Abstract:Recent new progress in magnetic functional materials and applications in 1998~1999 is reviewed. The review includes:(1) magnetic sensor new materials;(2) hexagonal system microwave ferrite materials;(3) large capacity spin valve magnetic memories;(4) magnetic thin tape and film transforms;(5) large power application of ferrite materials.
Wang Jingrong , Feng Yong , Zhang Pingxiang
Abstract:Progresses and directions of HTS applications world wide are reviewed in this paper, especially with respects to:transmission cables, transformers, fault current limiters(FCL), current leads, motors, flywheel power storage systems, magnetic resonance imagine (MRI), and magnetic levitation trains (Maglev). Prepared and developed in our country are materials for power cables, current leads, FCL, MRI, and Maglev. Accordingly, we should seize the opportunities and face the challenges to optimize the processing of superconducting tapes and bulk materials, to increase their homogeneity, mechanical properties and quantities, to decrease their costs and ac losses, in order to meet the coming new age of HTS commercialization.
Liu Chunfang , Wu Xuan , Wang Feiyun , Pang Ying , Feng Yong , Zhang Pingxiang , Wu Xiaozu , Zhou Lian
Abstract:Based on X ray pole figure measurement, the principle, formulas, and practical experimentation on calculating the volume fraction of cubic textured Ni in the substrate for YBCO coated superconductor are presented. The method is reasonable and reliable, and can be used for other components of the texture.
Zhao Zhilong , Zhang Hainan , Liu Lin , Chen Zheng
Peng Liming , Mao Xiemin , Wen Hongquan
Wang Fenghui , Yan Junhui , Wang Hong
Abstract:The failure stress of two kinds of alumina with six different notch radii were tested. Statistical analysis of the fracture strength indicates that although the fracture strength of smooth specimens conforms to a Weibull distribution, the fracture strength of notched specimen conforms to a normal distribution. The test results show that fracture toughness of structural ceramics also conforms to normal distribution.Therefore the normal distribution will be adopted as reliability design is applied to structural ceramics.
Wang Yu , Chen Min , Gao Jiaping , Hu Xingfang
Abstract:Microstructural variation and crack propagation of modified Ti Cr Si silicide coatings on the niobium alloy C 103 during oxidation at high temperatures in air have been studied. The results show that the crack propagation behavior is commonly determined by superficial glass phase, the silicon content of the body coating, and the growth and mechanical properties of low valent silicide.
Wang Jinsh , Zhou Meiling , Zhang Jiuxing , Nie Zuoren , Zuo Tieyong
Abstract:采用俄歇电子能谱法研究了 Mo- L a2 O3阴极材料中 L a2 O3向表面的富集过程。结果表明 ,在高温下 ,L a2 O3以 L a3+ ,O2 - 离子的形式分别向表面扩散 ,然后在表面上重新结合成分子。在 112 3 K~ 142 3 K范围内 ,L a3+ ,O2 -离子的扩散系数分别为 :DL a=3.6 70 3× 10 - 1 6 exp (- 1.0 16 39× 10 5 / RT) m2 / s;DO=1.5 12 2× 10 - 1 6 exp (- 8.130 6 6× 10 4/ RT) m2 / s
Qu Xuanhui , Zhong Wei , Li Yimin , Zhang Jian , Zhong Xiaoxian
Abstract:The main defects frequently occurring in injection molded cemented carbide parts and their origin have been analyzed. Some effective measures to reduce or avoid the defects are proposed. The application prospects and some problems that need to be solved in the powder injection molding of cemented carbides are discussed in detail.
Zhao Yongqing , Zhou Lian , Deng Ju , Zhu Kangying , Wang Xiao
Abstract:The burning behavior of titanium alloys in a mixture of Ar and O 2, and a way of extinguishing the titanium fire have been studied. It was shown that titanium burns in an oxygen rich atmosphere, and that Ar gas can be used to extinguish the fire. Both the burning products and interface between the burning products and matrix are porous when titanium burns in an oxygen rich atmosphere.
Wan Jigao , Wang Kaijun , Chen Jialin
Abstract:The effects of macromolecular dispersant and subzero treatment on the preparation of ultrafine non agglomerative zirconia powders have been studied. The results show that adding a macromolecular dispersant at the beginning of deposition, and the subzero treatment after the wet gel being neutrality not only shorten the cleaning period, but also avoid the agglomeration of zirconia powders(particle size of 10 nm~30 nm). The mechanism is also discussed and analyzed.
Shi Lu , Wang Lijun , Wang Jiafu , Yang Xiong , Wang Jizhou
Abstract:In order to improve the resistance to natural aging and softening, and property stability of ornamental silver, the dependences of mechanical properties of the silver alloyed with 0 12 wt%(La+Y) on aging temperature have been studied. The experimental results show that the hardness and resistance to softening of Ag can be improved by the addition of small amounts of rare earth elements. SEM analysis indicate that significant grain refinement result. The rare earth additions effectively defer the recovery and recrystallization of silver, thereby improving the resistance to natural aging and softening, and increasing the repeatablility of property.
Yang Shenghong , Zhang Xiaoming , Zhang Tingjie , Wang Keguang , Zhu Yubin
Abstract:TiO 2 nano powders were prepared by means of microwave radiation using the collosol of titanium dioxide hydrate made from sponge titanium. TEM analysis indicates that the morphology of the nano particles is spherical, and the particle size is in the range of 60 nm~100 nm. The distribution of the particle size is fine. The Zeta potential value of the sample in water is +48 7 mV, indicaling good dispersivity. The transformation temperature of the nano crystal is much lower than that of the common crystal. The starting material is cheaper, and using this method nano particle size is easily controlled in production.
Abstract:试验证实了高温下铂铑 10 -铂热电偶在 H2 或 CO气氛中使用时因脆性而会很快断裂失效。采用透射电镜(TEM)对脆断偶丝进行了研究认为 :脆断失效的根本原因在于 Si与 Pt作用形成 Pt5 Si2 低熔点共晶物 ,使偶丝局部熔点降低而熔化 ,发生脆断。通过采用 Sol Gel Dip Coating工艺在铂铑 10 -铂热电偶丝上成功制备了 Al2 O3· Y2 O3涂层。对涂层铂铑 10 -铂热电偶分别在 H2 和 CO还原性气氛中进行了试验研究 ,结果表明涂层铂铑 10 -铂热电偶试样可通过还原性气氛中长期稳定性试验 ,克服了脆断失效问题
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