Lu Shiqiang , Huang Baiyun , He Yuehui , Tang Jiancheng , Zhang Junhong
Abstract:The mechanisms of superplastic deformation and their accommodation for TiAl based alloys are reviewed in different experimental conditions such as composition, microstructure, grain size, process parameters the present paper. The true stress-true strain relationships during superplastically deforming are also introduced and analyzed in relative detail.
Zhou Kechao , Liu Fang , Huang Baiyun , Liu Yong , Li Zhiyou
Yue Ming , Liu Xubo , Xiao Yaofu , Zhang Jiuxing , Zhou Meiling , Zuo Tieyong
Abstract:The coercivity mechanism of HDDR anisotropic Nd Fe B magnet is investigated. The measurements of magnetization curve and different susceptibilities as well as the observations of microstructure are performed. It is concluded that the magnetic hardening of the magnet is due to the pinning of domain walls at grain boundaries and the Nd rich boundary phase that distributes homogeneously around some colonies composed of fine Nd2Fe14B grains. The coercive field is mainly determined by the pinning of domain walls by the Nd rich boundary phase. The conclusions mentioned above are in good agreement with the theoretical calculation of the intrinsic coercivity of the magnet. Furthermore, experimental verification is carried out and the processes for improving the coercivity of the magnets are proposed.
Pan Xuemin , Bian Xiufang , Sun Jingqin ,
Wang Xiangdong , Qiao Guanjun , Jin Zhihao
Xu Shiqing , Zhao Kang , Gu Chenqing , Ma Hongping
Li Xiuyan , Tang Bin , Pan Junde , Liu Daoxin , Xu Zhong
Yu Lina , Liu Xiangfa , Wang Zhenqing , Bian Xiufang
Liu Yong , Yin Zhongda , Zhu Jingchuan , Xian Hengze , Li Mingwei
Gao Yulai , Shen Jun , Sun Jianfei , Wang Gang , Chen Demin , Xing Dawei , Zhou Bide
Abstract:The crystallization behavior of Zr Al Ni Cu bulk amorphous alloy during continuous heating is investigated. The results show that with increasing of heating rates, all the specific temperatures (Tg, Tx, and Tp) shift to the high temperature region, and the crystallization enthalpy and the enlarged supercooled liquid region increase, while the crystallized volume fraction corresponding to the peak temperature Tp decreases. Using Kissinger and Doyle plots, the activation crystallization energy can be evaluated. During continuous heating, the activation energy increases with increasing of the crystallized volume fraction at the early stage of crystallization, then decreases slightly and finally drops sharply. The value of activation energy obtained from Kissinger plots is a bit larger than that obtained from Doyle plots due to the change of the crystallized volume fraction at the specific temperature for different heating rates.
Hong Yonglong , Wei Jianhua , Sui Wen , Liu Baolin
Abstract:The influence of cementum extracts on the initial attachment of osteoblast has been measured by using the rat of cell attachment. The attachment index after 1,3, and 6 d, and the orientation index after 3 and 6 d have been obtained by the image analysis. It is observed that the extracts of cementum enhance the attachment and migration of osteoblast on the polished titanium surface. It is proposed that the cementum extracts can be used as the implantal coating materials in order to achieve an ideal osteointegration.
Yan Fang , Meng Liang , Zhou Shiping , Yang Futao , Shen Qijie
Abstract:The effects of mullite coating by sol-gel method and the particle sizes of SiC on the oxidation behavior of the recrystallized SiC were studied. The results showed that the oxidation resistance could be increased by the mullite coating formed on the surface of recrystallized silicon carbide at high temperature and with the increase of the thickness of mullite coating, having well effects both by mullite coating and coarse particles of the recrystallized SiC.
Yao Zekun , Guo Hongzhen , Yang Chen , Guo Yingguang , Su Meiying
Abstract:主要研究了形变和相变交互作用对等温锻件显微组织和力学性能的影响规律。结果发现形变和相变交互作用对Ti-17合金等温锻件的显微组织、力学性能有重大影响,经1次在β相区等温形变与相变交互作用,锻件高倍组织中的α相呈鱼骨状,在两相区等温锻造后,得到有较厚α片层的网篮状组织,各项力学性能指标均较差;经β相区和α β两相区2次以上形变和相变交互作用并在β相区等温锻造后,得到的网篮组织中的条状α细小均匀,交互作用次数愈多,α条愈细小、扭曲;如果交互作用次数少,在两相区等温锻造后只能得到具有较厚α片层的网篮组织,交互作用次数多,则得到的是细小均匀的球状α组织,但各项力学性能指标均满足要求。
Zhang Jianjun , Li Shujie , Duan Huiping , Liu Yong , Zhang Yan
Chen Jianjun , Tang Jianjun , Zhao Fanghui , Li Rongxian
Abstract:采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了微量 Yb2O3掺杂纳米 TiO2颗粒,采用 XRD, TG-DTA, TEM等手段对试样经不同温度热处理后的结构相变、表面形貌、颗粒大小等特性进行了表征.实验表明温度不高于 400℃时,试样的颗粒粒径较小,粒径在 15 nm以下,比表面积大于 107.22 m2@ g-1, TiO2呈锐钛型;在 400℃以上, TiO2粒径迅速增大,微粒出现锐钛相与金红石相混晶结构;800℃时 TiO2微粒完全转化成金红石相.
Zhang Qingmao , Liu Ximing , Zhong Minlin , Liu Wenjin
Jiang Chi , Zhou Jinlin , Xiao Yunfeng , Shui Yi , Wang Shugang , Liu Chunrong
Abstract:Ta/W/Sn multilayer coatings were made on LY12 aluminium substrate by plasma spray. Effect of various parameters on the melting degree and deposition efficiency of feedstock has been investigated.The surface and the interfaces morphology of the multilayer coatings were observed using scanning electron microscopy. The weight gain of the coatings was weighed using precision mechanical balance.The tensile strength of the multilayer was determinated by mechnical testing machine. The chemical composition of these coatings was seperately obtained using auger energy spectrum and chemical analysis.The result shows that Ta/W/Sn multilayer coatings with fine structure and uniform thickness could be prepared by plasma spray processes.The degree of the powders melting is much affected by spray power and spray rate,and does not vary much with spray distance within the specific range.
Guo Junming , Chen Kexin , Ge Zhenbin , Zhou Heping , Ning Xiaoshan
Abstract:The effect of Ti/C (molar ratio) and Al content on phase constitution of combustion synthesized products by using Ti,Al,C and TiC powders as raw materials in the Ti Al C system has been studied. The experiment results show that the phase formation of combustion synthesized Ti3AlC2 powders are affected greatly by molar ratio of titanium to carbon and Al content in the raw materials. TiC is the main phase in the final product as the molar ratio of titanium to carbon is equal to 1 or 1.5, with little relationship to the amount of aluminum content. The Ti3AlC2 and Ti2AlC are the main phases in the final product as the molar ratio of titanium to carbon are equal to 2 and 3, respectively. Moreover, amounts of Ti3AlC2 and Ti2AlC increase in direct ratio with Al content, and later decrease with continuously increasing amount of Al. TiC is a medium product during the combustion process for the purpose of obtaining Ti3AlC2 powders.
Guo Hongzhen , Yao Zekun , Feng Chao , Su Zuwu
Abstract:A rapidly solidified TiC/FeAl composite coating was fabricated on substrate of 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel by laser cladding. The microstructure of composite coating, the growth morphology and growth mechanism of primary TiC carbide were investigated. Results show that the laser clad coating has a microstructure consisting of primary TiC,primary dendritic FeAl and small amount of interdendritic FeAl/TiC eutectic. The primary TiC carbide has an unique growth morphology of radial branching faceted dendritic colony, and its growth mechanism is still lateral growth.
Abstract:Worm powder extrusion molding(PEM) technology of hardmetal powder using novel binder system has been probed into. A newly developed binder system comprises a major fraction of low molecular weight components(LMWC) and a minor fraction of polymer.The binder was fabricated by heating melting method combined with solvent solving. The feedstock was mixed as a thick slurry at room temperature and was rapidly homogenised by stirring at a adequate shear force. The microstructure of the moulded specimes was observed by scanning electronics microscopy(SEM). The binder was debinded step by step. At the first stage of debinding, the LMWC were removed, and the interconnected capillaries were formed in the moluded green bodies. At the second stage of debinding, the remaining high molecular weight components were completely removed out. The second stage debinding heating rate can be faster than the first stage. The thermal debinding mechanism was studied by thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermogravimetry(DTG). This research shows that the thermal debinding rate is controlled by three dimensional diffusion mechanism. The PEM hardmetal products with good properties and diameters of up to 20mm have been manufactured.
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