Abstract:The microformability in the supercooled liquid region of 4 bulk metallic glasses (Pd40Cu30Ni10P20, Zr65Cu15Al10Ni10, Cu46Zr42Al7Y5, Zr58.5Cu15.6Al10.3Ni12.8Nb2.8) with different fragility values was investigated with microimprinting experiment on a micro-V shaped silicon mould. Results show that the bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) show different apparent viscosity. But under the condition of the same deformation, the 4 BMGs exhibit almost the same area of flowed into the groove, namely they show similar microformability. This is attributed to the adopted experimental conditions (T=1.07Tg,=2×10-3 s-1) under which the BMGs show a Newtonian flow behavior. The FEM study also verifies this conclusion.