Abstract:The approach,which is to modify the microstructure and improve the room temperature ductility of Ti-45Al-10Nbt0.1Y alloy by means of isothermic forging and heat treatment,is explored. The relationship between the microstructure and mechanical propertics is described in this paper,also.
Teng Xinkang , Zheng Huiling , Wu Jiewen , Duan Zhenzhong , Wu Suihua , Xiong Shougao , Du Zehua , Xi Zhengping , Zhou Lian
Abstract:nfluence of curvature radius and insulation on critical current of Bi-2223 silver-clad tapes havebeen investigated.Characteristics of the test magnet assembled with four double-pancake coils madeby W&R are reported.
Abstract:The influnces of adding AL Mo and Zr elements on corrosion resistance of Ti-Ta alloy in boiling 40% nitric acid solution, and the effect of Ru3+adding into the solution on the alloys have been researched by immersion tests and electrochemistry method.The results show that the corrosion resistances of the alloys are reduced slightly after adding Al and Mo elements in Ti-Ta alloy,and the corrosion resistance is increased by adding Zr.The passivations of all researched alloys are promoted by R3+in solution,and the corrosion resistances of the alloys are increased.The results of elechro-chemical means agree completely with corrosion test.
Yang Yongjian , Chen Desheng , Xie Guoqiang
Abstract:This paper reviews the using situation and prospect of titanium and zirconium alloy tubes for power station in the ninth five-year plan and the beginning of nect century.We also discuss the act of satisfying the inquirement of market and reaching to the advance level in the world should be taken for the Titanium and Zirconium alloy tubes in use for power station.
Abstract:The Stereofrontier Strategies of the United States of American and the advancedtechnology plans of the Countries in Europe and Asia are presented in this Paper
Abstract:n the basis of summarizing the modles of 2D grain rearrangement in superplastic deformation, 3D grain rearrangement in superplastic deformation has been investigated.Metallographic observations show that fine marginal lay'Cr grains at latitudinal direction ofplate specimens of 1#(8090)Al-Li alloy filled in the cavities created at tension direction oflarge central layer grains, and completed grain rearrangement. Grain emergence and rotation of large Al,Zr phase in Al-Li-Zr alloy deformed were observed With SEM.The results show that fine grains fill 'in f cavities by grain rotation, which is a process of energy decrease. Thephenomena of decrease in the latitudinal size of specimen and migration of local necking atthe specimen margin in the superplastic deformation ean be explained by the motion of finegrains at latitudinal direction.
Wang Xiaoxiang , Li Xiaohe , Cao Zhengwang , Mao Zhiyuan
Abstract:用电化学极化方法研究了Ti50Ni50,Ti50Ni42Cu8及317L合金在不同pH值的15NaCl水溶液中的耐蚀性。恒电位阳极极化曲线表明:Cu的加入明显提高了TiNi合金的再钝化电位;但对点蚀电位的影响较复杂,在pH1 ̄5时TiNiCu高于TiNi合金,在pH=6 ̄10时TiNiCu则低于TiNi合金,pH值增大至11 ̄13时,两者又趋于接近。实验中还发现,与317L相比,TiNi合金的点蚀
Abstract:The relations of the Vickers-hardness HV and the specific coer.cive force Hsc withmicrostructure and composition of WC- Co cemented carbides have been explored. The experimental regularity of the variety of the specific coercive force Hsc(A.m2. kg-1)with theVickers hardness HV (kg.mm-2)for two-phase and high- carbon WC-Co cemented carbides has been attained,which is: Hsc = 1.16+[ (1897/HV)-3.31]-1.The correspondentcoefficients of above expression vary with the carbon content.The possibility of evaluatingHV of WC-Co alloy by Hsc is discussed.
Abstract:选择合适的细钨粉、经等静压制,在1700 ̄1800℃下低温烧结,可制成「质量」密度为16.5 ̄17.5g/cm^3的Φ50 nm纯钨棒。
Li Xiaoe , Chen Xiujuan , Zhang Miao , Zu Yong
Abstract:本研究利用醇盐水解法制备纳米级二氧化钛粉。采用正交设计法,探讨了操作条件及工程因素对反应的定量影响。筛选出最佳工艺条件为:反应温度33℃;原料配比为:钛酸丁酯:乙醇:水:盐酸=1:9:3:0.28;反应器的高径比为2 ̄3;加料速度适中。经TEM检测,可知颗粒粒度分介于8 ̄25nm。X射线衍射分析结果表明:当热处理温度为500℃时,所有晶粒均为锐钛型,随温度升高,颗粒长大,800℃时,晶粒转变为金红
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