Abstract:The criteria for stability of eutectics,solid solutions and precipitates are proposed.It is based on the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac model on the boundary conditions that electr on densities and chemical potentials should be equal in either side of a co mposite film.The optimum condition for stabilizing the energ y balance and the sizes of eutectics o r precipitates is given.
E WCollings , E Lee , M D Sumption , M Tomsic
Zhu Yan , Yang Yanqing , Ma Zhijun , Chen Yan
Abstract:运用量子化学计算理论,求出了有关化合物的热化学参数,并根据有关热力学模型,计算了金属间化合物Ti2AlNb中元素的活度,由此计算了SCS-6 SiC长纤维增强Ti2AlNb金属间化合物复合材料界面反应的Gibbs函数变值△rG,用△rG判据推测了界面反应产物并与透射电镜实验结果进行了对比分析。研究表明,由于Ti2AlNb中原子结合力较Ti3Al强,因而SCS-6 SiC/Ti2AlNb复合材料的界面反应较SCS-6 SiC/Ti3Al轻。反应初期形成晶粒非常细上的TiC,Ti5Si3,晶粒较大的TiC和Ti3Si是由于元素扩散和反应所形成。在对复合材料的热暴露中,这些反应产物均进一步长大,并由于反应Ti3Al C→Ti3AlC,在Ti2AlNb基体中形成一些三元反应产物Ti3AlC晶粒。
Yue Zhufeng , Hu Weibin , Lu Zhenzhou ,
Su Yong , Chen Yiqing , Cao Qingping , Ding Houfu
Cheng Xingwang , Wang Fuchi , Wang Lu , Li Shukui
Abstract:Normal penetration of tungsten allo y shells into steel targets was perfo rmed and the total deformation and fr acture history of the shells were successfully obtained.The mic rostructure of received shells was e xamined and analyzed,revealing that the formation of adiabatic shear band at critical section is the mainl y failure behavior of tungsten alloy shell,and matrix rupture at the tip o f internal hollow also results in the damage of the shell.Furthermore,th e failure process of critical sectio n is divided into three steps,i.e.th e formation of adiabatic shear bands,the appearance of micro-cracks in the bands and the expansion of sh ear cracks.In additional,the failu res of tungsten alloy shells start at geometrical stress concentratio n zone in the all received shells,so o nly if the local stress concentratio n coefficients are markedly decreased by shell geometrical design,the tungsten alloy shells can be able to play an important role in several applications,including military engi-neering.
Zhang Wenkui , Wang Yungang , Yang Xiaoguang , Huang Hui , Ma Chunan
Abstract:The rare earth films with switchable optical properties were found recen tly.During the hydrogen absorption/desorption procedure or electrochemical charging /discharging,the optical properties of the r are earth hydrides can be changed dra stically.In this paper,the crystal structure and thermodynamic properties of rare earth hydrides were intr oduced,the progress in the switchab le optical properties of rare earth hydride films was briefly reviewed.The mechanism for rare earth hydrides with switchable optical propertie s was discussed as well.
Zhang Junhong , Huang Baiyun He Yuehui Lu Shiqiang
Zeng Weidong , Zhou Yigang , P W M Peters
Abstract:用薄试样push-out和push-back试验测试了SCS-6/Timetal 834复合材料从室温到530℃温度范围内的峰值载荷和滑动摩擦切应力。用轴对称圆柱有限元模型模拟计算了SiC纤维增强钛基复合材料不同温度下的界面应力沿轴向分布规律和界面脱粘过程。计算表明,push-out试验的界面脱粘过程可以用剪切强度准则描述,对于SCS-6/Timetal834复合材料。当界面单元尺寸L=6.25μm时,其室温下界面剪切强度τm=500MPa,300℃时τm=300MPa,530℃时τm=140MPa。由于应力奇异性的影响,界面剪切强度的值与单元尺寸大小有关。
Xi Zhengpin , Zhang Jian , Wang Keguan g , Tang Xiande , Wu Quanxing , Yang Yanan , Bai Wenfeng , Wang Xin
Abstract:The stainless steel fiber manufactu red by bundle drawing method has not o nly the high thermal resistance and c orrosion resistance,but also the flexility and weavable p roperties of textile fiber.It has been used widely as raw material for non woven fabrics and mixture fabrics.Through comparing the physical prop erties of stainless steel fiber with that of traditional woven fiber,it was regarded that stainless steel fib er and traditional textile fabric differ in density,elongation percentag e,rebound resilience,bending resistance,curliness and skin friction co-efficient ,which affect the quality of nonwoven fabrics woven by stainless steel fib er.So it' s important to investigate the properties of stainless steel fiber.
Xu Xiaohong , Wu Haishun , Zhang Fuqiang , Duan Jingfang , Li Zuoyi
Abstract:AlN piezoelectric film has a lot of excellent physical chemistry properties.This discussion focus on the str uctural characters,pre-pared methods and applied prospect o f AlN piezoelectric films.
Le Yongkang , Wang Zhe , Wang Enze , Sun Jianke , Zhang Yingyuan
Abstract:Unreinforced 6066aluminium alloy a nd the alloy reinforced by SiC partic ulate with various volume fraction were fabricated by spray atomization and co -deposition,and also the unreinforced alloy was fabr icated by as -melten as a contrast,an d the materials were then extruded.It was observed that the aging respon ses of 6066Al and 6066Al /SiCp fabric ated by spray atomization and co -dep osition were accelerated.Metal-lography and transmission electron microscopy(TEM)were utilized to inspect the microstructures of the materials.The effect of processing route and the increased dislocation density resulted from the addition of SiC p articulate into metal matrix on the a ging behavior of the materials was di s-cussed.It is shown that the concentr ation of solute atomand kinetics of phase transformation in materials fa bricated by spray atomization and co-deposition are much higher than the o thers in this paper.Moreover,the decrease in grain size induced by spray atomization and co -deposition and the increased dislocation density in composites resulted from the ad dition of SiC particulates lead to su fficient positions for inhomogeneo ns nucleation and thus accelerate the k inetics of aging precipitation of th e materials involved in this study.
Xi Shengqi , Zhou Jingen , Zheng Rui , Yu Fuhai
Abstract:利用高能球磨制备了含纳米晶Mg2Ni的Mg-Ni贮氢合金,并对其进行了吸氢反应研究。结果表明纳米晶Mg2Ni Mg Ni复相贮氢合金在100℃-150℃可和流动的氢气反应,证明了纳米晶的Mg2Ni不但自身具有很高的反应活性,而且对纳米晶的Mg也有较好的催化作用。
Lu You , An Jian , Liu Yongbing , Xu Dewe i
Abstract:The wear behavior of as cast and hot ex truded Al-Si-Pb alloys was investig ated under dry condition.The results show that the microstructure and mechanical prop erties can be greatly improved and porosity can be decreased significant ly by hot extrusion.These factors increase wear resistance of hot extr uded Al-Si-Pb obviously.Optical ob servation and X-ray photoelectron s pectroscopy(XPS)analysis reveal that the almost constant wear rate at mediate load level and better resistance to seizure for Al-Si-Pb alloys with more than 15%lead are due to a film of lubricant covered almost entire worn surface in the wear.This film is a mixture containing Al,Fe,S i,O and Pb.
Li Changliang , ZhaoYongqing , Ding Hua , Zhou Lian
Liu Bin , Wang Desheng , Chen Wei , Chen Shoutian
Abstract:通过大量实验,对不同Sr/Ba比制作的SBBT高压陶瓷电容器的击穿特性进行了研究,指出瓷体中的局部还原现象是造成电容器瓷片击穿场强严重下降的原因所在。经过理论分析,提出施主离子Bi^3 在固溶体中的不均匀分布导致瓷体还原的新观点。在此基础上,通过加入受主离子Mg^2 克服了还原现象,使电容器的击穿场强大幅度提高。
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