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Oxidation Behaviors of a Zr-Sn-Nb Alloy in 1000~1250℃ Steam

1.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an;2.Science and Technology on Reactor Fuel and Materials Laboratory,Nuclear Power Institute of China

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Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51572224 and No.11704360), Research Foundation of Science and Technology on Safety and Reliability of Pyrotechnical Laboratory (No. WDYX19614260201)

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    During loss of coolant accident, the oxidation can cause burst of the cladding tube in high temperature steam, which lead to the leakage of the nuclear fuel. At present work, the oxidation behaviors of a Zr-Sn-Nb alloy were investigated in 1000~1250℃ steam. The weight gains per area were calculated by the weight gain method. The microscopic morphology, thickness of the alloy were measured by a scanning electron microscope. The oxidation kinetics of the alloy was characterized by weight gain and the thickness increase of α-Zr (O) and ZrO2 layers. The results show that the parabolic weight gain curves and ZrO2 layer growth kinetics curves become to be linear in 1000℃ steam for about 1500s, while α-Zr (O) growth kinetics always follow the parabolic law. Meanwhile, a large number of cracks are formed in the ZrO2 layers. The weight gain kinetics curves and α-Zr (O) and ZrO2 layers growth kinetics curves all follow the parabolic law in 1100~1250℃ steam,and the ZrO2 layer is almost intact. The oxidation resistance of Zr-Sn-Nb alloy is higher than that of Zr-4 alloy. The growth rate of ZrO2 layer and α-Zr (O) layer is slower than that of Zr-4 alloy.

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[ZHANG Feng, ZHANG Chengyu, ZHAO Wanqian, ZHANG Yao, CHEN Le, LI Mei, SONG Pengcheng. Oxidation Behaviors of a Zr-Sn-Nb Alloy in 1000~1250℃ Steam[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2021,50(10):3677~3683.]
DOI:10.12442/j. issn.1002-185X.20200794

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  • Received:October 14,2020
  • Revised:November 09,2020
  • Adopted:November 25,2020
  • Online: October 28,2021
  • Published: October 25,2021