Abstract(1400)]  [View PDF]
Relationship between Nano-lndentation Properties and Microstructures of Ti-Mo-Zr-Fe Alloy
  Huang Lijun, Huang Xu, Cao Chunxiao
  2007,36(5):782-785 [Abstract(1484)]  [View PDF]
Effect of Cooling Rate on the Microstructure and Properties of TA15 ELI Alloy
  Li Shikai, Hui Songxiao, Ye Wenjun, Yu Yang, Xiong Baiqing
  2007,36(5):786-789 [Abstract(1203)]  [View PDF]
Microstructure and Hydrogen Storage Properties of La1.8Ca0.2Mg14Ni3+x%Ti Composites
  Xiao Xuezhang,Wang Xinhua,Chen Lixin,Li Shouquan,Tang Ying,Chen Changpin
  2007,36(5):790-793 [Abstract(1361)]  [View PDF]
  冯尚龙 吴铸 余学斌 陈朝阳 陈开路 陈彤 李巨峰
  2007,36(5):794-798 [Abstract(1340)]  [View PDF]
Structure and Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption Properties of (V30Ti35Cr25Fe10)97.5Si2.5 Alloy
  Yan Yigang, Chen Yungui, Zhou Xiaoxiao, Liang Hao
  2007,36(5):799-802 [Abstract(1422)]  [View PDF]
Effect of Texture on Low Cycle Fatigue Life of Zr-4 Alloy
  Shen Baoluo, Liu Ming, Li Cong, Qiu Shaoyu, Ying Shihao, Zeng Ming
  2007,36(5):803-807 [Abstract(1197)]  [View PDF]
Hot Deformation and Processing Maps of Zr-4 Alloy
  Wang Ruining, Xi Zhengping, Zhao Yongqing, Qi Yunlian, Du Yu
  2007,36(5):808-812 [Abstract(1275)]  [View PDF]
Wetting and Composite Between Zr41.25Ti13.75Ni10Cu12.5Be22.5 Molten and W
  Xu Qiangang, Qiu Keqiang, Zhang Haifeng, Hu Zhuangqi
  2007,36(5):813-816 [Abstract(1283)]  [View PDF]
Effects of TiC on Microstructures and Properties of CuW Electrical Contact Materials
  Yang Xiaohong, Fan Zhikang, Liang Shuhua, Xiao Peng
  2007,36(5):817-821 [Abstract(1156)]  [View PDF]
Study on Structure and Property of Tungsten Alloy Strengthened with Dispersed La2O3
  Chen Yong, Wu Yucheng, Yu Fuwen, Chen Junling
  2007,36(5):822-824 [Abstract(1223)]  [View PDF]
Optical Constants of Mo-Al2O3 Cermet Granular Films
  Zhou Long, Wang Tianmin, Du Xinkang, Chen Buliang, Ru Ning, Wang Cong
  2007,36(5):825-829 [Abstract(1523)]  [View PDF]
Effects of Nb on Magnetic Properties and Microstructure of Nd2Fe14B/a-Fe Nanocomposite Magnets
  Wang Zhanyong, Liu Wenqing, Zhou Bangxin, Ni Jiansen, Xu Hui
  2007,36(5):830-834 [Abstract(1498)]  [View PDF]
Temperature Sensitivity to Capacity of LiFePO4-Based Cathode Materials and AC Impedance Analysis
  Luo Shaohua, Tang Zilong, Lu Junbiao, Zhang Zhongtai, Yan Junping
  2007,36(5):835-837 [Abstract(1404)]  [View PDF]
Research on MgF2 Materials of Ag Base
  Chen Liangwei , Huang Fuchun, Xie Ming, Cai Yunzhuo
  2007,36(5):838-841 [Abstract(1335)]  [View PDF]
Spectrums of Breaking Arc for Ag and Ag/Metal Oxide Electrical Contacts
  Liu Xueyan, Yin Na, Hou Zhi, Wang Chengjian
  2007,36(5):842-845 [Abstract(1134)]  [View PDF]
Effect of W Substitution on Electronic Structures and Properties of Ti2AlNb-Based Alloy
  Wu Hongyan, Zhang Pingze
  2007,36(5):846-848 [Abstract(1193)]  [View PDF]
Mathematical Model of Body Force in Electromagnetic Purification at Magnetic Field of High Frequency
  Guo Qingtao, Jin Junze, Li Tingju
  2007,36(5):849-852 [Abstract(1608)]  [View PDF]
Study on the Oxidation Properties of TieAkC/TiAl Composites at High Temperatures
  Yue Yunlong, Yin Haiyan, Qii Ya, Su Tong, Wu Haitao
  2007,36(5):853-856 [Abstract(1211)]  [View PDF]
Studies on Blood Compatibility and Corrosion Resistance of TiN Films on NiTi Alloys
  Li Bo, Li Xiaoxia, Wang Tianmin, Cheng Feng
  2007,36(5):857-861 [Abstract(1288)]  [View PDF]
Effects of Substrate Miscut Angle on Microstructure and Superconductivity of YBCO Films
  Wang Tiansheng, Tian Yongjun, Peng Wei, Qi Hanhong,Li Lin
  2007,36(5):862-864 [Abstract(1233)]  [View PDF]
Machinable Ti2AlC Ceramics Produced by Spark Plasma Sintering
  Guo Junming, Wang Baosen, Chen Kexin, Zhou Heping
  2007,36(5):865-868 [Abstract(1119)]  [View PDF]
Effect of Niobium Surface Alloying on the Antioxidation of Ti-6Al-4V
  Wang Wenbo, Xu Zhong, He Zhiyong, Wang Zhenxia, Zhang Pingze
  2007,36(5):869-873 [Abstract(1165)]  [View PDF]
Electrochemical Oxidation of Phenol on Ti-Based PbO2 Electrodes
  Wang Yaqiong, Gu Bin, Xu Wenlin, Lu Lude
  2007,36(5):874-878 [Abstract(1496)]  [View PDF]
Effect of Heat Treatment on Negative Thermal Expansion Behavior of NiTi Alloy
  Li Xiwu, Zheng Ziqiao, Li Jinfeng, Li Shichen, Wei Xiuyu
  2007,36(5):879-883 [Abstract(1214)]  [View PDF]
Influence of W, B, and Y Elements on Antioxidation of High Temperature and Long Term for TiAI Based Alloys with High Nb Content
  Zhang Ning, Lin Junpin, Wang Yanli, Zhang Yong, Chen Guoliang
  2007,36(5):884-887 [Abstract(1269)]  [View PDF]
Investigation of Sintering Characteristics of Ultrafine 93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe Pre-Alloyed Powder Prepared by MA
  Liu Wensheng, Ma Yunzhu, Huang Baiyun, Zhang Lin
  2007,36(5):888-891 [Abstract(1078)]  [View PDF]
Effect of Processing on the Plasticity of Recycling Tungsten Alloy of High Density
  Gao Haiyan, He Yuehui, Zhang Wuzhuang, Huang Baiyun
  2007,36(5):892-895 [Abstract(1222)]  [View PDF]
Study on Electrochemical Hydrogen Storage Performance of Electrodeposited La-Ni Alloy Film
  Xia Tongchi, Li Xiaofeng, Dong huichao, Shang Weiwei, Wu Qianming
  2007,36(5):896-898 [Abstract(1085)]  [View PDF]
Preparation and Alcohol Sensitivity of Gas Sensors of Nanocrystalline La0.8Sr0.2FeO3
  Zhao Ma , Wang Jun , Huang Shanxing , Han Zhouxiang , Wei Jianying , Hu Jifan
  2007,36(5):899-902 [Abstract(1258)]  [View PDF]
Influence of Na Doping at Sr Site on Crystal Structure and Magnetic-Electric Properties in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 System
  Tang Yonggang, Liu Ning, Guo Huanyin, Peng Zhensheng, Yan Guoqing, Mao Qiang
  2007,36(5):903-906 [Abstract(1501)]  [View PDF]
Study on the Processing of La-Mg-Ni Hydrogen Storage Alloys Prepared by SPS
  An Fuqiang, Li Ping, Zheng Xueping, Qu Xuanhui
  2007,36(5):907-909 [Abstract(1293)]  [View PDF]
Research on Rolling Technology of Magnesium Alloy Sheets
  Wang Lingyun , Huang Guangjie, Chen Lin, Huang Guangsheng, Li Wei, Pan Fusheng
  2007,36(5):910-914 [Abstract(1547)]  [View PDF]
A356 Aluminum Alloy Semisolid Slurry Prepared by Damper Cooling Tube Process
  Zhang Xiaoli, Xie Shuisheng, Li Tingju, Yang Haoqiang, Jin Junze
  2007,36(5):915-919 [Abstract(1373)]  [View PDF]
Joining of High Purity Al2O3 to Stainless Steel by Activated Molybdenum-Manganese Process
  Liu Guiwu, Qiao Guanjun, Wang Hongjie, Jin Zhihao, Lu Tianjian
  2007,36(5):920-923 [Abstract(1337)]  [View PDF]
Rapid Solidification Features of Ag-10Ni Immiscible Alloy by Ultrasonic Arc Spray Gas Atomization
  Qin Guoyi, Wang Jianhua, Cai Hongzhong, Zhao Huaizhi, Zhang Fuwenl, Ning Yuantao
  2007,36(5):924-928 [Abstract(1339)]  [View PDF]
Influence of Nanocrystallization of CuCr25 on Spot Diffusion of Cathode by Vacuum Arc
  Feng Yu, Bo Tao, Wang Hongli, Zhang Chengyu, Ding Bingjun
  2007,36(5):929-932 [Abstract(1257)]  [View PDF]
Diamond Films by CVD and High Rate Polishing at Low Temperature with Partially Molten Ce-Fe Alloy
  Li Junjie, Wang Shubin, Sun Yujing, Tian Shi, Zhang Yue
  2007,36(5):933-936 [Abstract(1128)]  [View PDF]
Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline Mn Metal
  Shi Jian, Li Jiangong, Sun Xiaojun
  2007,36(5):937-940 [Abstract(1070)]  [View PDF]