Abstract:he activation characteristics of the hydride negative electrode made of M1(NiCoMnTi)5 alloy powder microencapsulated by electroless Ni-P plating has been investigated. The results show that the microencapsulation of the hydrogen storage alloy powder by Ni-P plating increases the discharge capacity of the fabricated electrode, and that the charge- discharge cycling numbers increases in terms o f reaching to the maximum dischargecapacity of the electrode. Furthermore, it is found that a smaller cycling current makes the activation of the hydride negative electrode moreeasy.
Xue Xiangyi , Liu Jianzhang , Song Qizhong , Li Peizhi
Abstract:The appropriate exposure conditions were determined by testing, under there spectrometric analyses conditions, the fractional distillation and the influences of third element can be red nced maximumly . It was d iscovered in experiments that the alloy elements -Aluminium, Molybdenum-had influenced the determinations of some elements intitanium alloys. In order to reduce the influences of that, the six series standard sam pies were prepared to be used in the spectrometric determination of ten impure elements in titaniumand its alloys under the same conditions as above.
Zhang Nailu , Ren Yuan , Wu Xiaomin , Gao Lin , Wang Shuqing
Abstract:his paper presents the computer group control system which is developed with the object of the 12 sets of 600kW furnace used for 3150t extruding press of Baoji Nonferrous Metals Works. The system includes measuring the surface temperature of ingots, modifying temperature in the whole process by means of radiation and the group optimization control in the whole heating pocess by computer.
Zhang Tingjie , Zhang Deyao , Ding Xu
Abstract:his paper presents some physicalproperties of metal materials in high strain - rates and high pressure,such as the constitutive equation and control equations at the high impact loading,the stress wave behaviour during loading and unloading, the dynamic yield and dynamic failure.The structure of the gas gun and some methods for the plate stroke wave tests are also presented in this paper.And the dynamic deformation mechanism of metal materials is discussed.
Abstract:he effect of complex crystal structures on indexing single crystal SADPs has been investigated on the base of the indexing SADPs of phases in titanium alloys. According to the structure, SADPs can be indexed by one of the following three methods: I .directly indexing SADP by analyzing result according to a Brayals lattice which the structure belongs to; 2.indexing the SADP by using the result gotten according to a suitable Brayals lattice and a necessary mathematical transformation a. indexing the SADP with result calculated with a computer program which was modified according to the diffraction condition of the structure.A pure hkl method in programming for analyzing the corn plex structure is presented to make the programming easier. In the condition of presenting a structure extinction,the SADP can be indexed with the result calculated with present program used foe Brayals lattices and the program modified according to the structure simultaneously. The ideal method for indexingSADPs is a program modified according to the diffraction condition, structure extinction and double d if fraction of a complex structure.
Liu Ning , Hu Zhenhua , Cui Kun
Abstract:The relation ships among the mechan ical properties,the content of carbon elementand WC in cermets with high content of nickel havebeen studied in the paper. The relationships among corn position, dualphase zone,microstructure and mechanical properties have also beendenoted .This work procidea thoretical basis for producing high gualitycormets.
Abstract:A laser heating pedestal growth technique has been used to grow.Single Crystal Fibers (SCF) made from RE: YAG and (Cr,RE): YAG .The technology growing the SCF qualified for good character is discussed. A simpie method of prepering source rods from powders to feed growth of the SCF is described.The absorption and fluorescence spectra of SCF have been measured.
Liu Chunfang , Tang Hui , Xu Jingren , Zhou Lian
Abstract:he technology of the HIP diffusion bonding of YG 15C cemented carbide to 45# carbon steel has been studied. The effects of bonding temperature. pressure time.interlayer and its thickness. residual thermal stress on bonding strength have been researched. The results show that: In the HIP diffusion bonding of YG 15C to 45# carbon steel, the bonding strength depends on bonding temperature strongly and is controlled by the residual thermal stress d ne to the therm al expansion mismatch after honding. By using N i asinterlayer, the effect of residual thermal stress on bonding can be diminished effectively sothat the bonding strength can be improved apparently.
Ma Zongyi , Ning Xiaoguang , Lu Yuxiong , Bi Jing
Abstract:n this paper, low cycle fstigue property of Ti alloy TA5 was determined in a type of instron 1343 universal fatigue testing machine by using an axle strain controlled method.Strain-life relation of the material under cyclic loading was investigated, low cycle fatigue lifeof a Ti alloy was preliminarily predicted. Results show that the plastic deformation is the basic reason resulting in the fatigue damage of Ti alloy TA15. A logarithmic equation for strain-life curve of the material obtained by a test is linear equation:= 0.0288N -0.1997(wherecorrelation coefficient is 0. 9914, standand difference is 0.2153). Titanium alloy TA5 hascharacteristic of cyclic softening: low cycle fatigue fracture has obvious extrusion streak.
Li Jinyao , Zhou Guizhi , Chen Shaoyi
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