Chen Xiaowen , Bai Xinde , Xue Xiangyi ,
Abstract:The electrochemical property of zir caloys is one of the most important fa ctors that affect the safe function o f nuclear reactor.To systematically study the influence of irradiation damage on the electro chemical property of zircaloys and g rope for the new way to improve it,the survey of effects of irradiation-in-pile on the electrochemical pro perty of zircaloys is offered,and th e mechanism of irradiation damage in piles is studied.Influence of neutr on irradiation,one main irradiatio n,on the microstructure and oxidation property of zircaloys,is empha-sized.The method of simulation of neutron irradiation in piles by ion bom bardment out of piles,is characterized by short time,low expense and no pollution.The development of this method is further described,an d the means how to choose parameters o f ion bombardment tests is more deeply analyzed.
Wang Lingyun , Yang Wengming , Huang Guangjie , Liu Xuefeng
Abstract:By considering the coupled thermo -mechanical relations between temperature and deforming,a numerical sim ulation of the special long forging for 1420Al -Li alloy dur ing inverted extrusion was done by using rigid visco-plastic finite elem ent method in this paper.The relations between total load and the displacement,the distribution of s tress,strain,temperature and stra in rates during forging,which can provide useful information for the p rocess design,were gained.
Huang Yanlu , Zou Dening , Liang Gongying , Su Junyi
Wang Hongjie , Wang Yonglan , Jin Zhih ao
Abstract:The influence of loading method(such as static loading,cyclic loadi ng,dynamic loading)on fatigue behaviour of Si 3 N 4 material was studied systemly.The results sh ow that the stress corrosion index(n)is different,for example,the n of the static loading is the highest,and that in cyclic loading is the lowe st.The extra defeature of material l ed by loading was also analysized.
Zhao Qingnan , Liu Baoshun , Zhao Xiujian , A.W.Sleight
Zhao Xinbing , Zhu Tiejun , Li Weiwen , Wu Zhentai
Xu Lina , Zhou Kaichang , Zhai Ya , Zhang Xueyun , Ou Danlin Liu Chunping , Gu Ning , Zhang Haiqian , Liu Juzheng
Li Wei , Fan Hongyuan , Li Cong , Shen Baoluo , Gao Shengji , Tu Mingjing
Li Yuting , Li Tingju , Zhao Yonghui , J in Junze
Abstract:In order to obtain dual metal slab,mi xing flow of molten metals in a mold wa s controlled by imposing a static ele ctromagnetic field from the outside of the mold,and the d ual metal slab which has different pr operties in its two sides was continu ally cast by pouring two dif-ferent molten alloys,Sn and Sn +Pb,a t the same time.The results of numerical simulation show that electromag netic force acts on flow of melt in a certain height range of the mold,and the effect of magnetic field on the flow of the melt is different at different area of the mold;When magnetic flux density B is 0.2T,the flow of the melt at exit of the nozzle is strongly suppressed,d epth of jet is decreased,so when B is more than 0.2T,ideal brake effect is achieved.
Xu Xiaohong , Li Zuoyi , Duan Jingfang , Jin Fang , Huang Zhixin , Lin Gengqi
Abstract:The magnetic properties and structu res of sputtered and annealed TbCo th in films have been studied.The resul ts show that the film will be changed from the amorphous to the polycrystalline,a nd oriented with(100)plane.The contents of Tb and Co for the film are not almost changed after vacuum annealing,and a change of the easy axis of the film from out-of-plane to in-plane is found.
Liu Yuanfu , Zhao Haiyun , Wang Huamin g
Abstract:A novel rapidly solidified Ti 5 Si 3 /NiTi intermetallic composite coating was fabricated on substrate of a t itanium alloy BT9by laser cladding using the Ni-14Ti-6Si allo y powders.Microstructure of the coa ting was characterized by OM,SEM,XR D and EDS.Wear resistance of the coating was tested under dry sliding wear condition at room tempera ture.The results indicate that the l aser clad intermetallic composite coating has a homogeneous rapidly so lidified microstructure consistin g of Ti 5 Si 3 primary particles uniformly distributed in the NiTi matrix,and is metallurgically bonded to the titanium substrate.The laser clad inte rmetallic composite coating has hig h hardness and excellent wear re-sistance under dry sliding wear test condition.The excellent wear resis tance of the laser clad Ti 5 Si 3 /NiTi intermetallic composite coating is attributed to the high hardness and s trong atomic bonding of the reinforc ing Ti 5 Si 3 phase and to the strain-induced martensite transformation of the NiTi intermetallic matrix.
Zhang Xiaoming , Zhang Tingjie , Tian Feng , Li Zhongkui , Ma Guanglai , Zhou Jian
Qin Xiaomei , Zuo Liang , Zhao Xiang , Li Song
Zhang Xiyan , Bai Zhaohui , Guan Xin , Wang Xiaochun , Wang Weizhong , Sun Hongzhi , Cao Zhifeng , Du Jinxiu , Guo Yu
Abstract:A long persistent phosphorescence S rAl 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ ,Dy 3+ phosphor powder was prepared by high temperature solid state reaction in a reducing atmosphere.XRD research o n its structure indicates that all th e synthestized aluminate is SrAl 2 O 4 crystal.The study of SrAl 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ ,Dy 3+ spetra indicates that the luminescence spectra of SrAl 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ ,Dy 3+ is the broad band spectra peaking at 520nm,and the ex-citation spectrum ranges from 300nm to 500nm.The measurement of the phosphorescence shows that the persiste nt time of the phosphores-cence lasts more than 12hours.The re sistance of SrAl_2O_4:Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+) to temperature and water was also stu died.
Li Gan , Lu Guangda , Jiang Guoqiang
Fu Hao , Chen Yungui , Tang Yongbo , Tu Mingjing
Abstract:Some initial researches on the laser cladding process of GdGd_5Si_2Ge_2/Gd compounds were made in this paper.Experiment results indicate that good metallurgical bonding can be obtained between the Gd_5Si_2Ge_2 alloy and Gd base;on the Gd base whose minimal thickness is not less than 1mm,the dilution of t he cladding can be kept about 10%.
He Xiao , Shen Baoluo , Cao Jianling , Qiu Shaoyu , Zou Hong
Abstract:采用变截面薄板试样,研究了4种氢含量对2种新型钛合金强度和塑性的影响。发现氢对Ti—2Al—2.5Zr强度的影响不大,却能较大幅度地提高Ti—4Al—2V的强度,增幅可达16%左右。氢含量升高使2种钛合金的断面收缩率下降:α β两相钛合金的氢脆敏感性在氢含量大于150μg/g后大于单相的α钛合金。认为钛合金氢致硬化主要来源于固溶的原子氢,而钛合金的氢脆主要来源于晶界析出的氢化物。
Abstract:A rapidly solidified Cr 2 Ni 3 Si /Cr 3 Si metal silicide composite coating was fabricated on an austenitic stainless steel substrate by laser cladding and using Cr-Si-Ni element al powder blend.The laser clad Cr 2 Ni 3 Si /Cr 3 Si metal silicide composite coating has a homogenous mi-crostructure consisting of Cr 3 Si primary dendrites and the interdendritic Cr 2 Ni 3 Si matrix,and is metallurgically bonded to the substrate.The volume fraction of primary Cr 3 Si dendrites has a remarkable influence on hardness and wear resistance o f the laser clad composite coating.T he higher the volume fraction of Cr 3 Si,the higher the hardness and the we ar resistance of the laser clad composite coating.Because of the presence of large amount of hard,wear and oxidation resistant primary Cr 3 Si dendrites,the laser clad Cr 2 Ni 3 Si /Cr 3 Si metal silicide composite coating has excellent high-tempera ture wear resistance under high-tem perature sliding wear test conditio ns.
Li Jun , Zhou Lian , Li Zuochen , Chen Dujuan
Abstract:According to clinical requirements for medical titanium alloys and flaw s existing in present medical titani um alloys,a new titanium alloy has been designed and prepared.Zr,Nb,Ta were selected for composing elements of the titanium alloy.Ti tanium alloy' s nominal composition is Ti-12.5Zr-2.5Nb-2.5Ta.Micrographs and mechanical pro perties of the new titanium alloy were analyzed and tested,the result shows that mechanical properties can meet design requirements.
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