Ren Fengzhang , Ju Xinhua , Zhou Genshu , Hu Zhizhong , Zhao Wenzhen , Zheng Maosheng
Abstract:The current status of bulge experiments for testing mechanical properties of thin film is outlined in this article. Stressed is the status of the mechanical model and the manufacture of specimens used in the test, including their advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, the possible prospects of this test are overviewed.
Wang Tianmin , Wang Wenjun , Zhang Hongtao , Wang Baoyi
Abstract:The Molecular Dynamics Method with the Finnis Sinclair many body potential is used to calculate the formation energies and combination energies of some small vacancy clusters with different configurations in TiAl. The most stable configuration of a vacancy cluster and its effect on vacancy migration nearby the cluster are simulated and discussed. The results show that, in the most stable configuration, each vacancy makes its best endeavor to form nearest neighbor relationship with the other vacancies, and there are anti site defect nearby the cluster. The atoms nearby the vacancy cluster would move towards the cluster center for bigger cluster, and it seems that there exist interstitials in the vacancy cluster. The existing vacancy cluster as the aggregation center of vacancy has the ability of trapping or absorbing the near vacancy.
Chen Zheng , Liu Bing , Wang Yongxin , Wei Qilong
Abstract:In this paper, specific emphasis has been placed on exploring the effect of electric field treatment on grain boundary strengthening for Al Li alloy 2090+Ce. The relation of the tensile properties to the electric field was investigated. The results show that the grain boundary can be so strengthened as to weaken the intergranular failure. An improvement in ductility has been obtained, however, the change of strength was very little. The research results of phenomenological theory show that the solution ability of solute atoms was enhanced and the cluster gather of solute atoms and vacancy was improved by electricfield treatment.
Zhang Tingjie. Zhang Xiaoming , Tian Feng , Li Zongkui , Yin Jingou
Yang Yang , Li Zhenghua , Cheng Xinlin , Zhu Xiaobei , Pei Darong , Gao Wenzhu
Abstract:Cu/Mo/Cu(CMC)laminate is a new kind of composite with highl electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. Especially, the CTE(coefficient of thermal expansion) of the laminate can be tailored by changing the cladding ratio, so a significant amount of CMC sheet is used in electronic industry for substrates of integrated circuits. At present, it is an ideal material to replace the pure molybdenum sheet. In this study, CMC laminate was produced with explosive cladding technique. The interface's morphology and microstructure were observed by means of OM. SEM. Microhardness measurements revealed the feature of deformation zone.
Zhao Zhilong , Liu Lin , Chen Zheng
Wang Lijun , Gu Yijie , Zhang Yonggang , Chen Changqi
Wang Xinhua , Li Shouquan , Chen Lixin , Ge Hongwei , Yin Tiao , Chen Changpin
Huang Liye , Xu Kewei , LU Jian , Yang Shengrong , Liu Weimin
Abstract:Diamond like carbon coatings with different thickness have been prepared on Ti alloy substrate by rf plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (rf PECVD), their surface morphology and mechanical properties were analyzed and evaluated by AFM, nanoindentation, scratch test, friction test and fretting wear test. The results show that: with the increasing of coating thickness, the surface roughness sharply increases, then significant decreases, at last tending to stable; the hardness and bond strength increase with thickness, but the friction coefficient decreases; and the friction coefficient of DLC coatings against corundum obtained by fretting test decreases with the increase of relative humidity to be below 0 1 in an aqueous condition. All of that are beneficial to their biomedical applications in body fluids.
Shi Jingyu , Zhang Yonggang , Gao Min , Duan Xiaofeng
Abstract:Three kinds of interactions between the twins and the anti phase boundaries(APBs) have been studied in massive transformation for Ti 47Al 2Nb 1Mn alloys. The results show that: the twins are usually thicker when the twins intersect with the APBs or the APBs are terminated with the twins; and the twins usually thinner when the twins are terminated with the APBs on the ends.In the late case, the twin has a wedge shape and ended at the APB with a sharp tip. Thus, we can conclude that in the course of the massive transformation there must be some close relations between the twins and the APBs which lead to the three kinds of interactions mentioned above.
Zhang Jianbin , Ma Qin , Fan Ding , Zhou Qi , Wang Jingyi
Abstract:The substructure, fracture morphology and residual stress of shot peened commercial pure titanium were analyzed by the methods of TEM, SEM and XRD. The structure, stress and roughness affecting the fatigue strength were studied in this paper. The results show that twinning plays an important role in plastic deformation of hcp metals, the shot peening layer consists of twins and deformation bands, and the twin interactions can cause micro damage. Fatigue would relax the residual stresses and decrease the strengthening effect. The increased surface roughness has negative effects.
Fan Jinglian , Huang Baiyun , Qu Xuanhui
Abstract:The distortion behavior and distortion controlling processes of PIM tungsten based heavy alloys were studied in this paper. Liquid phase sintering distorts the samples due to the large difference in density between W phase and liquid phase. The two step sintering process can effectively decrease the distortion of the alloys with higher tungsten contents. For the alloy with low tungsten contents, the powder mixture can decrease the sintering temperature of the alloy for full densification with good mechanical properties.
Zhang Quancheng , He Guiyu , Wu Jiansheng , Zhang Taixian , Cai Xuezhang
Abstract:Powder metallurgy and hot pressed technology were adopted to manufacture the TiNb fiber reinforced TiAl matrix composites. The bending strength as well as the fracture toughness of the material were investigated. Results show that the TiNb/TiAl composite has a better property than the matrix, and the bending strength in the laboratory corresponds to the forecast of the mixture rule very well. Furthermore, the interface of the composite is consisted of full lamella structure, the matrix and fibers combine well, and the damaging ratio of the fibers is little due to the manufacture technology. It is showed that the PM technology is a good method to manufacture the TiAl matrix composite.
Li Yuanshi , Wang Fugang , Niu Yan , Wu Weitao
Guo Shengwu , Cheng Yu , Liu Yongning
Zhang Rui , Hu Yuan , Song Lei , Zhu Yurui , Fan Weicheng , Chen Zuyao
Abstract:The effects of the post heat treatment for electroplating on the adhesion of Ni or Ni/Cu coating were mainly studied in this thesis. The XRD results showed that the diffusion layer was formed between the coating and the base metal after the diffusion treatment, which was mainly consisted of solid solusion or intermetallic compound, such as Ni 3Ti, NiTi and NiTi 2 There was no direct relationship between the improvement of plating adhesion and the thickness of diffusion layer due to the formation of metallic bonds between the coating and the base metal. The metallic bonds can be easily formed and the plating adhesion can be improved when the integrality of the nonmetallic film, such as oxide film, was destroyed by the solid sulusion and metallic compound in thc diffusion layer. The microcosmic clearance between the plating layer and matrix did not increase due to the heat treatment
Liu Sha , Yi Danqin , Yu Zhiming , Lu Bin , Wang Jianhua , Li Yongxia , Zou Dan
Abstract:The poor adhesivity between diamond coating and cemented carbide substrate due to is the big difference in properties of diamond and cemented carbides, especially in the presence of Co in the substrate, which has the deleterious effect and brings about the transformation of diamond to amorphous and graphitic carbon. How to improve the adhesivity is very important for the products development of carbides with diamond film. The adhesivity can be improved by strictly controlling the process of diamond depostion, but the surface pretreatmetn of cemented carbide substrate is another more important approach to improve the adhesivity. The main factors effecting the adhesivity are briefly introduced, and the recent advances in the research of surface pretreatment of cemented carbide substrate for diamond coating are reviewed.
Zheng Rui , Xi Shengqi , Zhou Jinen
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