Abstract:In the paper, authors present the basic principles and technological features of the new processing technologies of the metalmatrix composite, such as self propagating high temperature synthesis.XD synthesis, Directed metal oxidation (Dimox) synthesis, Lancide synthesis and Spray- Atomized and codeposied synthesis,illustrate the mechanical properties of the metal matrix composites produced by the above- mentioned approaches, analysis advantages and shortcomings of different approacbes and pointout that SHS,XD,Dimox and Lanxide approach belong to the in stiu processing. Composites containing reinforcement generated in stiu are likely to have the advantages of .virgin uncontaminated intedeces and can be fur,ther tailored during sikudufucation processing to promote adequate bonding between the matrix and the reinforcements. In addition,this route of synthesis of composites may be more ecnomic as the reinforcements are not tnanufactured and handled separately.The shortcomings of the .in stiu processing are that the composites POssess low density and the quantity of the reinforcements can not be controlled easily. Spray atomization and codeposition processes belong to the rapid solidification technology.The basic thenes of the new processing technologies above should be created as the processiny,technologics are imprproved further.
Abstract:In order to give a necessary information for the research on Bi system superconductor, the newest results of phase relations in Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system since 1991 have been reviewed, which include Ca-Cu-O ternary, Sr-Cu-O ternary, Bi2O3-CuO pseduo-binary, (Bi, Pb)2Sr2CuOx-CaCuO2 pseduobinary, Bi2O3-CaO-CuO pseduo-ternary. Bi2O3-SrO-CaO pseduo-ternary and Bi2O3-SrO-CuO-MO(M =Ca, Pb) pseduo-quarternary system. In addition. the new result of Ag-Cu-Pb-O system has also been discussed which is related with Bi(2223) / Ag tape and Ag-doped Bi-based Superconductor.
Abstract:The possible slipping and twinning modes in hop metals are summarized. The slipping plane includes (0000) hasal. (1100)prismatic plane and c-type. c+a-type Pyramidal plane. {1012}. {1121}and {112 2}are the primary twinning modes. {1011} {1124}and {1123}type twins are possible to appear in Ti and Zr.The relationship between slipping mode and the tasting temperature in Ti and Zr is discussed. The slipping planes arranged in order of ease of operation are prismatic.pyramidal and hasal planes.
Abstract:This paper describes the main character and important application of beryllium materials in the world high technology, as well as the production and application of beryllium in China.
Abstract:Miedema theory has been applied to studying systematically the thermodynamical properties of rare earth-magnesium. The eding enthalpies of liquid alloys and formation enthalpies of intermetallic compounds have been calculated. The calculations agree well wity the available experimental resultS or the predictions of other authors.
Abstract:Pole figure and inverse pole figure are introduced firstly, and both of them have been widely used in texture analysis as they are convenient in determining and recognizing. Then, the following are presented in details: the orientation distribution function (ODF), principle and calculation -process. The influence of Friedel Law on the results of ODF analysis, as well as much attempt to get complete ODF are also introduced in the present paper. Maximun Entropy Method applied to ODF analysis is considered to be better way for quantitative texture analysis. Texture quantitative result will be more real if Maximum Entropy Method is introduced to ODF analysis.
Kuang Yonggeng , Li Peizhi , Zhu Hongyao
Abstract:Apresentation is given of the discribtion of wave pattern,vartex, meten zone in the interface of explosive bonded layer metal composite by means of melallographic observation. The issues, which should be pay attention to also introduced for explosive bonded layer metal composite.
Li Peizhi , Xue Xiangyi , Yang Fanglin , Zhang Jianjun , Liu Jianzhang
Abstract:研究了加工热处理工艺对Zr-4合金管材机械性能和耐蚀性能的影响。实验表明,工序中加入β淬火处理,可以改善合金的性能。挤压前坯料β淬火后直接轧至成品的管材,再结晶退火后在375℃下的屈服强度为204 ̄218MPa,较经过多次轧制到成品的管材,其屈服强度提高了42% ̄47%。加工过程中降低中间退火温度,减少加工道次的管材,在相同条件下的屈服强度为180 ̄188MPa。对合金管材进行了400℃和500℃
Abstract:The recent progress of the practical application of catalytic kinetic photo-metric method in noble metals is described.
Peng Changhu , Yu Runkang , Quan Shiping
Abstract:The developing of facility for Al-Mo fusion alloying is introduced. By using the facility the environment will not be polluted, the working conditions can be improved. What's more, we' ll make the Al-Mo alloy with high quality and low cost, and it will be loaded and unloaded more easily and bring great economic income.
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