Abstract:When W and Re composited nozzle operates at high temperature, the reactive diffusion between W and Re takes place with the result that a transition layer comprising different phases appears. According to experimental results, the curves of the concentration distribution of reactive diffusion have been obtained, the components of the phases have been determined, their microstructures have been observed, and the influence of the transition layer upon operation performances has been discussed.
Zhang Jinlong Zhou Ziqiang Tang Duoguang
Abstract:Hydrogen storage properties of TiFe_xCr_yMn_z alloy activated and absorbed under 1.5 MPa hydrogen pressure have been studied,and the heason which improved the activation properties by adding Cr and Mn has been discussed.
Abstract:Diffraction geometry of Seemann-Bohlin focusing Guinier film camera and the general principle of determing film stress and lattice constant simutaneously by this camera are described. Its design chart is also given. Taking Nb3Ge superconducting film sample for example, the paper has illustrated the determination procedure in details.
Abstract:The surface modification technologies of materials by high energy beams and their applications to the Ti alloys are reviewed in the present paper. The methods of the surface modification include laser phase transition hardening under solid state, laser surface melting-solidifying treatment, laser surface alloying, ion implantation, ion beam mixing and ion assisted physical vapor deposition. The surface hardness, wear resistent and corrosion resistant properties can be increased by mentioned above techologies.
Abstract:The formation conditions morphology and machanical properties of the CuCo_2Be alloy of widmanstatten structure were studied in this paper. The results show that the widrmanstatten structure in the form of needle CoBe phase in CuCO_2Be alloy under a given condition and has a strict orientation with the matrix. The widmanstatten structure, the needle CoBe phase in CuCo_2Be alloy would be spheroidized and coarsenned, annealing for long time at high temperature after resulting in the change of mechanical properties.
Hu Yaojun Liu Guozhong CaiXuezhang CaoJimin
Li Mingqiang HanChuanxi Qu Henglei
Yuan Hongming Fu Qiufeng Li Yine Tian Guangmin
Zhao Yongqian Lan Tao Zhang Baohui Huan Chuanxi Li Mingqiang Qu Henglei
Abstract:The physical, mechanical, corrosion properties and microstructures have been studied for the three kinds of 2024 aluminium alloys containing mixed trace earth elements of 0.005,0.016,0.053 wt% respectively. It has been shown that the starting point of metling temperature range was obviously elevated, tensile-compression fatigue lifes were increased and the stress corrosion resistance has been slightly improvement.
Li Peizhi Ding Xuefeng Qiu''''Jun
Abstract:对不同状态的锆-4合金管材进行了高温蒸汽腐蚀研究。经400℃预膜和未预膜的样品在460℃/10.3 MPa的蒸汽中进行腐蚀试验,结果表明:未预膜的样品迅速腐蚀,而预膜处理延缓了疖状腐蚀的产生;不同加工工艺的样品的腐蚀结果截然不同。挤压前进行β淬火使Zr-4合金的抗疖状腐蚀性能得到改善,应变时效处理后的Zr-4合金管材具有良好的抗疖状腐蚀性能。疖状腐蚀的敏感性与合金的组织状态密切相关,取决于合金中的第二相粒子的数密度、平均粒子大小和基体中溶质元素的含量。
Qiu Chenfeng Xu Shiru Zhang Qiaogen Li Zong
Abstract:Ion-implantation has been carried out for the metal Be in different doses,and the surface microhardness has been measured after the ion implantation.The hardness of the surface layers ion-implanted has been calculated by the Jonsson hardness model from the measured hardness and analysed as a function of implanted doses for the harden mechanism of implantation.The results showed that the hardness of Be increased by a factor of 9 after ion-implantation.
Abstract:Determination of trace aluminium has been investigated in this paper.First,the Zr,Ti,Fe and Hf were and separated from aluminium in a sulfuric acid medium.Then,the complex of aluminium-N-bonzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine was extracted in the resultant aqueous phase by benzene at pH 8.5,and aluminium was extracted in the resulting organic phase by dilute hydrochloric acid.Lastly,aluminium content was determined by the chromazurol S photometric method in the pHrange of 5.5 to 6.the method can be used for the determination of traee aluminium in the range of 0.0025%to 0.035% in Zirconium and zirconium alloys with satisfactory results.
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