(Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coatings were prepared on Mo substrate by the continuous deposition pack cementation method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and thermody-namic calculation were used to characterize the composite coatings and to analyze the formation mechanism. The results show that the co-deposition process cannot achieve the titanium deposition effectively. The titanium-modified MoSi2 coatings can be prepared by a two-step deposition process of titanizing and siliconizing. The coatings contain three layers: the outer layer is (Ti, Mo)Si2 ternary compound layer; the second layer is MoSi2 layer; the layer between the MoSi2 and Mo substrate is the Mo5Si3 transition layer. The siliconizing temperature shows negligible effect on coating structure. The growth rate of titanium-modified MoSi2 coating is slightly lower than that of single MoSi2 coating. The growth of (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coating is dominated by the inward diffusion of Ti and Si. Ti is concentrated on the outer layer of the coating. Si diffuses through the (Ti, Mo)Si2 compound layer and interacts with the substrate to form the MoSi2 layer and Mo5Si3 transition layer. In the titanizing process, the free state AlF3 is introduced by the reaction among pack mixtures. In the subsequent siliconizing process, a trace amount of Al in free state is precipitated in the form of Al3Mo phases in the (Ti, Mo)Si2 layer near the upper interface of MoSi2 layer. During the cyclic oxidation tests at 1200 °C, the (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coatings do not lose mass obviously after exposure in oxidation atmosphere for 180 h. A dense composite oxide layer consisting of SiO2 and TiO2 can be formed by the oxidation of (Ti, Mo)Si2 phase. This composite oxide layer can fill the surface cracks of the coating and continuously block the oxygen diffusion, so the oxidation resistance of (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coating in the periodic oxidation environment is far superior to that of the single MoSi2 coating.
Science Press
Molybdenum has been widely used in electronic devices, heater elements, glass fiber processing, thermometry protective tubes, and aero-space crafts due to its excellent high-temperature properties. However, the poor antioxidation ability restricts the further application of molybdenum under high temperature atmospher
The methods used to prepare element-modified MoSi2 coating include pack cementation, chemical vapor deposition, thermal spraying, slurry, et
The molybdenum rods (hot working state, purity of 99.5%) were used as the substrates for coating experiment. Cylindrical specimens with the dimension of Φ12 mm×6 mm were obtained by electric-discharge machining. After polishing by 800# SiC paper, the specimens were cleaned ultrasonically in ethanol and then dried. Two kinds of pack cementation methods were employed to prepare (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coatings. (1) Co-deposition method: prepare the coatings at 1000 °C for 5 h in Ar atmosphere with the pack mixture containing different contents of Ti and Si. The final product prepared by co-deposition method is named as xTi-ySi-10NH4F-50Al2O3. (2) Two-step deposition method (titanizing- siliconizing): firstly prepare the Ti-modified layer at 1000 °C for 5 h in Ar atmosphere with the pack mixture and obtain the intermediate product of 40Ti-10NH4F-50Al2O3 (wt%); then process the intermediate product at 900~1100 °C for 1~9 h. The specimens with single MoSi2 layer were also prepared at 1000 °C for 1~9 h as the control group. The effect of depo-sition kinetic parameters of coating preparation on oxidation resistance of coatings was investigated, as shown in
The pack mixtures consisted of NH4F (activator), Al2O3 (filler), and Si/Ti (Si source/Ti source), which were mixed in a ball mill for 2 h. The specimens were embedded in cylindrical alumina crucibles sealed with alumina lids using silica sol binder. The sealed crucibles were then inserted into a horizontal tube furnace with a flowing Ar atmosphere (purity of 99.999%, 30 mL/min). After the Ar atmosphere was established, the furnace was heated up to the setting temperature for coating preparation.
Periodic oxidation tests were conducted in a horizontal tube furnace from room temperature to 1200 °C. The (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coatings prepared by the two-step pack cementation method and the single MoSi2 coating were separately placed in the alumina crucibles of high-purity and then the alumina crucibles were put into the horizontal tubular furnace. The furnace was heated from room temperature to 1200 °C at a heating rate of 20 °C/min in the atmosphere for 10 h, and then the crucibles were taken out for air-cooling to room temperature, which was recorded as an oxidation cycle. After each oxidation cycle, the mass change of specimens was measured by an electronic balance (balance precision of 0.1 mg). The mass changes of the specimens with increasing the oxidation time were also recorded.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, TESCAN VEGA3) was used to observe the surface and cross section morphologies of the coatings. The chemical composition of the coatings was analyzed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS, TESCAN VEGA3). X-ray diffraction (XRD, X'pertpro MPD) was used to analyze the phases of coatings and pack mixtures after pack cementation.

Fig.1 shows the coating phase component, the backscattered electron (BSE) image of the cross section of coatings, and EDS element line scanning result of the coating prepared by co-deposition method at 1000 °C for 5 h. The diffraction peaks in Fig.1a correspond to the (Ti, Mo)Si2 and MoSi2 phases, which indicates that the addition of Ti modifies the phases of coatings. The coatings display a two-phase structure with C40 (Ti, Mo)Si2 and C11b MoSi
Fig.2 presents the coating phase component, BSE image of the cross section of coating, and EDS element line scanning result of the intermediate product coating after titanizing at 1000 °C for 5 h. Fig.2a shows the intermediate coating consists of AlMoTi2 and AlMo3Tix phases. Fig.2b shows the BSE image and elemental line scanning result of the intermediate coating after titanizing. It can be seen that the Ti-modified layer is uneven. The outer layer is AlMoTi2 phase and the transition layer between the AlMoTi2 phase and the substrate is AlMo3Tix phase. The EDS element line scanning result in the cross section presents that the distribution of Al and Ti in the coating is relatively stable. The content of Al and Ti gradually reduces while the Mo content increases near the substrate. The element distribution shows that the formation of alloy phase in the coating is caused by the diffusion of Al and Ti elements. Because the metal bond between the metal elements has no saturation state, a gradient distribution of elements in the coating appears.

Fig.3 presents the coating phase component, BSE image of the cross section of coating, and EDS element line scanning result of coating prepared by two-step pack cementation, i.e., titanizing and siliconizing. Fig.3a shows that the (Ti, Mo)Si2 and MoSi2 phases exist in the coating after siliconizing. In addition, the weak diffraction peaks of TiSi and Al3Mo phases can also be observed. The existence of Al is due to the introduction of trace Al in the titanizing process, and consequently Al is dispersed in the (Ti, Mo)Si2 layer. BSE image and EDS element line scanning result of the coating prepared by two-step pack cementation are shown in Fig.3b. The coating structure and element line scanning result are similar to those of the coating prepared by co-deposition method. The outer layer consists of continuous (Ti, Mo)Si2 phase with the thickness of 7~10 μm, and the second layer is the single MoSi2 layer. The above results show that the Ti-modified MoSi2 coating can be effectively prepared by the two-step pack cementation method.
2.2 Effect of siliconizing parameters on (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coating prepared by two-step deposition method
After titanizing at 1000 °C, the specimens were treated through siliconizing process at 900~1100 °C. BSE images of cross-section of coating and element line scanning results are shown in Fig.4. It can be seen that with increasing the siliconizing temperature, the coating structure does not change significantly. The coatings contain three layers: the outer layer is (Ti, Mo)Si2 ternary compound; the second layer is MoSi2; the layer between the MoSi2 and Mo substrate is the Mo5Si3 transition layer. Furthermore, with increasing the siliconizing temperature, the thickness of (Ti, Mo)Si2 ternary compound layer does not increase obviously. When the siliconizing temperature reaches 1100 °C, the thickness of MoSi2 and Mo5Si3 transition layer increases significantly. Moreover, a certain amount of Al3Mo precipitate can be observed in the (Ti, Mo)Si2 layer near the interface of MoSi2 layer. The siliconizing temperature exerts negligible effect on the coating structure. The growth rate of titanium-modified MoSi2 coating is slightly lower than that of single MoSi2 coating.

EDS analysis was conducted to determine the (Tix, Mo1-x)Si2 layer after siliconizing at 900~1100 °C, and the results are shown in

The effect of siliconizing time on the growth of modified silicide coating is shown in Fig.5. It can be seen that the thickness of single MoSi2 coating and (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coating shows a nearly linear relationship with the square root of siliconizing time, which indicates that the growth of coatings conforms to the parabolic law h=(Kpt
Fig.6 shows XRD patterns of coatings with different Si/Ti contents after co-deposition. The diffraction peaks of Si and Al2O3 can be observed. Meanwhile, the diffraction peaks of TiSi2 also exist, which indicates that TiSi2 is formed by the reaction of Si, Ti, and activator during co-deposition reaction. In addition, when the Si content in the pack mixtures is further increased, the intensity of diffraction peaks of Si is increased gradually, which means that part of unreacted Si remains in the pack mixtures. These results show that TiSi2 is generated by the reaction of Si, Ti, and activator, leading to the insufficient Si and Ti sources (SiFx and TiFx) deposited on the surface of Mo substrate and the low deposition efficiency of coating prepared by the co-deposition method.

The chemical reactions in the co-deposition process are similar to those in the single siliconizing process, including the formation of volatile halide vapors of the master alloy elements, the deposition of gaseous halides in substrate surface, and the reactions of deposition elements with substrat
(1) The decomposition of halide activator:
NH4F (s)→NH3 (g)+HF (g) | (1) |
(2) The formation of volatile halide vapors of the master alloy elements:
Si (s)+xHF (g)→SiFx (g)+H2 (g) | (2) |
Ti (s)+xHF (g)→TiFx (g)+H2 (g) | (3) |
where x ranges from 1 to 4.
(3) The deposition of gaseous halides in substrate surface:
(x+1)SiFx (g)→Si (s)+xSiFx+1 (g) | (4) |
(x+1)TiFx (g)→Ti (s)+xTiFx+1 (g) | (5) |
TiFx (g)+2SiFx (g)→TiSi2 (s)+F2 (g) | (6) |
2Si (s)+Ti (s)→TiSi2 (s) | (7) |
Since SiF4 and TiF4 are relatively stable, x ranges from 1 to 3.
(4) The reactions of deposition elements with substrate:
Si (s)+Ti (s)+Mo (s)→(Ti, Mo)Si2 | (8) |
Si (s)+Mo (s)→MoSi2 | (9) |

Fig.7a shows the Gibbs free energy ∆rG-temperature T curves of the formation of gaseous halides of master alloy elements. It can be seen that the Gibbs free energies of the chemical reaction for generating SiF and TiF is all positive in the temperature range from 1100 K to 1500 K, indicating that the formation of SiF and TiF during the formation of gaseous halides is not supported in thermodynamics. In addition, the Gibbs free energy of formation of TiFx (x=2~4) is lower than that of the formation of SiFx (x=2~4) with the same x value, which indicates that the Ti-halides are more stable than Si-halides. In the reaction process, Ti is easier to react with activator than Si for forming gaseous halides.
The gaseous halides are diffused from the pack powder to the surface of Mo substrate and deposited at the interface between the gas phase and the matrix. Yan

The XRD pattern of pack cementation components after titanizing process is shown in Fig.8a. The filler Al2O3 and titanium-rich oxides can be observed. Fig.8b shows the Gibbs free energy ∆rG-temperature T curves of possible reactions of TiF2, Ti, and filler Al2O3. It can be seen that the reaction of TiF2 and Al2O3 for formation of titanium-rich oxide (TiO) and free state AlF3 is a spontaneous process. The inflection point appears at 1200~1300 K due to the transformation of TiO from β phase to α phase, according to the Ti-O phase diagra
In the process of siliconizing after titanizing, Si reacts with Ti-modified alloy layer to form (Ti, Mo)Si2 layer, and then the Si element is diffused through the compound layer and interacts with the substrate forming the MoSi2 layer. With the increase of siliconizing temperature, Si element is diffused along the substrate direction continuously and forms the Mo5Si3 transition layer between MoSi2 and the substrate. The thickness of Mo5Si3 transition layer is increased gradually with increasing the siliconizing temperature. Ti element is only concentrated on the outer layer of coating due to the solid solution formed by Ti and Mo. When the titanium-fluoride is not deposited on the coating surface, the driving force of Ti diffusion to substrate is insufficient, and the asymmetric diffusion of Ti in the Mo substrate occur
Cyclic oxidation tests of (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coatings prepared by two-step method were conducted at 1200 °C. The oxidation performance of single MoSi2 coating was also tested for comparison. The relationship between the mass gain per unit area of specimens and oxidation time is shown in

Fig.9 Mass change of single MoSi2 coating and (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coating after cyclic oxidation at 1200 °C in air
coating to form a dense oxide protective film. So the oxidation kinetics of the initial stage is a linear proces
Fig.10a and 10b show the BSE images of surface and cross-section of MoSi2 coating after periodic oxidation at 1200 °C for 120 h. According to Fig10a, the MoO3 phase exists in sheet form on the surface cracks of the coating. In Fig.10b, the

coating consists of a complete MoSi2 layer and a Mo5Si3 diffusion layer. A large number of Mo5Si3 phases formed by the decomposition of MoSi2 into SiO2 and Mo5Si3 during the oxidation process are distributed in the outer layer of the coating. During the periodic oxidation of the MoSi2 coating at 1200 °C, the cracks in the coating are formed by thermal stress, which become the diffusion channels and make oxygen further react with the substrate. Although MoSi2 layer is not completely transformed into Mo5Si3 layer, the hot cracks formed in the periodic oxidation process cannot be completely filled by SiO2. When the cracks continue to expand due to thermal stress, the volatilization of MoO3 is intensified, and then the protective coating fails. Fig.10c and 10d show the BSE images of surface and cross-section morphologies of (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 compound coating after periodic oxidation at 1200 °C for 120 h. Fig.10c shows that there is no MoO3 phase volatilizing along the cracks on the coating surface, because the (Ti, Mo)Si2 layer improves the high temperature stability of the coating and slows down the thermal stress impact rate to the coating in the periodic oxidation process. Fig.10d presents a dense composite oxide layer consisting of SiO2 and TiO2 which is formed by the oxidation of (Ti, Mo)Si2. This composite oxide layer can fill the surface cracks of the coating, thus inhibiting the pesting effect and significantly improving the oxidation resistance of the coatin
1) The co-deposition process cannot achieve the titanium deposition effectively. The titanium-modified MoSi2 coatings contain three layers: the outer layer is (Ti, Mo)Si2 ternary compound; the second layer is MoSi2; the layer between the MoSi2 and the Mo substrate is the Mo5Si3 transition layer.
2) The siliconizing temperature exerts negligible effect on coating structure. The growth rate of titanium-modified MoSi2 coating is slightly lower than that of the single MoSi2 coating.
3) The growth of (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coating is dominated by the inward diffusion of Ti and Si. Ti is only concentrated on the outer layer of coating. Si is diffused through the (Ti, Mo)Si2 compound layer and interacts with the substrate to generate the MoSi2 layer and Mo5Si3 transition layer. In the titanizing process, the free state AlF3 can be introduced by the reaction among pack mixtures. In the subsequent siliconizing process, a trace amount of Al is precipitated in the form of Al3Mo phases in the (Ti, Mo)Si2 layer near the interface of MoSi2 layer.
4) During the cyclic oxidation tests at 1200 °C, the
(Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coatings do not lose mass obvi-ously after exposure for 180 h. A dense composite oxide layer consisting of SiO2 and TiO2 can be formed by the oxidation of (Ti, Mo)Si2. This composite oxide layer can fill the surface cracks of the coating and continuously block the oxygen diffusion, so the oxidation resistance of (Ti, Mo)Si2/MoSi2 composite coating in the periodic oxidation environment is far superior to that of the single silicide coating.
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