The oxidation of α-Mg and Mg2Ca in Mg-Ca alloy was studied by calculating the adsorption process of O2 on α-Mg (0001) and Mg2Ca (0001) based on density functional theory (DFT), and the adsorption process and oxidation mechanism were investigated. Results show that during the adsorption, O2 has a strong interaction with α-Mg and Mg2Ca. The interactions are chemisorption due to the excellent Ead values, but the adsorption structures of Mg2Ca are not as stable as that of α-Mg. During the oxidation, O2 reacts with Ca and Mg atoms in α-Mg and Mg2Ca to form Mg-Ca-O oxide film, hence improving the oxidation resistance of Mg-Ca alloy. Since the adsorption structure of Mg2Ca is not as stable as that of α-Mg, the oxide film formed by Mg2Ca shows weaker protective effect on the substrate than that formed by α-Mg.
Science Press
Owing to the excellent properties, such as low density, admirable specific strength and specific stiffness, strong electromagnetic shielding ability and environment friendly, magnesium alloys show great potential to be applied as structure material
Many researches have illuminated that Ca can remarkably enhance the oxidation resistance of Mg. Lee et a
Mg2Ca and α-Mg are the common phases in Mg-Ca alloy. However, reports have insisted that the dissolved Ca in α-Mg contributes to the formation of CaO oxide film, while the high-temperature stable phase Mg2Ca is beneficial to the improve-ment of oxidation resistance by raising the melting point of the substrat
Ca is dissolved in α-Mg in the form of replacement solid solutio

Fig.1 Adsorption sites of the Mg (0001) lattice surface (① fcc hollow, ② bridge, ③ hcp hollow, and ④ top)

Fig.2 Adsorption sites on Mg2Ca (0001) lattice surface (① Mg top, ② Mg-Mg bridge, ③ Ca top, ④Ca-Ca bridge, ⑤ Ca-Ca bridge, and ⑥ hollow)
The density functional theory (DFT) calculations were conducted in Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP
The adsorption energy (Ead) was defined as follow
(1) |
where , and refer to the total energies of the system after adsorption, substrate and optimized gas molecule, respectively. Based on this definition, a negative Ead refers to an exothermic and energy-favorable process, and the structure with the lowest Ead will be the most stable.
In order to better understand the distribution of atoms after adsorption, the Corey-Pauling-Koltun (CPK) model is used, as shown in

Fig.3 CPK models of Mg and α-Mg adsorption systems: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, and (d) site ④

Fig.4 CPK models of Mg2Ca adsorption systems: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, (d) site ④, (e) site ⑤, and (f) site ⑥
The adsorption energy of α-Mg and Mg2Ca adsorption system is shown in

Fig.5 Ead values of Mg and α-Mg adsorption systems

Fig.6 Ead values of Mg2Ca adsorption systems
In Mg adsorption systems, adsorption site ② shows the most stable adsorption structure. While in α-Mg adsorption systems, adsorption site ④ shows the most stable adsorption structure. Comparing the adsorption energy of Mg and α-Mg, it can be seen that the adsorption energy of α-Mg is greater, indicating that the adsorption structure is more stable. In Mg2Ca adsorption systems, adsorption site ⑤ shows the most stable adsorption structur
The obtained adsorption configurations and electron density are shown in

Fig.7 Adsorption configurations and parameters for adsorption system of Mg: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, and (d) site ④

Fig.8 Adsorption configurations and parameters for adsorption system of α-Mg: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, and (d) site ④

Fig.9 Adsorption configurations and parameters for adsorption system of Mg2Ca: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, (d) site ④, (e) site ⑤, and (f) site ⑥
For Mg adsorption systems, as shown in
As shown in
As we can see, for Mg2Ca adsorption systems, the O-O bond remains connected at site ① and ③. However, for other adsorption sites, the O-O bonds undergo breakage after adsorption, because the distance between the two atoms is larger than the O-O bond length. It can be implied that the adsorption energies of site ① and ③ are lower than those of site ②, ④, ⑤ and ⑥, which is consistent with the Ead values. It also implies that the adsorption structures of site ① and ③ are more unstable than those of other sites. In
Overall, O2 shows strong absorbing ability toward Mg, α-Mg and Mg2Ca, and the adsorption systems can be assumed as chemisorption due to the excellent Ead values, and the Ead values are comparably higher than that of other adsorption systems reported before. This is due to the fact that Mg is easy to oxidize, and the oxidation process emits a lot of heat. After adsorption, Mg-O is formed on Mg, and Mg-Ca-O is formed on α-Mg and Mg2Ca. Combined with the Ead results, the Mg-Ca-O formed on α-Mg is more stable than the Mg-O formed on Mg.
To further reveal the electronic structure of adsorption systems, the density of states (DOS) and electron density difference were investigated. The density of state distributions is described in

Fig.10 DOS distributions of adsorption systems on Mg: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, and (d) site ④

Fig.11 DOS distributions of adsorption systems on α-Mg: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, and (d) site ④

Fig.12 DOS distributions of adsorption systems on Mg2Ca: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, (d) site ④, (e) site ⑤, and (f) site ⑥
It can be seen directly that the distributions on site ⑥ is similar to that on site ⑤. This is due to the similar adsorption structures between O1 atom on site ⑥ and O atoms on site ⑤. Overall, similar adsorption structures have similar distributions, and the overlapping areas between atomic orbitals indicate strong hybridization between atoms.
The charge-transferring path during the adsorption process can be confirmed by the electron density difference, as displayed in

Fig.13 Electron density difference of Mg adsorption systems: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, and (d) site ④

Fig.14 Electron density difference of α-Mg adsorption systems: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, and (d) site ④

Fig.15 Electron density difference of Mg2Ca adsorption systems: (a) site ①, (b) site ②, (c) site ③, (d) site ④, (e) site ⑤, and (f) site ⑥
For Mg adsorption systems, the electron accumulation is mainly localized at the O atoms while electron deletion is mainly localized at the Mg atoms nearby. Combined with the Hirshfeld charge, O atoms obtain electrons of 0.894, 0.868, 0.860, 0.931 e and Mg atoms nearby lose electrons. For α-Mg adsorption systems, the electron accumulation is mainly localized at the O atoms while electron deletion is mainly localized at the Mg atoms nearby. However, electron accumulation and deletion are both localized at the Ca atom, and electron deletion mainly exists along the Ca-O bond. The result is consistent with the Hirshfeld charge, in which the O atoms obtain electrons of 0.895, 0.965, 0.957, 0.956 e, and Mg atoms lose electrons. Besides, Hirshfeld charge indicates that Ca loses electrons finally. Combined with the Hirshfeld charge results of these systems, it can be seen that α-Mg donates more electrons to O2 than Mg, demonstrating the stronger electrostatic attraction in α-Mg systems.
As displayed in
The transfer charges of O atoms in each adsorption system are -0.674, -0.920, -0.671, -0.901, -0.924, and -0.900 e. It is noteworthy that site ⑤ shows the highest charge transfer value, illustrating the most strong adsorption. For site ① and ③, the low charge transfer values illuminate the poor adsorption. The results are consistent with the Ead values analysis. Nevertheless, compared with the charge transfer values in O2 adsorption on α-Mg, charge transfer values in O2 adsorption on Mg2Ca are lower, indicating that the adsorption structures of Mg2Ca adsorption systems are less stable than those of α-Mg adsorption systems. That is, the Mg-Ca-O formed on Mg2Ca is not as stable as that formed on α-Mg. The results are consistent with the adsorption structure analysis above, in which unbroken O-O bond exists in Mg2Ca adsorption systems, while previous study showed that O-O bond suffers breakage in α-Mg adsorption systems.
Generally, the strong electron accumulation and electron depletion localized on the novel formed bonds manifest the strong electron hybridization
During the adsorption of O2, O2 tends to react with Ca, and adsorption structure containing Ca, Mg and O is formed, which is more stable than the adsorption structure containing O and Mg on Mg adsorption systems.
As shown in

Fig.16 Oxidation model of α-Mg in Mg-Ca alloy: (a) before oxidation, (b) during oxidation, and (c) after oxidation
The oxidation model of Mg2Ca is described in

Fig.17 Oxidation model of Mg2Ca in Mg-Ca alloy: (a) before oxidation, (b) during oxidation, and (c) after oxidation
1) During the adsorption on Mg, O atoms migrate to Mg atoms nearby. However, during the adsorption on α-Mg and Mg2Ca, O tends to migrate to Ca.
2) These adsorptions are assumed to be chemisorption due to the remarkable Ead values. α-Mg adsorption systems possess more desirable adsorption performances with more stable adsorption structures than Mg adsorption systems, and the adsorption structures in Mg2Ca adsorption systems are not as stable as those in α-Mg.
3) During the oxidation of Mg-Ca alloy, O2 is more likely to react with Ca atoms rather than Mg atoms. Hence a stable Mg-Ca-O oxide film is formed to improve the oxidation resistance of Mg-Ca alloy. However, the Mg-Ca-O oxide film formed on Mg2Ca is not as stable as that on α-Mg. That is, Mg2Ca shows limited protection to the oxidation of Mg-Ca alloy.
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