Li Huizhong , Zhang Yonghong , Yin Zhimin , Pan Qingling , Peng Zhihui
Abstract:The effect of cerium on structural stability and mechanical properties of cemented carbide has been investigated using dynamic thermal mechanical simulation technology. The results show that the stability of fcc structure in Co binder phase is improved by Ce addition. After thermal mechanical circulation, fcc structure of Co binder phase is preserved mostly. As a result, the mechanical properties are improved.
Fan Jianzhong , Sang Jimei , Zhang Yongzhong , Zhang Kui , Lu Jingning , Zhang Shaoming , Shi Likai
Abstract:The effects of high energy ball milling and general mixing on the spatial distribution of reinforcers of the SiC p(B 4C p)/Al composites have been investigated systematically by means of qualitative and quantitative methods. High energy ball milling, which leads to the dispersed homogeneous distribution of reinforcers in the matrix, is the most effective method for obtaining homogeneous distribution of reinforcers. There are many clusters of reinforcers in the composites fabricated by general mixing. The segregation degree of reinforcers is related to mixing medium and mixing time. The most uniform distribution of reinforcers has been obtained through long time dry blending, and for wet mixing distribution of reinforcers can be also improved when increasing the mixing time.
Liao Hengcheng , Ma Liqun , Yuan Haoyang
Wang Fushan , Wang Chunsheng , Chen Lixin , Lei Yongquan , Wang Qidong , Lu Guanglie
Abstract:Electrochemical performance and the phase composition of the Ti 0 7 Zr 0 2 V 0 1 Ni alloy have been studied. The results show that its capacity reaches 380 mAh/g at discharging rate of 50 mA/g. After 10 cycles, the capacity declines to 200 mAh/g. The as cast alloy (Ti 0 7 Zr 0 2 V 0 1 )Ni has a B 2(CsCl type) structure. After electrochemical pulverization, Ti 2Ni and Zr 9Ni 11 phases precipitate from matrix. The high discharging capacity results from the joint contribution of three existing phases, TiNi,Ti 2Ni and Zr 9Ni 11 . Rapid decline of the capacity is caused by the oxidation of the Ti 2Ni phase.
Zhao Yongqing , Zhou Lian , Deng Ju
Abstract:Burning resistant titanium alloys have been developing since 90s. However, burning resistant mechanism is not clear. Both direct current simulation burning (DCSB) and metal liquid drop methods were used to examine the burning resistant behavior. The reason why some titanium alloys being not burned and its mechanism are analyzed tentatively. The results suggest that a Ti40 alloy exhibits a good burning resistance because of its low melting point, high thermal conductivity, low heat of oxidation and single stable beta structure. On the basis of above analysis, a simple mathematical equation for burning resistant capacity is deduced. This equation shows that burning resistant capacity also has a relation with experimental conditions and the dimensions of sample. Nonburning mechanisms of fast heat dispersion and suspending oxygen transfer are put forward.
Yang Huabin , Ying Weihong , Lin Jingyu , Zhang Xiaoming , Guo Jihong
Abstract:A combustion boundary of the Ti 44 Ni 47 Nb 9 alloy has been attained by combustion front quench (CFQ). The structures of the boundary and related products were analyzed using Xray and electronic probe scanning microanalysis (EPSM). It is found that an initial liquid phase mainly containing Ti 2 Ni phase is a precondition of combustion reaction and propagating combustion. The combustion propagation depends upon the infiltration of eutectic liquid, and the combustion synthesis is controlled by resolving components Nb and Ti into the eutectic liquid phase. It is confirmed that the reaction mechanism controlled by the components resolving, which is suggested by Vadchenko for bielement system, is suitable for SHS of TiNiNb.
Abstract:用自制的具有可靠变速特性的定向凝固装置,研究了MnSb/Sb共晶在阶跃增、减速抽拉的变速生各式各样 ,相间距的变化行和调节机制。
Shan Fenglan , Huo Yanling , Luo Haobin , Wang Yuming
Abstract:Some features of precipitated phases and phase transformation in thin films of the Tirich TiNi alloy have been using Xray diffraction,transmission microscopy and resistance transition method. The results are discussed in detail.
Peng Chaoqun , Huang Baiyun , He Yuehui , Wang Jiannong
Abstract:Slippage, crack nucleation, propagation are analyzed for zircaloy4 during monotonic and cyclic deformation by means of insitu SEM observation. The results show that in the course of tension testing the slippage becomes heavier, and changes from single slip to multiple slips as the applied stress increases. Twist plays an important role in maintaining homogeneous deformation in the final deformation stage. The specimen fracture occurs as soon as the cracks reach the specimen surface. During cycling, a number of cracks nucleate, propagate and link in the vicinity of the grain boundaries. TEM observation shows that a typical dislocation configuration is parallel dislocation lines in transverse section and embryonic dislocation cells in longitudinal section.
Li Zhongkui , Liu Jianzhang , Li Peizhi , Zhou Lian , Song Qizhong
Abstract:研究了几种Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe-Cr新锆合金在400℃,10.3MPa及在3600℃,18.6MPa含7*10^-5锂的氢氧化锂水中的耐蚀行为; 用TEM和SEM对合金中的第二相的结构和组合进行了分析。
Abstract:The induction melting technology of a cold crucible, and its application field and operational features are reviewed. Various kinds of cold crucible induction furnace, and their basic technical parameters and energy balance are also presented. It is pointed out that assisting plasma source promotes industral application and devolopment of the induction melting technology of a cold crucible.
Li Yimin , Huang Baiyun , Zhong Wei , Qu Xuanhui , Qiu Guanghan
Abstract:The influence of some important injection processing parameters,including temperature,pressure and mold temperature,on the injection defects in compacts has been studied using metal injection molding (MIM) standard tensile specimens.Some optimum injection parameters have been obtained. The forming mechanism of the defects such as short shots,fracture,and central through-hollow is discussed.
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