Du Yulei , Chen Lixin , Lei Yongquan , Zhang Mingsheng
Zhuge Fei , Wang Fazhan , Zhang Hui , Ding Bingjun
Abstract:A novel tungsten cathode material with six percents of nanoscale ThO2 used in arc plasma has been fabricated by Hot Pressing(HP) sintering. A comparative study with the cathode of two percent nano ThO2 has been made on microstructure, starting characteristics and mechanical behavior. The results show that the microstructure, consisting of tungsten matrix with homogeneous dopants of ThO2 less than 200nm, is the same as the W 2%ThO2 cathode. The arc starting field for this cathode is lower than that of the reference cathode. Its work function is also correspondingly reduced. The differences between their mechanical behavior are not much.
Kong Fantao , Chen Ziyong , Tian Jing , Chen Yuyong
Abstract:TiAl based alloys have an excellent potential because of their low density and good elevated temperature properties, but the chief roadblock to their application is poor room temperature ductility. This paper summarized influencing factors of room temperature ductility of TiAl based alloys and some research progress in improving room temperature ductility through adding alloy elements and varying process method which can control the microstructure of TiAl based alloys.
Kong Yi , Hu Wangyu , Huang Yangcheng , Shu Xiaolin
Abstract:Using the modified analytical embedded atom method (MAEAM), the lattice dynamical properties of B2 FeAl alloy, including the lattice constant, formation heat, elastic constants, phonon dispersion curves, density of states, specific heat, Debye temperature and linear expansion coefficient, have been calculated. The results are compared with the experimental data, as well as with the existing theoretical calculations. The present calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental data and those calculated by others.
Abstract:研究了Zr0.8Ti0.2(Ni0.6Mn0.2V0.2Cr0.05)x(x=1.8~2.4)贮氢合金中化学计量x对晶体结构和电化学性能的影响.结果表明随着x值的增大,合金中C14相含量逐渐减少,C15相含量逐渐增加,C14和C15相的晶格常数均线性减小;随着x值的增大,合金电极的活化性能提高,高倍率放电性能和放电容量均先升高,至x=2.2时达到最大值(最大放电容量为370 mAh/g);超化学计量合金电极的循环寿命随x值的增大而降低,但当x<2.2时,经充放电循环500次以后容量保持率仍在80%左右.当化学计量值x等于2.2时,合金电极的综合电化学性能最好.
Abstract:利用透射电镜在室温变形的γ-TiAl基合金中研究了一种新的形变孪晶与α2片的交截机制.选区电子衍射和矩阵分析结果表明γ基体中的形变孪晶切过α2片时,如果形变孪晶的宽度与α2片宽度相当,则α2片可以通过K1={3031},η1=1/18<10 16>的孪生机制来协调形变孪晶产生的切变.由于α2片与γ基体之间存在(0001)α2∥{111}γ,<1120>α2∥<011>γ的晶体位向关系,α2片的1/18<10 16>{3031}切变矢量等价于形变孪晶的切变矢量1/6<112]{111},因此形变孪晶产生的切变可完整地切过α2片而不需要交截区附近γ基体中其它滑移系或孪晶系开动来辅助协调变形.
Tao Futing , Wang Jingyi , He Xiaoming , Wang Yu , Ying Sheng
Abstract:The rate equations for particle produce, transport, and reaction with target surface, and sputtering peeling of ion and neutral particles with high energy are established. After these equations coupling up and taking account of other calculations, such as energy distribution functions, macroscopic flow velocity of gas, etc., the relation curves between sputtering rate and inlet flow of reaction gas for different discharge current are obtained. and the advantages of this analysis method are also discussed in the paper.
Gu Jialin , Guo Yanhong , Jia Chonglin , Shi Huiji
Liu Guizhong , Su Yanqing , Guo Jingjie , Ding Hongsheng , Jia Jun , Fu Hengzhi
Abstract:Based on the activity coefficient calculation module, the saturated pressures of Ti, Al and Nb elements in molten Ti-13Al-29Nb-2.5Mo (mass fraction) at different melting temperatures were calculated. The saturated pressure of element Al in the melting temperature is as big as 17 and 3 070 times of those of Ti and Nb elements respectively. The mass loss rates of Al, Ti, Nb in the melt during the process were also calculated. The mass loss rate of Al is as big as 43 and 144 times of those of Ti, Nb. Based on the evaporation loss rate, the evaporation loss quantity of the elements and the alloy chemical composition after the ISM process was also calculated. Because the mass loss rates of Al, Ti and Nb are different, the ultimate alloy chemical composition deviated from its original composition after the melting process. Analysis shows that properly decreasing the melting temperature and/or increasing the chamber pressure can decrease the composition deviation. This article will give some valuable guidance to the alloy composition controlling during ISM process.
Shen Jiming , Yang Lin , Qiu Shaoyu , Xu Zengyu
Wang Minmin , Zhao Yongqing , Zhou Lian
Zhang Shenglong , Yin Zhimin , Song Lianpeng , Jiang Feng , Wang Mingpu
Abstract:The Effect of aging treatment on mechanical properties, electrical conductivity and microstructure of the alloy Cu Zn Cr were studied. The results show that the aging process of the alloy after solution treatment and cold deformation was controlled by both precipitation of the supersaturated solid solution and recrystallization of the matrix. The high strength comes from strain hardening and precipitation strengthening of the precipitated chromium particles. And the high electroconductivity is mainly due to the composition close to Cu Zn solid solution matrix after precipitation.
Wang Cheng , Jiang Feng , Lin Haichao
Abstract:A deep yellow-color molybdate conversion coating on LY12 aluminum alloy surface was obtained by immersion process. The experimental results showed that the treating process was simple and the speed of formation of the coatings was fast, and the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy greatly increased. The treated sample had a good pitting corrosion resistance in 3.5%NaCl solution. SEM experimental results show that the conversion coatings consist of spherical particles differing in size. XPS analysis indicates that the composition of outer layer of the coatings consist of MoO2 and a spot of MoO3.The molybdenum exist in the inner layer of conversion coating in the form of tetravalent status. The mechanisms of coatings formation and corrosion resistance are discussed.
Abstract:Spinel LiMn2O4 samples were prepared by melt-impregnation method. The effects of synthesis conditions on the electrochemical properties and crystal framework were investigated extensively. The results show that the reactive time in the second process affects the structure and electrochemical properties. The capacity decreases with prolonging reactive time. The optimum LiMn2O4 possesses an initial discharge capacity of 132.4mAh/g and good rechargeability. No remarkable loss of capacity was observed even after 50 cycles.
Fu Tao , Li Jinyong , Han Yong , Xu Kewei
Abstract:Porous network of weakly crystallized sodium titanate gel layer was formed on the surface of titanium alloys (Ti6Al4V) after treated by NaOH alkali solution. The pore size increases with the alkali concentration and treating time. The sodium titanate gel layer can induce the deposition of octacalcium phosphate and /or apatite orientated along (002) plane from the fast calcification solution, and bone like apatite layer from the simulated body fluid without orientation. The two factors responsible for the composition and depositing speed of the softly compounded calcium phosphate layer on alkali treated titanium alloy are the alkali treatment conditions and the ion species, their concentrations and the pH value of the calcium phosphate solution.
Chen Fei Zhang Yuefei Pan Junde Tang Bin Dou Ruifen Xu Zhong
Abstract:A new net-shape cathode sputtering target which has a simple structure and a high sputtering rate was put forward. The multiple-structure made of alloying and coating layers of tantalum was achieved on the surface of TC4 by using this method in double glow surface alloying process. The tantalized samples were investigated by SEM ,XRD and electrochemical corrosion method .
Wang Lianjun , Meng Changgong , Liu Changhou , Wang Dehe
Abstract:A glass ceramic coating used for the protection of Ti alloy from oxidation during heat treatment and working process has been successfully developed. The coating is an aqueous suspension consisted of boric aluminium silicate glass powder, organic stick agent and solvent of water. Protective mechanism and designed principle of coating has been discussed. Oxidation behavior of Ti alloy coated the glass ceramics coating during heating process has been analyzed by means of EDS and heat scale.The results show that titanium alloys can be protected well against oxidation by the glass ceramic coating during heat treatment process.
Zhang Pengcheng , Bai Bin , Zhou Juesheng
Abstract:Metal beryllium and joints containing Be strongly adsorbed C, O and were seriously oxidized even in superhigh-vacuum atmosphere. So pretreatment of Be matrix and control of bonding atmosphere are significantly important and directly determine if the bonding joints of Be with HR 1 stainless steel are successful and available in bonding Be with other material.
Li Xuehui , Liu Yu , Zhang Ping , Yu Shuhua , Yu Hong
Abstract:The present paper deals with the design principle of the iron nitride magnetic static sealing device , analyzes the bearing pressure ability and experiment, and states the success of the magnetic fluid safety valve for sealing and the testing results of the functional parameters.
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