TG146. 2; TG249. 9
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51165032,51364035), Project Funded by the Ministry of Education Tied up with the Special Research Fund for the Doctoral Program for Higher Shool( 20133601110001), Innovative Group of Science and Technology of College of Jiangxi Province (00008713), Production and Teaching and Research Cooperation Plan of Nanchang Non-party Experts and Doctor (2012-CYH-DW-XCL-002) and Special Funds for Postgraduate Innovation of Jiangxi Province.
NangChang Uinversity,NangChang Uinversity
黄文先,闫洪.超声原位Al2Y /AZ91镁基复合材料流变模型研究[J].稀有金属材料与工程,2016,45(9):2227~2231.[huangwenxian, yan hong. Study on the rheological model of semi-solid Al2Y/AZ91 magnesium matrix composites slurry prepared by ultrasonic vibration[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2016,45(9):2227~2231.]