Meng Liang , Huan Hong , Li Zuochen
Yang Guanjun , Xie Liying , Hu Wenying , Deng Ju
Abstract:heories and experiments relating to reverse-domain nuclation and domain wall pinning in NdFeB Permanent magnets are reviewed.Though both coercivity mechanism are still under investigation, it is clear that the Nd-rich phase and the grain boundary structure play an important role in enhancing coercivity in NdFeB magnets,which is discussed.
Abstract:The avdance in applications of niobium as alloying elements in steel, copper and Ti-based alloys has been brienfly reviewed. The progresses in applications and developments of Nb-based superalloy, oxidation resistance Nb-based alloy, Nb-matrix composite and niobic acid catalysts have been also introduced.
Gao Jiqiang , Wang Yonglan , Yang Jianfeng , Jin Zhihao
Liu Ning , Hu Zhenhua , Cuo Kun
Abstract:The effect of Mo element in ceramets has been analysed. The appropriate adding contents of Mo element in ceramets with high content of nickel have been studied. The results show that the optimum contents of Mo element in 40Ni ceramet and 30Ni ceramet are 13wt.% and 15wt%, respectively. The addition of Mo element thickened the size of circular phase and increased the contents of Ti Mo and W,solid-solved in stick phase.
Tan Ping , Tang Huiping , Li Zengfeng
Abstract:his paper presents the production technique of Si3N4/ SiC composite powder by carbothermic reduction of silica. The influences of process parameters, such as reaction temperature, time, original powder property, the ratio of SiO2/ C, the flowing rate of N2 and the adding amount of Si3N4, on the production properties are discussed. It has been found that the raising of reaction temperature,prolonging of reaction time, increasing of specific surface of original SiO2 powder,the ratio of SiO2 / C and the flowing rate of N2,are of advantage for the forming of Si3N4 and SiC phase.The ultrafine powder has been produced by controling each process condition at the same time.
Wang Yongkang , Cheng Xiangyu , Wang Weiming , Gu Xiaohong , Li Bingsheng
Abstract:he influence of alloying composition on the mechanical properties of Ti811 alloy rods was studied.The results show that the mechanical properties of Ti811 alloy are subject to alloying. composition.These properties include tensile properties at room temperature and high temperature,thermal stability, impact elasticity, creep properties and netched lasting properties.The variety of microstructures was investigated with the help of TEM and SEM techniques.
(Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research , Baoji )Chen Zhongdan
Abstract:Bulided the method for determining carbon in the neodymium.The mounts of sample,flux,temperature, oxgen flows and obstorption-subltion had been studied and selected.The method has been successfully used in deteminated carbon in the neodymium.
Abstract:Some problems may often occur during cutting Ti alloy - the bigger cylindrical error, change of cutting depth owing to thermal expansion of cutting tool and the surface quality defects etc. We make tests and analysis with fine measuring instruments for TC4 and TC9, and give appropriate measures.
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