





the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51875452 and 51804251), and the Shanxi Provincial Key Research and Development Program (Nos.2018YBXM-G-3-2and 2017TSCXL-GY-05-01),and Science Foundation for the Excellent Youth scholars (No.2018YQ3-05).

Anisotropy in microstructure and impact toughness of 316L austenitic stainless steel produced by selective laser melting

Xi''an University of Science and Technology

Fund Project:

the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51875452 and 51804251), and the Shanxi Provincial Key Research and Development Program (Nos.2018YBXM-G-3-2and 2017TSCXL-GY-05-01),and Science Foundation for the Excellent Youth scholars (No.2018YQ3-05).

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    利用光学显微镜(OM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、电子背散射衍射(EBSD)和金属摆锤试验机等观察和分析激光选区熔化316L不锈钢的物相、织构、微观组织及冲击韧性各向异性。结果表明:激光选区熔化成形316L不锈钢的组织和冲击韧性存在着明显的各向异性。垂直和平行于构建方向试样的物相均为γ-Fe相,垂直于构建方向的组织呈“棋盘状”形貌,晶粒大多数为等轴晶且晶粒得到了细化(dmean=9.177μm),尤其熔池搭接区域晶粒更加细小(6μm以下),平行于构建方向上小角度晶界数目较多,而平行于构建方向为“鱼鳞状”形貌,大多数为柱状晶,晶粒直径较大(dmean=21.247μm)。同时垂直于构建方向织构为强纤维织构< 110 >//RD(强度为7.83)和弱板织构{112}<110>,而平行于构建方向为强纤维织构< 110 >//RD(强度为12.23)。在致密度相同条件下,横向、纵向的冲击韧性分别为62.8±3.2,38.6±4.5,横向明显优于纵向且提高了62.69%。此外晶粒大小、大小角度晶界和织构类型对冲击韧性各向异性有着显著影响,垂直于构建方向的晶粒得到了细化,大角度晶界数目多,韧性较好;纤维织构< 110 >//RD对冲击韧性不利,而板织构{112}<110>有利于韧性,垂直于构建方向的{112}<110>织构强度低且存在弱{112}<110>织构,横向韧性较好。


    The phase, texture, and anisotropy in microstructure and impact toughness of 316L stainless steel were observed and analyzed by means of optical microscope (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) and metal pendulum tester. Results show that the microstructure and impact toughness of SLM processed 316L stainless steel reveal an obvious anisotropy. The material phase of the samples in the transversal and the vertical direction were equal to γ-Fe phase, and their structure perpendicular to the building direction has a checkerboard morphology. Most of the grains were equiaxed and the grains has been refined (dmean=9.177 μm), in addition grains in the overlapped area of the molten pool were observed to be finer (below 6 μm), contemporary, the number of grain boundaries with small angle parallel to building direction is large, whereas the morphology parallel to the building direction resembles a fish-scale pattern, most of which comprises columnar grains with a large grain diameter (dmean= 21.247 μm). Meanwhile, the texture perpendicular to the building direction exhibits a strong fiber texture <110> //rolling direction (RD) (strength of 7.83) and a weak plate texture {112} <110>, whereas the texture parallel to the building direction exhibits a strong fiber texture < 110 >//RD (strength of 12.23). Under a similar density condition, the impact toughness values of transversal direction and vertical direction were 62.8±3.2 and 38.6±4.5, respectively. The toughness of transversal direction was significantly better than the vertical direction and increased by 62.69%. In addition, grain size, size angle grain boundary and texture type has significant effected on impact toughness anisotropy. the grains perpendicular to the building direction were refineed, with an increase the grain boundaries with large angles and an enhancement in the grain toughness, the fiber texture <110> //RD has a low impact toughness resistance, while plate texture {112}<110> has a good impact toughness resistance, the{112}<110> texture perpendicular has low strength and weak {112}<110> texture to the building direction ,therefore, the toughness of transversal direction was preferred.


刘文杰,宗学文,杨雨蒙,陈桢,卢秉恒,高倩.激光选区熔化316L奥氏体不锈钢微观组织和冲击韧性的各向异性研究[J].稀有金属材料与工程,2020,49(12):4031~4040.[Liu Wenjie, Zong Xuewen, Yang Yumeng, Chen Zhen, Lu Bingheng, Gao Qian. Anisotropy in microstructure and impact toughness of 316L austenitic stainless steel produced by selective laser melting[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2020,49(12):4031~4040.]
DOI:10.12442/j. issn.1002-185X.20200256

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  • 收稿日期:2020-04-17
  • 最后修改日期:2020-11-23
  • 录用日期:2020-08-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-01-13
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