Wu Bo , Shen Jianyun , Zhang Zhu , Sun Jun , Peng Delin , Liu Songqing
Abstract:The CALPHAD technology,first principle method and Embedded Atom Method (EAM) in computer simulation of metals and alloys are outlined.Recent results of computer simulation for Ti2AlNb based alloy are reviewed.
Zhang Xinping , Yu Sirong , Xia Lianjie , He Zhenming
Abstract:The development status of dental Ti, Ti alloys and Ti alloy porcetains, such as their physico mechanical properties, shaping techniques and equipments, and surface treatment, are reviewed. The present status of research and application of dental Ti and Ti alloy are discussed.
Wang Ning , Xi Shengqi , Guo Zhenqi , Zheng Rui
Abstract:Mg Ni alloy is a promising candidate for hydrogen storage because of its high discharge capacity. But its applicability is restricted by its rapid capacity deterioration and charge discharge cycling limitations. Factors effecting Mg Ni electrode discharging capacity are analysed and several methods for improving the overall electrochemical performance are discussed.
Zhang Tingjie , Zhang Xiaomin , Tian Feng , Li Zhongkui
Li Zhongkui , Liu Jianzhang , Zhou Lian , Li Cong , Zhang Jianjun
Abstract:The microstructure of oxide film for new zirconium alloys was studied.The results show that the microstructure of oxide films is much alike from inner surface to outer surface for NZ2 and NZ8 alloys by different intermidiate annealling treatment.The effect of different annealling lies in that whether there are precipitates embedding in oxide,the higher the accumulative annealing parameters,the more the probability of precipitates embedding.The embedded precipitates promote oxide transition to monoclinal structure and promote cracking along the former alloys grain boundary.SEM shows that the oxide film grows in a inhomogeneous way.The film in the inner surface appears in morphology like Cauliflouer,which is realted to accelerating corrosion.The faster the corrosion,the bigger the "Cauliflower"in size is.The results obtained by this study comfirm that adopting low temperature working process can make further refining of precipitates size,and this is the effective way to improve corrosion resistance of new zirconium alloys.
Zeng Liying , Mao Xiaonan , Zhao Yongqing , Zhou Lian , Alain Vassel
Abstract:研究了TiC粒子增强的钛基复合材料的室温轴向高周疲劳性能。测试Kt=1的试样时采用的试验频率为76Hz,R=0.06和R=-1时,复合材料的室温疲劳强度分别为594MPa和494MPa。试验结果表明TiC粒子增强的钛基复合材料的室温高周疲劳性能与细晶组织的Ti-6Al-4V和IMI834的相当。复合材料内含有较细小的薄片状组织,这种组织为α β相互相交错构成,这种细小的α β相间的层状组织对于阻止疲劳裂纹的扩展和提高疲劳裂纹的扩展寿命有重要作用。退火后的复合材料疲劳裂纹扩展区规则且较宽广,从而也使复合材料具有较高的疲劳强度,疲劳裂纹扩展寿命延长。
Zhang Yongjun , Yu Zhiwei , Ji Shijun , Xu Xiaolei , Sun Juncai
Abstract:The influences of the 1%HF solution pretreatment on electrochemical properties of ZrCr0.7Ni1.3 were investigated.The results show that creak initiation and propagation and the increase of the specific surface area were accelerated due to the effect of the microcell corrosion during the HF pre treating,therefore the electrochemical properties of the alloy were improved. The changes of surface morphology and composition of the alloy resulting from the HF pre treatment are responsible for the improvement in the electrochemical properties of the alloy.
Liang Chenghao , Guo Liang , Chen Wan
Abstract:采用电化学测试技术研究了离子注氮对SUS316L不锈钢,Co-Cr合金,工业纯钛和Ti-6Al-4V植入合金在Hank’s人工模拟体液中腐蚀行为的影响。腐蚀电位和极化曲线的测量结果表明,注氮使4种植入金属材料的腐蚀电位正移,钝化电位区间扩大,耐蚀性明显提高。注氮的工业纯钛和Ti-6Al-4V合金的耐蚀性最佳,其钝化区拓宽为4V以上。通过AES分析发现,离子注氮后钛及其合金表面形成的氮化钛膜层及弥散的氮化钛析出相的化学效应,使基体电化学性能得到提高。注氮的Co-Cr合金的耐蚀性略优于SUS316L不锈钢。Co-Cr合金表面形成的钴氮化合物相对基体起到保护作用,降低了腐蚀速率。SUS316L不锈钢表面形成铁和铬氮化合物膜,有效地阻止了Cr^3 的水解,且氮离子注入促进Fe3O4的产生,提高了耐腐蚀性能。
Zhu Yan , Yang Yanqing , Ma Zhijun , Chen Yan
Abstract:通过建立热力学可能反应模型,分别计算了SCS-6 SiC长纤维增强Ti3Al和TiAl金属间化合物基复合材料界面反应的Gibbs函数变值△rG,并用△rG判据推测了界面反应产物并与透射电镜实验结果进行了对比分析。研究表明,由于TiAl中原子结合力较强,因而SCS-6 SiC/TiAl复合材料的界面反应较轻。所研究的2种复合材料界面反应的二元反应产物为TiC,Ti5Si3和Ti3Si,Ti-Si相图中的其它二元硅化物不可能形成。
Zhang Maicang , Wang Huanqin , Zhang Lina , Xie Xishan
Abstract:Specially designed SEM in situ fatigue tests have been conducted to trace the whole process of crack initiation and propagation to fracture in an Al2O3 seeded P/M Rene 95 superalloy.The results show that the loading wave shape has a strong effect on the micromechanical behavior.Under triangle wave loading crack initiation and propagation life decrease on the inclusion/matrix interface,but specimen failure is not due to the surface or sub surface inclusions.On the other hand,sine wave loading is accompanied by a significant increase the crack initiation life and surface or sub surface inclusions are always the primary cause of fatigue fracture.Furthermore,under the same loading waveform the crack initiation life increases as the amplitude of applied stress decreases.
Hu Shuhong , Zhao Xinbing , Zhu Tiejun
Abstract:According to XRD the alloys Mn15Bi34Te51 and La15Bi34Te51 were formed after ball milling for 150 h and 100 h, respectively. Nanostructured La15Bi34Te51 resulted from extending the ball milling time to 150 h, It is suggested that the addition of La may refine the grain size and help to promote amorphism in Bi2Te3 based alloys. Further detailed XRD analysis of La15Bi34Te51 alloys suggests that the La atoms may intercalate between the Te Te layers of the Bi2Te3 layer structure. The Seeback coefficient measurements on the La15Bi34Te51 alloys indicates that the carrier scattering mechanism changes when the grain sizes are decreased to a few nanometers leading to a dramatic increase in the Seeback coefficient.
Abstract:Pure and metal oxide doped nanocrystalline ceria has been prepared by the hydrothermal technique,and the samples annealed at different temperatures to study the interaction between dopants and the ceria.The results indicated that CdO enhanced the growth of ceria particles while Al2O3 and ZrO2 hindered it.MgO,CaO,SrO and BaO only hindered the ceria particle growth at lower temperatures.At higher temperatures,as the impurity phases crystallized,they no longer hindered the growth of ceria particles.
Su Yanqing , Guo Jingjie , Jia Jun , Ding Hongsheng , Cui Hongbao , Liu Songqing
Zhang Chunguang , Qiao Guanjun , Jin Zhihao
Abstract:An airtight joint between high purity Al2O3 and the alloy Kovar was obtained using a partial transient liquid phase(PTLP) bonding technique with Ni Ti filler.A sandwich structure was observed in the soldered joint two side faces of the sandwich were Ti2Ni and at the center was thick layer of Ti solid solution.Shear testing indicated that the joint strength increased with increase of holding time,although a relationship between strength and joining temperature was not observed.
Zhu Baojun , Qu Xuanhui , Tao Ying , Xiao Pingan , Qin Mingli
Huang Ping , Han Yong , Xu Kewei
Dong Xiangting , Yan Jinghui , Yu Wei
Abstract:Nanocrystalline CeO2 was prepared by hydrothermal crystallization method. XRD analysis indicates that the structure of the synthesized CeO2 is cubic with space group O5H FM3M. TEM photos reveals that nanocrystalline CeO2 is spherical in shape with a mean particle size of less than 100 nm. It was found that with increase of hydrothermal treatment temperatures the relative density of CeO2 nanocrystalline increased.
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