Meng Tao , Zhu Xianfang , Wang Zhanguo
2005, 34(12):1849-1853.
Abstract:In recent years, growth of GaN-based materials-related quantum dots has become a hot topic in semiconductor materials research. Considerable efforts have been devoted to growth of self-assembled quantum dots of GaN-based materials via MOCVD (Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition) and there are a lot of relevant literatures. There is, however, few review papers for the topic. In this paper, different experimental methods for fabrication of quantum dots of GaN-based materials via MOCVD are critically reviewed and the experimental conditions and parameters, which may affect growth of the quantum dots, are analyzed, with an aim at providing some critical reference for the related future experiment research.
Wang Yongcang , Chen Changle , Gao Guomian , Chen Zhao , Li Runling , Song Zhoumo
2005, 34(12):1854-1856.
Zhao Mingjian , Cao Gaoshao , Xie Jian , Zhao Xinbing
2005, 34(12):1857-1861.
2005, 34(12):1862-1865.
Abstract:以LiOH·H2O,Ni2O3,Co2O3和Al(OH)3为原料,采用固相反应法合成Co-Al共掺入LiNiO2的化合物LiNi0.85Co0.10Al0.05O2,由TG-DTA,XRD,SEM,DSC和电化学测试表征材料.结果表明,该材料首次放电容量达186.2mAh/g(3.0 V~4.3 V,18 mA/g),10次循环之后,容量还有180.1 mAh/g,容量保持率为96.7%;与未掺杂的LiNiO2相比,该材料显示出良好的循环性能,且热稳定性也有所提高,是一种很有应用前景的锂离子电池正极材料.
Wei Xuedong , Tang Rui , Zhu Jiewu , Liu Yongning , Yu Guang
2005, 34(12):1866-1870.
Abstract:For decreasing the cost of AB_5-type hydrogen storage alloys, a low-cobalt Ml_(0.9)Mg_(0.1)Ni_(3.4)Co_(0.3)Al(0.3) alloy was investigated by examining the alloy structure, phase composition and some properties. Its properties were compared with those of a commercial alloy MmNi_(3.55)Co_(0.75)Mn_(0.4)Al_(0.3). The experiments' outcome shows that the low-cobalt alloy is composed of Mg-free LaNi_5 phase as matrix and Mg-contained LaNi3 phase as secondary phase. The hydrogen storage capacity (1.36wt% and 1.37wt% respectively), the greatest discharge capacity (320 mAh/g and 324 mAh/g respectively) and cycling stability (the residual capacity of two alloys is all 88% ) of Ml_(0.9)Mg_(3.4)Ni_(3.4)Co(0.3)Al_(0.3) are as good as those of MmNi_(3.55)Co(0.75)Mn(0.4)Al_(0.3). However, after the discharge current density exceeds 300 mA/g, the high-rate discharge abilities (HRD) of Ml_(0.9)Mg_(0.1)Ni_(3.4)Co_(0.3)Al_(0.3) are apparently better than those of MmNi_(3.55)Co_(0.75)Mn_(0.4)Al_(0.3).It is because there exists Mg-contained LaNi_3 phase as secondary phase which improves the electrochemical catalytic activity of alloy particles surface and the structure toughness of alloy particles.
Qin Hongwei , An Kang , Han Tao , Li Bo , Yu Xiaojun , Hu Jifan , Jiang Minhua
2005, 34(12):1875-1878.
Cheng Xiaomin , Li Zuoyi , Wang Jianping
2005, 34(12):1879-1881.
Abstract:Two different sputtering modes, co-sputtering and multilayer-sputtering, were used to fabricate FePt:Ag granular thin films. It is observed by the MFM and TEM images that smaller magnetic domain patterns and grains are more uniformly distributed in the co-sputtered granular films compared to in multilayer-sputtered ones. This difference in the microstructure is explained to be attributed to the more randomly distributed Ag atoms in the co-sputtered films. Further study on in-depth defects in these films confirms this explanation.
Niu Xinping , Wang Xin , Ma Shengli , Xu Kewei , Liu Weimin
2005, 34(12):1882-1885.
Guo Wenfeng , Xu Qing , Chen Wen , Huang Duanping , Wang Hao , Yuan Runzhang
2005, 34(12):1886-1889.
Abstract:采用GNP(Glycine-Nitrate Process)法合成La0.8Ca0.2CrO3初级粉料,研究甘氨酸用量对产物的晶体结构和显微形貌的影响,并测试烧结体的相对密度和电导率。研究结果表明,甘氨酸与金属离子的摩尔比(G/M^n+)控制在2.0~2.5时可得到颗粒尺寸细小、均匀(100nm~200nm)的单相钙钛矿粉体,烧结温度为1350℃时样品的相对密度达到91.0%,测试温度为800℃时样品的电导率达到^-1。与常规固相法相比,GNP法制备的样品具有更好的烧结活性和导电性能。
Huang Hui , Zhang Wenkui , Gan Yongping , Liang Zhihong
2005, 34(12):1890-1893.
Yang Dingming , Zhu Dachuan , Zhuang Jia , Tu Mingjing
2005, 34(12):1894-1896.
Guo Baogang , Liang Jun , Tian Jun , Liu Huiwen , Xu Tao
2005, 34(12):1897-1900.
Abstract:Oxide ceramic layer was obtained on Ti-6Al-4V alloy in NaAlO_2, Na_3PO_4 mixed solution by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) technique. The structure and composition of MAO coatings were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results show: the surface and interface have the porous structure, but the difference between the diameter of pores in surface is quite large, the difference in interface is quite small, and there are some long hill paralleled to each other in interface. There is no obvious boundary between the loose layer and dense layer. The interface between the substrate and MAO coatings has a z-zig structure. The surface and interface are composed of Ti, Al, V, P elements, and Al element is inclined to enrich in surface, but P element enriched in interface according to EDS results. TiO_2, Al_2O_3, TiAl_2O_5 phases are identified in surface and interface, and the P element exists in PO_4~(3-) radical according to XPS analysis. V_2O_5 phase can be found in the interface and V element does not exist in the surface according to XPS analysis.
Jiang Yu , Heng Junhua , Liu Ming , Yang Yanming , Chen Jiazhao , Tu Mingjing
2005, 34(12):1901-1904.
Liu Hongli , Li Shujie , Li Xingguo
2005, 34(12):1905-1908.
2005, 34(12):1909-1912.
Dong Liang , Wang Yu , Yang Xinsheng
2005, 34(12):1913-1916.
2005, 34(12):1917-1920.
Chen Hukui , Liu Jianrui , Shen Shujuan , Huang Weidong
2005, 34(12):1921-1925.
Abstract:The Gibbs free energy changes of the reactions of magnesium and its alloy with some materials were calculated at high temperature. The possibilities of the reactions were analyzed by free energy criterion .The results show that SiC and ZrB2 have good stability to liquid magnesium and its alloy and they are the good materials of crucible used for magnesium and its alloy melting. The stability of SiC in the liquid magnesium and its alloy was tested by experiment.
Zhang Guojun , Sun Yuanjun , Niu Rongmei , Sun Jun , Wei Jianfeng , Lan Yonggang , Zhao Baohua , Yang Liuxiao , Ma Baoping
2005, 34(12):1926-1929.
Abstract:The rare earth lanthanum oxide doped molybdenum alloys containing different volume fraction lanthanum oxide particles were prepared by powder metallurgical processing. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloys were examined. It is found that the alloy has the fine lanthanum oxide particles and fine grain as well as high yield strength. The strengthening mechanism of the alloy is analyzed and explained in three aspects: matrix strengthening, fine grain size strengthening yielding Hall-Petch relationship, and fine particles strengthening according to the Orowan model. The quantitative relationships between the yield strengths of the alloys and the sizes, volume fraction of lanthanum oxide particles and the grain sizes were also presented.
Ning Yuantao , Zhang Xiaohui , Zhang Jie
2005, 34(12):1930-1934.
Abstract:以不同的凝固速率制备了Cu-10Ag亚共晶合金。铸态结构由初生Ag沉淀,(Cu+Ag)共晶和Cu相组成。采用大变形制备了Cu-10Ag合金原位纤维复合材料。其中由初生Ag沉淀相所形成的Ag纤维具有较大直径(d)并可用幂指数关系d=C·exp(-0.228η)拟合,式中η是真实应变,C是与合金原始晶体尺寸有关的系数,而由(Cu+Ag)共晶中的Ag层所形成的Ag纤维具有更细直径(几纳米)。低温中间热处理可进一步细化Ag纤维尺寸和改进性能。经热机械处理的Cu-10Ag合金原位纳米纤维复合材料具有高强度(σb>1.5 GPa)和高电导率(>60%IACS)。大变形Cu-10Ag合金原位纳米纤维复合材料显示了两阶段强化效应。讨论了影响Ag纤维尺寸的因素和复合材料的强化与形变机制。
Guo Hongzhen~ , Zhang Wei~ , Zhao Zhanglong~ , Yao Zekun~ , Guo Yingguang~ , Wang Baoshan~ , Zhao Yongqing~ , Qu Henglei~
2005, 34(12):1935-1939.
Abstract:研究了新型高强高韧高损伤容限TC21钛合金的超塑性拉伸变形行为及组织演化规律。结果表明,TC21合金具有良好的超塑性和较宽的超塑性温度-应变速率范围(720℃~960℃,5.5×10~(-5)/s~1.1×10~(-2)/s)。在最佳超塑性条件下(900℃,3.3×10~(-4)/s),平均延伸率达到980%,最高延伸率达到1309%,平均流动应力仅为19.5 MPa。在超塑性拉伸过程中,试样变形区将发生明显的动态再结晶,使原始条状初生α相破断、细化和等轴化,促进超塑性的提高。随着变形温度提高、变形量增大和变形时间加长,将发生聚集再结晶,使再结晶α相合并长大成不规则的大片状,引起显微组织明显粗化,断口表面起伏增加。在最佳超塑性条件下,断口中形成了大而深的空洞,晶界滑动和晶间断裂特征明显。
Zeng Liying , Zhao Yongqing , Li Danke , Li Qian
2005, 34(12):1940-1943.
Liu Junlin , Gao Jiqiang , Cheng Jikuan , Yang Jianfeng , Qiao Guanjun
2005, 34(12):1944-1947.
Zhang Qing , Li Zhongkui , Zheng Yuzhu , Zhang Junliang , Hu Zhongwu , Zhang Tingjie , Yin Tao , Ding Xuefeng , Ding Xu
2005, 34(12):1948-1951.
Chang Limin , Xiao Ying , Hao Wenguang
2005, 34(12):1952-1956.
Abstract:The change of morphology of Cr phase, mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of CuCr alloy under different cold deformation quantity and heat treatment were studied. The results show that when reduction is up to 70%, Cr particles are deformed heavily, and some of Cr particles are broken. After the following high temperature heat treatment, broken Cr particles in the microstructure dissolves, and tend to turn into spherical morphology. As a results the mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of CuCr alloy are improved by means of proper deformation and heat treatment, and its mechanism was analyzed from microstructure.
Yang Shuijin , Tong Wenlong , Chen Dihai , Sun Jutang
2005, 34(12):1957-1960.
2005, 34(12):1961-1964.
Ma Jie , Bi Anyuan , Wang Congzeng , Zhou Meiling
2005, 34(12):1965-1968.
Abstract:介绍了化学气相沉积法(CVD)制备难熔金属钼膜层的原理和方法。以MoF_6和H_2为原料,采用化学气相沉积法在纯铜基体上沉积出难熔金属钼膜层。分析研究了沉积层的组织、结构和硬度。实验结果表明:沉积膜层显微组织随沉积温度变化而不同,沉积温度较低时,沉积层显微组织为细晶层状结构,沉积层硬度可达677×9.8 MPa:沉积温度较高时,沉积层显微组织为致密的柱状晶,硬度稍高于一般烧结钼的硬度。
2005, 34(12):1969-1973.
Abstract:利用预涂Si粉,Ti+Si粉的方法对TiAl合金进行电子束表面合金化,“原位”制得了以高硬度金属间化合物Ti_Si_3为增强相的表面改性层。利用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪及X射线衍射仪分析和研究了电子束表面改性层的显微组织结构;同时测试了沿改性层深度方向的硬度分布。结果表明,表面改性层由TiAl,Ti_3Al,Ti_Si_3相组成,Ti_5Si_3相的形态及分布沿层深呈均匀分布;改性层具有较高的显微硬度(HV),最高达895×9.8 MPa,约是基体的3倍。
Kang Pengchao , Yin Zhongda , Li Mingwei , Jiang Yue
2005, 34(12):1974-1977.
Yang Haiyan , Wei Yinghui , Bi Hucai , Hou Lifeng , Guo Yaowen , Yu Chunyan , Xu Bingshe
2005, 34(12):1978-1981.
Abstract:采用直接化学镀镍的方法,得到了光亮且均匀、致密的Ni-P镀层。在分析镀层形貌、化学成分和组织结构的基础上,测定了镀层厚度、硬度、结合力、阻抗及耐蚀性。结果表明:改进后的化学镀镍层与基体结合良好;硬度达479×9.8 MPa,400℃热处理后可提高至826X9.8 MPa;阻抗为0.4 Ω,且随热处理温度的提高呈下降趋势;镀层耐腐蚀性能良好,热处理后耐蚀性有所下降。
Chen Dexin , Wang Zhifa , Jiang Guosheng , Zhang Jinjin , Tang Renzheng
2005, 34(12):1982-1984.
Abstract:The thermal conductivity of W-Cu composites is affected by the position where they were placed in during infiltrating. The W-Cu composites after infiltrating were kept at a certain temperature for some hours with the protection of hydrogen and then cooled down to room temperature by different means. By X-ray diffraction experiment, tungsten phase is found to be under compression and copper phase under tension. The value of the residual stresses increases with the cooling rate, while the thermal conductivity, inversely. The coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE) mismatch of tungsten and copper led to the significant amount of thermal stresses at the interface and low thermal conductivity. The effect of the residual stresses on the thermal conductivity, as well as its mechanism was analyzed.
Zhang Xiaohua , Liu Daoxin , Gao Guangrui
2005, 34(12):1985-1989.
Zhang Zhaohui , Wang Yangwei , Wang Fuchi
2005, 34(12):1990-1993.
Abstract:The research is carried out about the microstructure, mechanical properties, deformation and fracture feature of 93 W alloy deformed by hydrostatic extrusion. The result shows that the strength of tungsten alloy increases with the increase of the deformation amount, the elongation of tungsten alloy decreases with the increase of the deformation amount; The deformation initiates from binder phase. The deformation is typical two-phase harmonious deformation, the crack generate from the W-W interface; The ratio of W particle cleavage in fracture surface of deformed tungsten alloy is greater than that of undeformed.
Li Xifeng , Zhaag Kaifeng , Han Wenbo
2005, 34(12):1994-1997.
Jin Tailai , Wei Jianfeng , Gu Zhaolin , Zhao Yongqing , Chang Hui
2005, 34(12):1998-2001.
Abstract:The extreme high temperature oxidation behavior of commercial pure titanium was researched by Gleeble-1500 thermal simulator. The results show that the weight gain increase continually with the increase of the oxidation temperature and the time of holding temperature. There are several oxide layers at extreme high temperature. Oxygen diffuses from the path in the cracked outer oxide layer into rather compact inner oxide layer and further into metal, which actualize the commercial pure titanium's oxidation at extreme high temperature.
Ye Jinwen , Liu Ying , Li Fang , Li Meng , Gao Shengji , Tu Mingjing
2005, 34(12):2002-2005.
Tan Xiaohua , Xu Hui , Qi Nannan , Ni Jiansen , Hou Xueling , Dong Yuanda
2005, 34(12):2006-2008.
Wang Hongtao , Xia Tiandong , Zhao Wenjun , Liu Tianzuo
2005, 34(12):2009-2012.
Abstract:Al-Ti-C master alloys used as grain refiners of the aluminum and its alloys have been prepared by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) technology. The influence of pressure, diameter and preheating temperature of green-pellet on combustion temperature (T_c) during preparing Al-Ti-C master alloy and the microstructure of synthesized product has been investigated. The results show that synthesized master alloy consist of Al, Al_3Ti and TiC, and green-pellet pressure and preheating temperature have remarkable influence on combustion temperature (T_c) and microstructure of synthesized product. However, in this study, the influence of green-pellet diameter is unapparent.
Du Jihong , Li Zhengxian , Gao Guangrui
2005, 34(12):2013-2016.
Abstract:采用CVD(Chemical Vapor Deposition)法沉积的钨涂层有[100]/[111]/[110]择优取向。择优取向主要受气体组分、流动速度、温度等因素的影响。研究了钼基体上CVD钨涂层的表面形貌和织构、涂层界面的元素分布、涂层的抗热震性能及高温扩散性能。结果显示:钨涂层与基体钼有2μm左右的互扩散层且钼在钨中的扩散速度更高;涂层在通H2条件下,进行室温→1400℃→室温20次循环后涂层不脱落、界面没有明显变化,涂层结合力好;涂层界面上的杂质元素氧等影响涂层的结合性能。
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