Dai Changsong , Zhang Liang , Wang Dianlong , Hu Xinguo
2005, 34(3):337-340.
Abstract:Methods of preparing foam materials, such as aluminium foam, titanium foam, silicon foam and lead foam, and how to control the composition and the porosity in order to prepare materials of different performances were presented. Excellent properties of foam materials, which were applied in auto industry, body in-planting material, optical material, micro-electronics, computer and lead-acid battery, etc., were emphatically introduced. Spacious market outlook was also previewed.
Zhang Gaoke , Dong Aihong , Liu Ying , Hu Bo , Ouyang Shixi , Liu Hanxing
2005, 34(3):341-345.
Abstract:The photocatalytic mechanism, catalogue and carrier of photocatalysts and its applications were described in this paper. According to their composition and structure, the photocatalysts are classified as simple oxide-type, nanometer sulfide, composite oxides, layer structure compound, AB2O4-type , complexes photocatalysts and so on. The development direction of photocatalyst is analyzed. The methods of improving the properties of photocatalysts and the factors influencing photocatalytic efficiency were discussed too.
Wang Xuebin , Yang Mei , Zhao Yangfeng
2005, 34(3):346-349.
Abstract:Gradient-dependent plasticity having characteristic length reflecting heterogeneity was used to deduce analytically non-uniform plastic strain in necked zone, and the external shape of the zone was described because the plastic strain and the plastic extension of the zone regardless of change of volume of the zone was calculated. In addition, the true stress was deduced because the minimum sectional area in the zone can be determined according to the external shape. The advantage of the present analytical results for true stress and true strain curve is that the related parameters have specific physical meanings, such as softening modulus describing brittleness, elastic modulus considering elasticity, characteristic length reflecting the heterogeneity, the gauge length involved in the present model to study the geometrical size effect. Comparisons of the existing experimental results for titanium and Ti-6Al-4V and the present analytical results were carried out and the new model considering microstructures and localized necking was verified. It is found that the brittleness and heterogeneity of Ti-6Al-4V are higher than those of CP titanium. The differences of the propagation velocity of the localized band in two kinds of materials are explained in terms of the different brittleness.
Zheng Caixing , Liu Rangsu , Tian Zean , Zhou Qunyi , Peng Ping
2005, 34(3):350-354.
Abstract:用quantum Sutton-Chen多体势对AgxCu1-x在冷却速率为2×1012K/s凝固过程的模拟,发现AgxCu1-x在x=35~65范围内具有形成非晶的能力,特别是对应于二元相图共晶点的Ag60Cu40在凝固过程中二十面体和其它多面体结构不仅数目大,而且还具有极为稳定的遗传性,而最容易得到非晶态合金.证实了合金化效应对非晶态合金的形成倾向和稳定性的关键作用.此外采用键对及原子多面体类型指数法对凝固过程中微观结构组态变化的分析,不但能说明二十面体结构在非晶态合金形成和稳定性中所起的关键作用,又有助于对液态金属的凝固过程、非晶态微观结构特征的深入理解.
Meng Xianglong , Cai Wei , Zhao Liancheng
2005, 34(3):355-358.
Fu Xiaoguo , Zhong Yongqiang , Wang Xiaolin , Liu Kezhao , Lai Xinchun , Zhao Zhengping
2005, 34(3):359-362.
Abstract:The air-exposed surfaces of sintered UC samples at room temperature were examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Elemental depth profiles reveal that the surface of UC consists of a top layer of small amounts of UO2+ ; this very thin layer is x followed by a layer containing uranium dioxide, uranium monocarbide and free carbon and then bulk UC. The binding energy of U4f7/2 and C1s peaks of UC is found to be 378.2 eV and 282 eV, respectively. Quantitative analysis indicates that the C/U atomic ratio of clean UC surfaces is approximately 1?1, which is consistent with stoichiometric UC, but there exists small amounts of dissolved oxygen on sputter-cleaned UC surfaces. The oxidation mechanism of UC has been also discussed.
Xu Xiaohong , Duan Jingfang , Wu Haishun
2005, 34(3):363-366.
Abstract:采用直流磁控溅射法制备了SmCo/Cr,SmCo/CrTi 和SmCo/CrTi/Cr 系列薄膜。SmCo 薄膜的XRD 结果表明:在Cr 底层中添加Ti,得到的CrTi,CrTi/Cr 底层也是以(110)面择优取向的,但是和Cr 底层相比,衍射峰的位置由44.39°偏移到44.19°。薄膜的磁学性能由振动样品磁强计(VSM)测定,分析VSM 的测量结果可知,用CrTi 和CrTi/Cr做底层,SmCo 薄膜的矫顽力Hc、矩形比S、矫顽力矩形比S*的值都比Cr 底层的大,并且磁反转体积V*的值比Cr 底层的小。SmCo 薄膜的δM(H)曲线说明,Cr 做底层时,薄膜晶粒间的相互作用为极化作用,CrTi,CrTi/Cr 做底层时,薄膜晶粒间的相互作用为交换耦合相互作用。
Fan Jinglian , Huang Baiyun , Qu Xuanhui
2005, 34(3):367-370.
Abstract:Dimension of injected parts reflects the quality of injection molded parts, and plays an important role in controlling defects and final dimension of parts during subsequent debonding and sintering. On the premise of same shrinkage in different directions during sintering, a mathematic model of controlling injected parts dimension and qualities by controlling the weight deviations of injected green parts, which is proved to be correct in the experiment is proposed.
Yu Gengsheng , Li Fu , Wei Bingchen , Ma Mo , Lin Jianguo
2005, 34(3):371-374.
Abstract:利用材料测试系统(MTS)、X-Ray衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)等手段研究了Nd基大块金属玻璃的变形行为和断裂特征.Nd基大块金属玻璃样品在室温下是脆性断裂,大约在500 K时变形模式从非均匀变形转变为均匀变形,在523 K以上表现出显著的塑性变形.在5×10-4 m/s的应变速率下,这种Nd基大块金属玻璃材料在523 K~600 K之间出现明显的屈服应力下降现象,随后进入1种稳定的粘性流动状态,而且这种屈服下降现象与温度和应变速率有关.这种在过冷液相区的变形行为与其他大块金属玻璃变形特征相似.合金的这种塑性变形行为表明了其存在稳定的过冷液相区,同时对其变形行为的研究有助于进一步了解Nd基大块金属玻璃的反常热稳定性.
Huang Zhenghua , Guo Xuefeng , Zhang Zhongming
2005, 34(3):375-379.
Abstract:为了提高AZ91D 镁合金的力学性能与阻尼性能,利用OM(光学金相显微镜)和XRD 分析了金属型铸造不同Ce 含量AZ91D 合金的显微组织和相组成,测试了室温力学性能,用悬臂梁技术测量了其阻尼性能。结果表明,AZ91D合金中加入一定量Ce 后生成的Al4Ce 相被推移到生长界面,阻碍枝晶的自由生长,从而细化合金铸态组织;Ce 能提高AZ91D 合金室温抗拉强度,而对其屈服强度和延伸率影响不大,Ce 能提高合金的阻尼性能;AZ91D-0.7%Ce 合金晶粒细化效果佳,力学性能较理想,阻尼性能最高;合金的阻尼行为可用Granato-Lücke 理论来解释。
Yang Guangyu , Hao Qitang , Jie Wanqi , Wang Wuxiao
2005, 34(3):380-384.
Zhang Taiquan , Wang Yujin , Zhou Yu , Song Guiming , Lei Tingquan , Shao Yingfeng
2005, 34(3):385-388.
Abstract:在Gleeble-1500D热模拟实验机上对30ZrCp/W复合材料进行高温压缩实验,变形温度和应变速率分别为800℃~1 200℃和10-3 s^-1~1 s^-1,研究其高温压缩变形的流变应力行为.研究表明:随变形温度升高,复合材料的流变应力下降,在10-3s^-1和1200℃下,抗压强度为948.7 MPa.在800℃下发生伪塑性变形,未达到预设变形量,真应力-真应变曲线上表现出的塑性为伪塑性,其是由微裂纹的萌生-钝化引起的.随变形温度升高,复合材料发生动态回复再结晶.随应变速率升高,真应力-真应变曲线形状从“锯齿”型向“平滑”型转变.复合材料对应变速率不敏感,随应变速率升高,复合材料的流变应力略有升高.在800℃和1s^-1下,复合材料的抗压强度为1176.9MPa.用Arrhenius方程描述复合材料在1000℃~1200℃的热变形行为,变形激活能为811.4 kJ/mol.
Zhang Guoying , Zhang Hui , Hu Zhuangqi , Lin Rong , Zhang Haifeng
2005, 34(3):389-392.
Abstract:The atom structure models of two kinds of quasicrystal in Zr-base amorphous alloys were set up by using the conjugate structure model of quasicrystals. The effects of alloying elements on the crystallization behavior of Zr-base amorphous alloys were investigated by recursion method. The results show that two kinds of quasicrystal -Zr6Ni, Ni6Zr clusters are exist in Zr-base amorphous alloys, and alloying elements (Ag, Pt, Pd, Au) occupy the sites of Ni ( or Cu) in the quasicrystal phase, and that increase the interaction of neighbor atoms, which explains the fact of alloying elements (Ag, Pd, Pt, Au) promoting the stable growth of the quasicrystal phase.
Jiang Bailing , Zhang Xianfeng
2005, 34(3):393-396.
Abstract:利用扫描电镜(SEM)和盐雾腐蚀试验等手段,研究了镁合金在不同电导率溶液中微弧氧化处理生成陶瓷层的生长规律及耐蚀性。结果表明:随溶液电导率的增大,发生微弧氧化现象的起弧电压减小,微弧氧化陶瓷层厚度表现出近似线性增长,陶瓷层表面微孔数目逐渐减少,微孔孔径逐渐增大,陶瓷层内显微缺陷数量逐渐增多;陶瓷层的耐蚀性随电导率的增大表现出先增后减的变化趋势,在溶液电导率为4 (?·m)-1~6 (?·m)-1 时,陶瓷层的耐蚀性较好。
Zhao Zexiang , Zhu Qiang , Yang Shuming , Jiang Zhuangde ,
2005, 34(3):397-400.
Abstract:阐述了指数曲线拟合方法和多项式拟合方法.分别用上述方法对52条卸载过程载荷-位移曲线进行了拟合,其中多项式的最高次数分别选为2~6种.在NANOINDENTERⅡ上对13个试样进行了压入实验,试样包括4个块体材料试样和9个膜/基材料试样,最大压入深度分为2组,即:一组为200 nm和500 nm,另一组为1 μm和2 μm.在每种压入深度下,对每个试样进行两次压入.通过上述实验,13个试样可得到52条卸载过程载荷-位移曲线的数据文件.用所述拟合方法对所有卸载曲线进行了拟合并得到相应的拟合曲线参数.用所得到的参数对试样的硬度和弹性模量进行了评定,对各种曲线拟合方法得到的载荷-位移拟合曲线与实测的载荷-位移曲线之间的关系进行了分析.分析结果表明:在上述曲线拟合方法中,5次多项式曲线拟合是最佳的拟合方法,而指数曲线拟合是最差的拟合方法,曲线拟合方法对纳米压入法材料力学性能的测量结果产生较大的影响.
Li Ruifeng , Yu Zhishui , Qi Kai , Liang Chao , Wu Mingfang
2005, 34(3):401-404.
Abstract:Effect of specimen size on the residual stress distribution of Al2O3/Nb joint is studied using numerical analysis. It can be concluded that the difference of specimen size can greatly influence the stress distribution. When the height of the specimen increased, the residual stress did not change evidently, and the residual would not change any more with the height increased to some degree with the width of specimen increasing, the residual stress increased firstly. But when the width reached 25 mm, the residual stress decreased instead. In conclusion, increasing specimen size is beneficial to both residual stress decrease and structure design in practice.
Wang Jiazhen , Wang Yaping , Yang Zhimao , Wang Wei , Ding Bingjun
2005, 34(3):405-408.
Abstract:The contact angles of Ag on SnO2 with different CuO content were measured by the sessile drop method, and the morphology and composition of transition zone of the interfaces were analyzed by SEM and EPMA technique. The results show that the wettability of Ag on SnO2 is improved by increasing the CuO content. The contact angle of Ag/SnO2 decreases from 90oto 29o with 7% CuO content. When CuO dopant is added into SnO2, Ag liquid can infiltrate into MeO, and a little MeO diffuses into Ag zone. So the strong interfacial bonding is obtained.
Fan Caimei , Guo Xiangdan , Liang Zhenhai , Sun Yanping
2005, 34(3):409-412.
Shu Xia , Wu Yucheng , Zheng Yuchun , Wang Wenfang , Zhang Yong , Li Guanghai , Zhang Lide
2005, 34(3):413-416.
Abstract:A contrastive experiment was conducted by using 4 key process parameters, i.e. concentration of sodium tungstate, current density, pH value and temperature that have greater influences on the electro deposition of Ni-W alloy nanocrystalline. Influences on the deposition rate, microhardness and surface of plating were studied respectively, which would provide basis for the preparation of Ni-W alloy nanocrystalline. At the same time, the plating of Ni-W alloy nanocrystalline was obtained, the size of which was10.09 nm.
2005, 34(3):417-420.
Dong Xiaodong , Dong Xiangting , Liu Junhua , Yan Jinghui , Wang Jinxian , Hong Guangyan
2005, 34(3):421-424.
Abstract:MoO3 hydrosol was prepared by precipitation method. The effect factors on hydrosol were discussed systematically. TEM photos show that the MoO3 nanoparticles are spherical in shape, the size is about 60 nm, particle size distribution is in narrow range. ED images indicate that the MoO3 nanoparticles are polycrystalline structure. UV-VIS analysis show that the MoO3 nanoparticles hydrosol had good photochromic effect.
Wang Maolin , Wang Xingan , Yang Zhimao , Wang Yaping , Ding Bingjun
2005, 34(3):425-428.
Abstract:Nanocrystalline La2O3 was prepared by sol-gel process using common La2O3, HNO3 and PEG. The decomposition process of the precursor powder and the calcened nanocrystalline La2O3 formed at the end were charactered with various techniques: TG-DTA, XRD and TEM and the effects of some factors such as pH value of the solution, stirring rate and the amount of the PEG in the solution on the particle size and morphology are investigated. The result shows that the nanocrystalline La2O3 can be obtained with particle diameter of 30 nm~50 nm under appropriate conditions.
Yan Junping , Tang Zilong , Zhang Zhongtai , Luo Shaohua
2005, 34(3):429-432.
Abstract:TiO2 codoped with antimony and chromium was prepared by coprecipation method. The characters of samples were measured by XRD, TEM, BET and DRS methods. TiO2 codoped with antimony and chromium shows intense absorption bands in the visible light region. Codoped samples are presented with enhanced performance over nondoped samples and TiO2 doped with only antimony.
Ma Youping , Xu Kewei , Pan Xide , Wen Weixin , Liu Pengfei
2005, 34(3):433-435.
Abstract:Metallic cementation treatment about Al, Zn elements on ZM5 magnesium alloy was conducted by solid diffusion.It was shown that the solid diffusion layer was mainly composed of Mg-Al-Zn intermetallic compounds and Mg-Al-Zn solid solution transition zone that had more Zn and Al elements than standard ZM5 magnesium substrate did. The test indicated that the microhardness values of Mg-Al-Zn intermetallic compounds were much higher than that of the substrate, and this would greatly contribute to the enhancement of wear resistance. The diffusion alloying layer was an effective corrosion barrier to decrease the corrosion rate for ZM5 magnesium alloy when exposed to 3.0% NaCl solutions.
Yang Dingming , Zhu Dachuan , Dai Yatang , Zhuang Jia , Tu Mingjing
2005, 34(3):436-438.
Abstract:采用室温固相化学反应前驱体法合成了亚微米级的(La,Ce,Tb)PO4绿色荧光粉.利用热重-差示热分析(TG-DTA)、X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)等实验技术,研究了荧光粉的形成过程,并对粉体尺寸、形貌及发光性能进行研究.结果表明:将前驱体在900℃煅烧后,产物为单斜晶系、独居石结构的正磷酸盐.粉末为亚微米级的球形颗粒.在272 nm紫外线激发下发绿色荧光,发射主峰在548 nm.同时表明:用室温固相化学反应前驱体法合成的(La,Ce,Tb)PO4是1种性能优良的荧光粉.
Ran Guang , Zhou Jing`en , Xi Shengqi , Zhao Xiaoting
2005, 34(3):439-442.
Abstract:采用机械合金化、冷压与热挤压法制备了Al-15%Pb-4%Si-1%Sn-1.5%Cu(质量分数)轴瓦合金.实验结果表明,合金中Pb晶粒为纳米晶,Al以2种形态存在于合金体系中,一部分为亚微米晶体,另一部分为非晶相.合金的抗压强度和硬度值都随热挤压温度的升高而降低;热挤压温度为400℃时,合金的抗压强度σbe和抗压屈服强度σ0.2分别为610 MPa和440 MPa;其HV值达到1 820 MPa,高于采用其它方法制备的Al-Pb系轴瓦合金的值.
Chen Xinliang , Wu Ping , Zhao Ci , Li Zhiqing , Jiang Enyong
2005, 34(3):443-446.
Abstract:In order to search a new process of fabricating TiAl intermetallic compounds with favorable combination of properties, this paper investigated the microstructure and thermal stability of Al-10wt.%Ti powders synthesized by mechanical milling. The experimental results show that Al, Ti particle and grain size decrease rapidly with the increase of milling time, and that the more milling time, the more energy stored in the composite powders. Consequently, the activation energy of the reaction for Al-Ti intermetallics decreases obviously. It is mechanical milling that causes a large number of crystal defects such as dislocations, vacancies, stacking fault and grain boundaries, hence raise the internal energy and the diffusivity. The final equilibrium phase of Al-10wt.%Ti powder which was sintered is DO22-Al3Ti.
Luo Yongchun , Jiao Gaofen , Yan Ruxu , Wang Dahui , Kang Long , Chen Jianhong
2005, 34(3):447-451.
Abstract:Metastable single phase with CaCu5 type structure for Co free over-stoichiometric La(NiMn)6 alloys were obtained by non-equilibrium processing of melt spinning. The crystal structure and electrochemical properties were investigated comparatively. The XRD results show that the La(NiMn)6 alloys prepared by melt spinning, in comparison with the as-cast alloys, present a single phase with CaCu5 type. The crystal lattice constants a and c exhibit a anisotropic change. With the increase of cooling rate, the a axis decreases and c axis and ratio of c/a value increase. The electrochemical analyses show that when cooling rate increases from 20 m/s to 50 m/s, the MH electrodes discharge capacity reach 277 mAh/g~256 mAh/g and the capacity retention is 63%~97.8% after 100 cycling number. The alloys prepared by melt spinning show a good cycling stability, but a lower discharge capacity and worse activation kinetics than that of the as-cast alloys.
Su Shufa , Cao Gaoshao , Zhao Xingbing
2005, 34(3):452-454.
Abstract:采用磁控溅射方法制备金属锑薄膜,并把它作为锂离子二次电池负极进行研究。研究发现,通过磁控溅射比较容易控制条件得到符合条件的锑薄膜,并且薄膜锑有较平的吸放锂平台。另外,不同厚度对锑薄膜的吸放锂性能有较显著的影响,较薄的锑薄膜有着更好的电化学吸放锂性能,经过15 个循环后其脱锂容量仍保持在400 mAh·g-1 以上。
Wang Yaqiong , Tong Hongyang , Xu Wenlin
2005, 34(3):455-458.
Song Zhongxiao , Ding Li , Xu Kewei , Cheng Hua
2005, 34(3):459-462.
Abstract:Zr-Si-N diffusion barrier films were deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering with different negative bias. The results reveal that the Si content and resistivity of the Zr-Si-N films decrease as negative bias increases. The crystalline phase increases with the increase of negative bias. The thermal stability of Zr-Si-N diffusion barrier was so good that Zr-Si-N diffusion barrier can effectively prevent from the diffusion of Cu.
2005, 34(3):463-466.
Liu Yanqin , Liu Wei , Cui Ying , Zhang Jiuxing , Wang Jiushu , Zhou Meiling
2005, 34(3):467-470.
2005, 34(3):471-474.
Jiang Yu , Liu Ming , Yang Yanmin , Guan Denggao , Chen Jiazhao , Tu Minjing
2005, 34(3):475-478.
Abstract:Nano-metal nickel powder is prepared by liberty arc in which fusible hydrogen is joined as cathode shoot. It is found that the influence of working pressure do not followed the classical rules. Hydrogen is a key factor to improve the productive efficiency of nano metal powder. The mini-hydrogen bubble in fusible metal can lead to the vacuum evaporating of Nickel, so the powder productivity is proportional to the hydrogen pressure. The molecular evaporating mechanism of hydrogen in Ni bubble is presented.
Feng Keqin , Yang Yi , Shen Baoluo , Lin Huimin , He Hong
2005, 34(3):479-482.
Abstract:采用Gleeble-1500D热模拟机,在电场和大热流密度作用下,研究压坯密度对55%(Ti C)-45?(质量分数)粉末压坯低温燃烧合成过程的影响.结果表明:当压坯密度在68%~78%范围内,体系的点火温度在340℃~650℃之间;随压坯密度提高,体系点火温度降低,点火延迟时间缩短,所达到的最高温度也降低.同时,合成产物的XRD结果表明:较低密度压坯的合成反应进行完全,而过高的压坯密度会导致合成反应的不完全性.
Zheng Ji , Gao Ji , Li Songlin , Li Qunying
2005, 34(3):483-485.
Abstract:研究了1种新型的纳米AgSnO2触头材料.通过采用掺杂、SnO2粒子的纳米化及化学镀的方法,改善了氧化物和银的浸润性,从而提高了触头材料的导电性、机械强度和加工性能.通过机械混合法和溶胶凝胶法2种工艺的对比,证明用机械混合法在SnO2中掺杂TiO2,反而使电导率升高;用溶胶凝胶法在SnO2中掺杂TiO2,Ti4 能够很好的进入SnO2的晶格,能够明显改善触头的电性能.微观组织分析表明:纳米触头中SnO2的分布明显的比非纳米触头中SnO2分布的要均匀,从而可以避免因SnO2的富集导致电导率降低,提高AgSnO2触头的电性能和电寿命.
Zhang Guozhen , Wang Che , Liu Yanqin , Zhang Liping , Zhang Jiuxing , Zhong Taoxing , Zhou Meiling
2005, 34(3):486-488.
2005, 34(3):489-492.
Abstract:Sintering is one of the most important steps for powder metallurgy (PM). In order to observe the sintering process directly, a high temperature optical microscope (HTOM) was used to in-situ investigate the Al and Mg binary alloy system with a weight ratio of 9:1. A typical physical evolving character was found in this system. The melting process of magnesium particles is not synchronous, first from the particle border, then in the grain boundary, and last into the whole magnesium particle. When sintering temperature is above a critical temperature Tc, the magnesium particle melts in a very short time, and the sintering rate is accelerated with the increasing of the cold compact density. These experiment results afford a direct reference to the sintering routine optimization.
Zhang Zhaohui , Li Nengxin , Wang Fuchi , Li Shukui , Cheng Jingwei
2005, 34(3):493-496.
Abstract:Research about the 91tungsten alloy deformed by hydrostatic extrusion is carried out. The relations between the microstructures, mechanical properties of the 91tungsten alloy after deformation and the deformation amount were studied. The results show that the ratio of the long-short axis of tungsten particles and the strength of tungsten alloys increase along with the increase of the deformation amount, the valid contiguity of tungsten particles and the elongation ratio and contraction ratio of area of tungsten alloys decrease along with the increase of the deformation amount. Both the increment and the decrement become smaller and smaller along with the increase of the hydrostatic extrusion deformation amount.
Mo Wenjian , Wang Zhifa , Jiang Guosheng , Wang Haishan
2005, 34(3):497-500.
Liu Liufa , Lu Chen , Zhai Chunquan , Ding Wenjiang , Akio Hirose , Kojiro F. Kobayashi
2005, 34(3):501-504.
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