Advanced Materials( in Russian)ISSN1 0 2 8-978X No.4,2 0 0 1A bimonthly scientific journal covering the following topics:■ physico- chemical principles of materials development■ materials for aerospace engineering■ materials for electronics■ materials for quantum electronics■ materials for atomic and nuclear power engineering■ materials for ensuring human life activity■ materials for general purpose■ new materials processing technologies■ methods of measurements and met…
Advanced Materials( in Russian)ISSN1 0 2 8-978X No.4,2 0 0 1A bimonthly scientific journal covering the following topics:■ physico- chemical principles of materials development■ materials for aerospace engineering■ materials for electronics■ materials for quantum electronics■ materials for atomic and nuclear power engineering■ materials for ensuring human life activity■ materials for general purpose■ new materials processing technologies■ methods of measurements and met…
.俄罗斯《先进材料》最新目次(英文)[J].稀有金属材料与工程,2002,(1).[.[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2002,(1).] DOI:[doi]