Li Geyang , Han Zenghu , Tian Jiawan , Zhang Liuqing , Gu Mingyuan
Abstract:The interface microstructure and su perhardness effect of W/Mo nano -mul tilayers have been studied.The W/Mo multilayers were synthesized with magnetron sputtering technique and their microstructure and hardness were characterized by XRD,TEM,HREM,and mi-croindenter,respectively.The results show that the W/Mo multilayers h ave a epitaxially grown mode and got polycrystal superlattices.With the decrease of modulation period of multilayers,the interplanar dista nces of Wand Mo layers are close to eac h other resulting from coherent strain on the interface,which produces an alternating stress field and s trengthens multilayers.
Hu Jifan , Qin Hongwei , Sui Zhengui , L u Hongliang
Zi Bingtao , Yao Kefu , Liu Wenjin , Cui Jianzhong , Ba Qixian
Abstract:Higher density pulsed current,whic h is considered as an external transient energy and an environmental appl ying work poured into a melt during solidification,is used to refine solidificati on structures of 2024Al -alloy with t he higher melting tem-perature in the present paper.Experimental results show that the solidi fication structure can be remarkabl y refined by the appli-cation of the higher density pulsed c urrent.A primary refinement mechan ism is discussed in detail and some new questions to be solved are also pointed out.
Tao Futing , Wang Jingyi , He Xiaoming , Wang Yu
Abstract:The compound fraction of target surface was gotten from the rate equation s of sputtering and the transport equations of reactive particles .All of these equations are expressed by the constructional parameters of the chamber and macroscopic technology parameters.The calculating results from the TiN thin films deposited by reactive sputtering are well fit with the experim ental data.The methodes pro-vided in this paper will be benefit to the implementation of technology op timum as a new engineering methodes.
Lu You , An Jian , Liu Yongbing
Yang Zhao , Zhang Haifeng , Wang Aimin g , Ding Bingzhe , Hu Zhuangqi
Abstract:The effect of stirring strength and t he cooling rate on the rheocast structure of a high chromium white iron were studied.The characteristics of the special low a ngle subgrain boundaries and agglom eration of subgrains were analyzed b y EPMA and EBSD technique.It was found that the cooling rate decid es the ratio of the stress on the dendr ite arm to the diameter of the dendrite root.A proper cooling rate favers the formation of dendrite arm s with big head and thin root and accelerates the breaking of the dendrite a rms.The clustered special subgrain boudaries are the boundaries between the stem and ripened dendr ite arms.The agglomerations of the s ubgrains were indeed evolved from the bent dendrite arms with big h ead and thin root.
Zheng Chuanlin , Xu Zhong , Xie Xishan , He Zhiyong , Dong Jianxin , Zhang Maicang
Abstract:The effect of a sputtered NiCrMoNb alloy coating on the oxidation resista nce of the intermetallic compound Ti Al was investigated.The bare TiAl alloy exhibited poor ox idation resistance at 1223K due to th e formation of a TiO 2 -base scale which tended to spall off.The NiCrMoNb alloy coating greatly impr oved the oxidation resistance due to the formation of an adherent,dense,and fine-grained Al 2 O 3 -rich scale.Furthermore,inter-diffusion of Ni,Cr,Mo,Nb was observed betwe en the coating and substrate.
Yang Junjun , Nie Zuoren , Jin Tounan , Xu Guofu , Fu Jingbo , Zuo Tieyong
Wang Libing , Zhang Chengyu , Ding Bin gjun
Abstract:The preparation of CuCr25(C)and CuCr25(W)alloys by vacuum inducing melting is presented in this paper.The influen ce of different alloy elements(C&W)on Cr-crystalline grain is studied.And the sequent effects on the physic al properties and breakdown voltage are also discussed.It is found that the mechanical strength and the voltage withstanding stress have been improved for the alloys with adding of C or W.
Lan Xinzhe , . , Jin Zhihao , Zhao Xicheng , Gou Linfeng
Wu Yin , Si Wenjie , Jing Yuansheng , Miao Hezhuo , Yu Enping
Luo Fenghua , Zhou Meiling , Zuo Tieyo ng
Abstract:The manufacture of carbonized La 2 O 3 -Mo cathodes for use in the 6T51tube,and their emission property were stu died.The study was based on current practice in the manufacturing of carbonized ThO 2 -W cathodes.Using similar techniqu es,carbonization of the La 2 O 3 -Mo cathode,evacuation of the carboniz ed La 2 O 3 -Mo cathode 6T51tube,and activatio n of the cathode were carried out.Mea surements taken on the6T51tube showed that the emission ab ility of the carbonized La 2 O 3 -Mo barely attained the lower limit o f clean W,let alone Th-W.Fur-thermore the emission is unstable an d the emission life can not be easily c ontrolled,possibly due to the consu mption of La and /or carbonized layer.
Niu Jianping , Yang Kenu , Sun Xiaofeng , Jin Tao , Guan Hengrong , Hu Zhuangqi
Abstract:The denitrogenation and desulphurization behavior during refining Ni-base superalloy in VIM by using CaO crucible was studied.It was found that the desulphurization process did not occur by only using Ca O crucible.Combining with the resul ts of XRD analysis,the desulphurization mechanism of CaO c rucible was proposed.The Al additio n had beneficial effect,and played a very important role on desulphurization.And the Ti addition had adverse effect on denitrogenation.It was a powerful measure to increase vacuum level for the denitrogenation process.
Xian Xiaobin , Liu Kezhao , Lu Xuechao , Zhang Yongbin
Abstract:用设计的循环Ar^ 轰击-磁控溅射离子镀法在U表面上镀Ti,并采用扫描电镜(SEM),X射线光电子能谱仪和湿热加速腐蚀实验。研究了其表面,剖面形貌,镀层的组成与结构,膜基界面特征,以及耐湿热腐蚀性能。结果表明,U上循环Ar^ 轰击-磁控溅射离子镀Ti层结晶致密,晶粒细化,镀层由表及里分别由TiO2/TiO/Ti构成,镀层厚度≥4μm时,其试样的耐湿热腐蚀性能较之金属U来讲有较大程度的提高。
Zhang Houan , Chen Ping , Liu Xinyu ,
Abstract:利用粉末烧结理论对比分析了机械合金化(MA)和高温自蔓延(SHS)合成的MoSi2粉末的烧结性能,并阐明了原因。结果表明,二者合成粉末的烧结性能存在较大差别。机械合金化法比高温自蔓延法至少降低了MoSi2的烧结温度的250℃,机械合金化MoSi2粉末细、晶粒缺陷密度大,具有较高的活性,其烧结表观活化能仅为高温自蔓延粉末的37%,起到了显著的机械活化烧结作用。实际中采用SHS 球磨的工艺有利于在较低烧结温度获得较致密的MoSi2材料。
Tang Yongbo , Chen Yungui , Fu Hao , Teng Baohua , Li Huanxing , Wang Baomu , Xue Qinxiu , Tu Mingjing
Abstract:The pulsed magnet described in this p aper operates at liquid nitrogen tem perature and is used for the direct me asurement of magnetocaloric effect of magnetic materials.It uses a relatively small pulsed power supply(22kW).With pulsed duration of 1?2?3?4and 5seconds,respectively.The solenoid has a bore diameter of 20mm.The magn et system has operated steadily to 2.232T at 180A in ex-periments.The uniformity of magnetic field is better than 1%within 10mm of solenoid center.It is satisfied f or the testing of magnetocaloric effect of magnetic materials.
Sun Baolian . , Zhang Xiaoyan , Li Bo
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