Wang Jinshu , Zhou Meiling , Zhang Jiuxing , Nie Zuoren , Zuo Tieyong
Abstract:The valence of lanthanum on the surface of carburized La 2O 3 Mo cathode material has been studied using high temperature X ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). The experimental results show that La 2O 3 in the La 2O 3 Mo cathode material can be reduced to metalic lanthanum by molybdenum carbide (Mo 2C). The binding energy of metallic lanthanum is higher than that of La 2O 3, The La3d5/2 binding energy of metallic lanthanum has been proved to be 835 96 eV experimentally. This paper reports for the first time that the experimental La3d3/2 binding energy of metallic lanthanum is 852 23 eV .
Ren Ke , Lei Yongquan , Chen Lixin , Zhang Qingan , Wang Qidong
Abstract:对 (Ml) x(Ni3.8Co0 .75Mn Ti0 .0 5)合金 (x =0 .90~ 1 .1 0 )的相结构 ,热力学性能及合金电极的充放电性能进行了研究。结果表明 :在 x <1 .0 0的成分范围内 ,合金保持单一的 La Ni5相 ;当 x≥ 1 .0 0时 ,合金中析出多种第二相 ,且总量随 x的增加而增多。随着 x的增加 ,合金的晶胞体积及氢化物生成焓 (-ΔH )增大 ,吸放氢平台压力降低 ,宽度增加。合金的最大放电容量在 x =1 .0 0 时达到最大值 (30 7.7m Ah/g)。x <1 .0 0 合金的循环稳定性优于 x≥ 1 .0 0 合金。
Ma Zhihong , Lei Yongquan , Chen Lixin , Gu Wei
Abstract:研究了热处理对 Ml (Ni Co Mn Al) 4 .76合金电化学性能的影响。结果表明 :在 1 1 73K~ 1 373K下适当的热处理可以显著提高贮氢合金电极的放电容量和高倍率放电性能 ;铸态合金的放电容量为 31 0 Ah/kg,放电电流密度 id=30 0 A/kg时 ,高倍率放电率 H RD30 0 =91 % ,id =1 2 0 0 A/kg时 ,H RD12 0 0 =35% ;经 1 1 73K,1 0 h热处理的合金容量提高到 32 7Ah/kg,H RD30 0 提高到 97% ;经 1 1 73K,3h热处理的合金容量为 2 99Ah/kg,H RD30 0 提高到 98% ,H RD12 0 0 提高到 65% ;随热处理温度的升高和时间的延长 ,导致合金电极的放电容量和高倍率放电性能下降。
Jia Miying , Song Xiuqin , Chen Rufen
Abstract:采用柠檬酸盐溶胶 -凝胶法合成了组成为 Li Zn(P1- x Vx) O4 (x=0 ,0 .1 ,0 .2 ,0 .3,0 .4,0 .5)的离子导体 ,并对合成材料进行了差示热分析 (DTA)、热重分析 (TG)、X射线衍射 (XRD)和透射电镜 (TEM)等表征。实验结果表明 ,组成为 Li Zn PO4 的烧结体结构为 α- L i Zn PO4 ;x=0 .4,0 .5的烧结体具有 Li Zn VO4 结构 ,为固溶体 (Li Zn VO4 )单相 ;而 x=0 .1 ,0 .2 ,0 .3的烧结体是由 α- Li Zn PO4 和 Li Zn VO4 两相组成的。由于 α- Li Zn PO4 烧结体的相对密度极小 ,样品在室温下几乎不显示导电性 ;而掺杂了 V以后的样品 ,随着结构和组成不同显示出不同程度的导电性 ,其中以 x=0 .4时值最大 ,T=30℃时 σ=4.55× 1 0 - 7S· cm- 1。
Wang Dezhi , Liu Xinyu , Zhou Meiling
Abstract:Interstitial impurities in sintered Mo La 2O 3 bars have been investigated systematically using SEM, EDAX, XRD and AES. It has been shown that the bend strength and ductility of the sintered Mo bars are greatly improved by the addition of La 2O 3. Interstitial impurities not only exist in the Mo grains, but also segregate to the surface of the La 2O 3 particles and in so doing decrease impurity concentration of the grain boundary.
Jiang Ping , Zhang Jijuan , Yu Ligen , Wang Huaming
Abstract:利用预涂 Si粉对 Ti- 6Al- 4V合金进行激光表面合金化 ,制得以初生及共晶金属间化合物 Ti5Si3为增强相的快速凝固“原位”耐磨复合材料表面改性层 ,研究了激光表面合金化 Ti5Si3/β- Ti耐磨复合材料表面改性层的显微组织及其在干滑动磨损及二体磨料磨损条件下的耐磨性能。结果表明 :利用 Si粉对 Ti- 6Al- 4V合金进行激光表面合金化处理后 ,合金层硬度及耐磨性大幅度提高。
Mao Xiaonan , Zhou Lian , Zeng QuanPu , Wei Hairong
Abstract:The fracture of titanium matrix composite reinforced by TiC particles has been studied. The results indicate that the proportion of defective particles will significantly influence the crack propagation rate. Regular and non defective particles will not fracture easily during the initial deformation, and hence will greatly enhance the crack extension energy. On the contrary, the easily broken particles enhance the extension stress at the crack tip, and hence the propagation rate of the crack. Suitable heat treatment will increase the crack extension energy, and improve the plasticity of the composite.
Yue Zhufeng , Tao Xiande , Lu Zhenzhou
Abstract:The experiments of the hot cracking tendency of the alloys were carried out in the HRS directionally solidified device. Hot cracking tendency of directionally solidified Al Cu and Rene 125 alloys was evaluated with a semi quantitative method. Grain boundaries were observed. Its effect on hot cracking is analyzed and discussed. The analysis result with grain boundary's state is in accordance with experiment result. It is proved that grain boundary's state has important influence on the formation of hot cracks. The effects include weakening the binding energy between grains and compensating solidification shrinking in grain boundaries. The comprehensive influence of grain boundary state on hot cracking tendency of an alloy depends on the distribution and amount of the phases with low melting points in grain boundaries.
Liu Peisheng , Liang Kaiming , Gu Shouren Guan Hengrong , Sun Xiaofeng , Jin Tao , Yang Kenu
Abstract:The cyclic oxidation behavior of aluminide coatings made by low pressure chemical vapor deposition on to a new Co base superalloy DZ40M has been investigated. It was found that these coatings bonded well to the matrix well. Coating degradation when it occurs is due primarily to a depleting Al source as the oxide scale on outer surface is heated during cyclic oxidation. This degradation will be accelerated if Ti is added to the aluminizing reagent during deposition.
Li Luoxing , Peng Dashu , Liu Zhenqiu
Huang Qingwei , Gao Jiqiang , Jin Zhihao
Fu Tao , Li Hao , Zhang Yumei , Xu Kewei
Liu Yong , Huang Baiyun , Zhou Kechao , He Yuehui
Abstract:The TiAl based alloys with various compositions were prepared by powder metallurgy(P/M), and their microstructures and mechanical properties studied. It was shown that homogeneous Ti Al Cr Nb alloys with fine microstructures can be obtained by means of powder metallurgy. The addition of alloying elements has a significant effect on the microstructure; for example additions of Cr and B will refine the grain size. The mechanical properties of the P/M Ti Al based alloys are related to their microstructures. The finer the microstructure, the higher the room temperature strength and ductility. At high temperatures the strength increases with increasing grain size. P/M processed Ti 47Al 3Cr was found to have good room temperature properties : an ultimate strength of 526 MPa and an elongation of 1 5%.
Zhang Yong , Guo Shengwu , Luo Dong , Liu Yongning
Abstract:The influence of partial substitution of Cr for V on the activation of TiMn based hydride electrodes has been investigated. The results indicate that the partial substitution of Cr for V is favourable for increasing the activation of TiMn based alloys. High discharge capacity (397mAh/g) can be obtained for 1 at% Cr content However, with increasing Cr content. the activation and discharge capacity of the alloy decrease. X ray results indicate that there are two main phases existing in the alloy:V rich V 3Ni 2 and Ti rich TiMn 2.
Yong Zhihua , Wang Shiyuan , Cheng Juan , Feng Yuxin , Zhang Wei , Zhu Junfeng
Abstract:Cemented carbides of the type WC 8(Fe/Ni/Co) R were made by means of adding minor rare earth elements( R ) and a Fe Ni binder (partly substiting for the Co binder) and their physical and mechanical properties were tested. The influences of various compositions and sintering temperatures on the properties of the alloys have been studied. The results indicate that the properties of the WC 8(Fe/Ni/Co) R cemented carbides are comparable to those of the WC 8Co alloys. The microstructures of the alloys were studied using scanning election microscopy (SEM) and X ray diffraction. Some factors that influence the properties of the WC 8(Fe/Ni/Co) R alloys are discussed in detail.
Ma Shengli , Jing Xiaotian , Ge Liling
Abstract:A method of TEM sample preparation for melt spun Nd Fe B powders is presented. The TEM samples were prepared by mixing the Nd Fe B powders (30% in volume) with pure aluminium powders, followed by blending, compacting into pellets, rolling into flakes, punching, grinding and ion sputter thinning.
Xu Jie , Lin Leyun , Liu Zengcai , Zhao Yuehong
Abstract:The functions and characteristics of photographic databases are presented for nonferrous metals exposed to seawater. As an example, the corrosion data are compared to the phatographs for Cu Sn bronze. The results show the relatively high susceptivity to temperature of bronze exposed to seawater.
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