Liang Guang , Gao Weigui , Liu Weiping , Pu Shaoping , Yan Gexin , Hou Ying
2006, 35(1).
Chen Yuyong , Li Baohui , Kong Fantao
2006, 35(1):1-4.
Abstract:研究了Ti-45Al-5Nb(at%)和Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.3Y(at%)合金的铸态显微组织。结果表明:稀土Y的添加改变了Ti-45Al-5Nb合金的铸态显微组织,促进了等轴晶粒的形成,极大地细化了晶粒;稀土Y主要富集在等轴晶粒的晶界处,并呈断续网络状分布,还有极少量的稀土呈小颗粒分布在晶粒内部;与Ti-45l-5Nb合金相比,Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.3Y合金除了γ和α2相外,还形成了富集Al和Y的富稀土 相-YAl2相;在合金凝固过程中,稀土Y能够提高TiAl合金的形核率,同时稀土Y在固液界面前沿的富集抑制了初生声相的生长,并且后者对晶粒的细化起主要作用。
Zhang Di , Shan Jiguo , Chen Wuzhu , Ren Jialie
2006, 35(1):5-8.
2006, 35(1):9-12.
Ren Wenwei , Kang Gewen , Gan Chunquan , Li Cong , Qiu Shaoyu
2006, 35(1):13-16.
Abstract:采用基于有限元反射模型的SFS(shape from shading)算法对锆-4合金低周疲劳断口进行三维重建,定量描述了断口表面的三维形貌。然后,根据小岛法的基本理论,研究了断口三维形貌的分维计算方法,计算了一系列平行于断口表面的分维值。结果表明:在40%~60%高度范围内,根据小岛法作出周长L(η)-面积A(η)在双对数图上呈近似直线关系,表明Zr-4合金断口具有良好的分形特征;分形维数D变化范围为1.5809~1.6450,平均值1.603l,标准差0.0237。表明在此切割高度范围内,高度对分维值影响较小。
Chen Song , Hu Changyi , Yang Jiaming , Guo Junmei , Deng Deguo
2006, 35(1):17-20.
2006, 35(1):21-24.
Abstract:Such experimental researches as XRD, SEM and TEM were conducted on the synthesized ceramic heat-resistant gradient material of TiC-Mo/W system prepared by combining SHS with the new method of HP. The result of XRD shows that the reaction product is no other than TiC and Mo/W. TEM analysis finds that TiC ceramic particle becomes a ellipsoidal distribution, tiny and relatively even particle, with Mo/W metal phase in-between; SEM indicates that the shape of multi-metal phase appears to be island-like and distributes in continuous gradient clouds. The compacting density, bending strength, fracture toughness and rigidity value of the synthesis can be prepared to be applicable gradient material structure under suitable pressure and temperature. In the course of SHS/HP, Mo/W distributes into ceramics TiC in the manner of gradient clouds along the sample grade direction. According to the research, the characteristics of the material is anisotropic and transversally isotropic along the direction and vertical grade direction respectively.
Chen Liqing , Guo Jinhua , Wang Jijie , Xu Yongbo , Bi Jing
2006, 35(1):29-33.
Abstract:A newly developed cost-effective processing route, in situ reactive infiltration technique, was utilized to fabricate 47.5vol.%TiC/AZ91D magnesium matrix composites. A comparative study was made on the tensile deformation behavior at room and elevated temperatures for the as synthesized composites and the matrix alloy magnesium AZ91D and their fracture characteristics were also analyzed as well. The results show that the TiC/Mg composites fabricated by in situ reactive infiltration process possess excellent high-temperature mechanical properties. The ultimate tensile strength of the matrix magnesium alloy AZ91D at 723 K and a strain rate of 0.001 s^-1 is 41.1 MPa, while that of TiC/Mg composites at the same deformation conditions increases by 120% and reaches 91.1 MPa. At room temperature, the ultimate tensile strength of the composites increases only by 23.4% as compared with the AZ91D alloy. The SEM observation of the morphologies for the fractured surfaces reveals that the fracture mode differs from one another in that the composites are of brittle characteristic at room and elevated temperatures due to its limited failure strain, whereas the fracture mode of the magnesium alloy has a transition from brittleness at room temperature towards ductileness at elevated temperature.
Xue Xiangyi , Bai Xinde , Zhou Qingshan , Tian Zhenye
2006, 35(1):34-38.
Wang Yi , Yue Zhufeng , Stein M P
2006, 35(1):39-42.
Abstract:Void growth behavior plays an important role in the deformation, damage and rupture of the nickel-base single crystal superalloys at high temperature. A set of creep, fatigue and thermal-mechanical-fatigue (TMF) experiments was carried out. The SEM observation on the fractured surfaces shows that for all experiments studied in this paper the fracture surfaces are made up of small facets. In the center of the facet, there is at least one void. The dimension of the void is dependent on the loading conditions. Crystallographic finite element method was applied to simulate the void growth by a cell model. Creep loading condition and plastic loading condition were modeled. The influence of the crystallographic orientations on the void growth was studied. The finite element study of the void growth can help to understand the experimental results.
Hong Changqing , Han Jiecai , Zhaag Xinghong , Xu Qiang
2006, 35(1):47-51.
Abstract:The thermal shock behavior of TiB2- Cu composite by combustion synthesis was investigated using plasma arc heating and numerical simulation. The transient temperalure field and thermal stress fields affected by inhomogeneous boundary conditions of heat transfer in high temperature were simulated and analyzed based on the thermal physical data with ANSYS commercial software. The results reveal that the maximum compression stresses are generated at center of sample and decreased along radius. The compression stresses transform to tensile stresses when the arc beam gets across the heating area, and the largest tensile stress takes place in the edge of the specimen. The crack may initiate in the edge of the sample, and then properly propagates to the position of center in the direction of radius. The experiment of plasma arc heating also favor and approve the rationality nf theoretical model.
Yue Ming , Niu Peili , Zeng Hong , Zhang Jiuxing
2006, 35(1):52-54.
Zong Fujian , Ma Honglei , Xue Chengshan , Du Wei , Zhang Xijian , Ma Jin , Ji Feng , Xiao Hongdi
2006, 35(1):55-58.
Liu Jinghe , Sun Jing , Zeng Fanming , Li Jianli , Wan Yuchun , Guan Xiaoxian
2006, 35(1):59-61.
Abstract:In this paper, Nd:GGG single crystal was grown by Cz method. Fluorescence spectra and absorption spectra was measured after the Nd:GGG single crystal was cut and polished. The main absorption peak of Nd:GGG crystal is 808 nm and fluorescence-emission peak is 9430 cm-1, which correspond to 4F3/2-4I11/2 emission band of Nd3+ ions. At the same time, absorption intensity become stronger with the increasing of Nd3+ ions concentration.
Wang Ying , Zhang Lingyun , Yu Rongli , Wang Huaming
2006, 35(1):62-65.
Abstract:Wear resistant TieNi3Si reinforced intermetallic coatings were fabricated on a substrate of titanium alloy BT9 by laser cladding using Ti-50Ni-10Si alloy powders as the precursor materials. Results indicate that the laser clad intermetallic comings have a rapidly solidified homogeneous microstructure consisting of TieNi3Si primary dendrites and TieNi3Si/NiTi eutectic. Wear resistance of the laser clad Ti2Ni3Si reinforced intermetallic coatings was evaluated under dry sliding wear test conditions at room temperature. Because of the high hardness and strong covalent dominant atomic bonds of the Ti2Ni3Si primary dendrites with MgZn2 type Laves crystal structure and the high yield strength and toughness of the eutectic, the Ti2Ni3Si/NiTi intermetallic coatings have excellent wear resistance under dry sliding wear test conditions.
2006, 35(1):66-69.
Abstract:The Zr41.25Ti13.75Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass is reinforced with up to 60 volume percent of tungsten particulate. Samples with 10mm in diameter are obtained when quenching melt contained in stainless steel tube into saturated brine. A characterization based on X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy is presented. Compressive tests were performed for the metallic glass matrix composites and single phase bulk metallic glass. Compressive strain-to-failure increase significantly compared to unreinforced single phase Zr41.25Ti13.75Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass. The results are discussed in term of particulate size and yield strength of the reinforcement.
Zhang Liping , Zhang Guozhen , Zhang Jiuxing , Zhou Meiling
2006, 35(1):70-73.
Fan Jinglian , Li Zhixi , Cheng Huichao
2006, 35(1):74-77.
Lu Bin , Yi Danqing , Yan Biao , Yin Junlin , Liu Huiqun , Wu Biaoli , Chen Xiaoli
2006, 35(1):78-81.
2006, 35(1):82-84.
Feng Junqiang , Xu Man , Cao Xiaolong
2006, 35(1):85-88.
Liu Shuangyi , Gao Houxiu , Chen Quanshui , Zhang Guijie , Wang Weina
2006, 35(1):89-91.
Abstract:In normal temperature and pressure, two kinds of one-dimensional nano-structures with different patterns and structures, whose substrate were Cu-Zn-Al alloy, were successfully prepared after treating by mixed acid. It is found that the products are similar to nanotube because of their hollow and cylindrical structures, but their tube wall is thicker and their inner diameter is thinner than that of typical nanotube. The selected area electron diffraction and EDX analyze is confirm that the products are one-dimensional Cu-Zn-Al alloy nano-structures. The growth mechanics of nano-structures are primarily studied and the growth model is also put forward.
2006, 35(1):92-95.
Yang Bin , Tao Xiaoming , Yu Jianyong
2006, 35(1):96-99.
Abstract:In this paper, two knitting structures are designed and tested. It is observed that the resistance of Stainless Steel (SS) fiber fabric has a linear relationship with strain within a definite range. Any change in fabric structure may cause changes of the linear range and sensitivity of the strain sensor. The main mechanism of the fabric sensitive to strain has been deduced to be the change of contact resistance between yarns during stretching.
Wu Anru , Xia Changqing , Dai Xiaoyuan
2006, 35(1):100-104.
Abstract:The elevated temperature plastic deformation was studied by thermomechanical processes for three kinds of Mg-RE alloys in different temperature and different strain rate. The results show that the flow stress of 1# alloy containing Ce is lower than that of 2# alloy containing Nd, and 3# alloy containing Nd and Y at same temperature and same strain rate. The 1# alloy containing Ce is more suitable for extrusion forming from thermal deformation angle.
Zhou Bing , Shi Shcngfeng , Wang Xiaoxiang
2006, 35(1):105-109.
Abstract:以铸造CoCrMoC合金(ASTMF 75-82)为研究对象,通过金相观察,XRD,SEM和EDX分析以及磨损试验,研究了该合金在不同热处理条件下的显微结构与耐磨损性能。结果表明:不含C的CoCrMo合金的耐磨损性能几乎不受热处理制度的影响:含C的CoCrMoC合金在1100℃以上温度固溶处理耐磨损性能明显提高,其中1200℃是最佳温度,固溶后时效处理降低合金的耐磨损性能。分析认为,固溶引起的fcc钴基体固溶强化和适当的碳化物分布是提高耐磨损性能的主要原因,而时效引起的基体fcc相→hcp相的等温马氏体相变对耐磨损性能影响不大。
Cai Yurong , Zhou Lian , Zhang Yumei , Wei Jianhua
2006, 35(1):114-118.
Ni Jun , Liu Rongfang , Xiao Xiufeng
2006, 35(1):119-122.
Su Xiangdong , Lin Rong , Hao Weichang , Wang Tianmin
2006, 35(1):123-126.
Wei Shengming , Wang Richu , Li Qingyong , Li Wenxian , Huang Baiyun
2006, 35(1):127-130.
Abstract:The effect of BN content on sintering properties of Ni-based abradable seal alloy was investigated. The sintering process and model with BN and without BN were studied. To establish model to research the process of Ni-Cr/BN sintering expansion. BN powders hinder sintering between powders, and the sintering expansion and the density falling are discovered.
Lu Cuimin , Sun Qingehi , Xu Mingxia , Wang Lieong
2006, 35(1):131-133.
Liu Hongli , Li Shujie , Chen Zhijun
2006, 35(1):134-137.
Li Shitao , Qiao Xueliang , Chen Jianguo
2006, 35(1):138-141.
Abstract:Indium tin oxide films(In2O3-SnO2)were deposited onto glass at different oxygen flows by R.F. magnetron sputtering method. Transmittance in visible light and an energy band gap were measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometer . square resistance was measured by four-point probe. The thickness and complex refractive index of films were measured by spectroscopic ellipsomtry. The component of the ITO films was studied by XPS. The study indicates that the deposited ratio and refractive indexes of films are related to the O2 flow rate, The transmittance in visible light is beyond 80% (including glass substrate) with the film thickness 60nm and 9sccm oxygen flux. The transmittance and square resistance can be improved by hot treatment. XPS investigation shows that the photoelectricity properties can be deteriorated by the sub-oxides, which can be reduced by oxygen flux.
Zhao Qingnan , Ni Jiamiao , Zhang Naizhi , Zhao Xiujian , Jiang Hong , Wang Guirong
2006, 35(1):142-145.
Zhai Qingzhou , Cai Jianyan , Yu Miao
2006, 35(1):146-149.
Abstract:Zeolites Y and the Y(m) modified by methyltrimethoxysilane were used for the hosts to prepare the Cd-Y and Cd-Y(m) samples by ion-exchange method and then the Y-CdS and Y(m)-CdS host-guest nanocomposite samples were prepared by a hydrothermal method by using thiacetamide as a sulfur source instead of toxic hydrogen sulfide. By mean of powder X-ray diffraction, chemical analysis, infrared spectroscopy, solid diffusion reflectance absorption spectroscopy, luminescence investigation, the prepared samples were characterized. The results of powder XRD analyses show that after the incorparation of CdS into the Y and Y(m) zeolites the frameworks of the prepared samples still exist and keep high ordered property. The IR results show that the formation of a new bond Si-O-Cd in Y-CdS and Y(m)-CdS samples. The results of solid diffusion reflectance absorption spectra show that there is no absorption from Y and Y(modified) zeolites, and there is not obvious difference for the absorption spectra between the Y-CdS and Y(m)-CdS samples. Luminescence studies show that for the Y-CdS and Y(m)-CdS samples there appear luminescence. The host-guest nanocomposite materials prepared have the potential ability as luminescent materials.
Li Hu , Yu Qifeng , Zhang Bo , Wang Hui , Fan Hongsong , Zhang Xingdong
2006, 35(1):154-157.
2006, 35(1):158-160.
Abstract:Cu64Zr36 amorphous ribbons were prepared by melting-spun technique. The crystallization process and kinetics were investigated by isothermal annealing at different temperature, DSC and XRD. The results show that the crystallization process is that Cu10Zr7 would precipitates primarily, then CuZr2. The activation energies of glass transition and crystallization are 433.7 kJ/mol and 603 kJ/mol, respectively.
Yan Shinong , Wang Yongchang , Zhu Jian , Huang Liqing
2006, 35(1):161-163.
Abstract:Ag-coated Au composite nanoparticles are prepared via solution-phase reduction method and clearly observed by TEM. The optical absorption spectra show that the as-prepared particles have two distinct plasma a absorption bands. One absorption peak centers near the plasma a absorption band of pure Ag nanoparticles, another absorption peak intervenes between the plasma a absorption bands of pure Ag and pure Au nanoparticles and undergoes blue-shift. According to the experimental analysis and numerical calculation based on Mie scattering theory, it is reasonable to attribute the blue-shift to the thickness increasing of Ag-shells.
2006, 35(1):164-168.
Abstract:The progress of interracial reaction diffusion of SiC fiber-reinforced Ti matrix composites is described. The reaction diffusion models, the dynamics and thermodynamics, the control mechanism of interracial reaction, and the effect of diffusion barriers on interracial reaction diffusion are introduced. Further research directions and focus of SiC fiber reinforced Ti matrix composites are pointed out.
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