2006, 35(2):169-171.
Abstract:This summarized thesis began to write in 1996 and has been written in every year. In this year, it consists of (1) magnetic super-thin film, (2) giant magnetoresistive material, (3) magnetic microscopic technique and application, (4) soft magnetic ferrite, (5) magnetic fluid material.
Li Miaoquan , Chen Shenghui , Li Xiaoli
2006, 35(2):172-175.
Dong Jianxin , Zhang Maicang , Zeng Yanping
2006, 35(2):176-180.
Abstract:为了研究Inconel 706合金宏观偏析“黑斑”区相变行为及析出相的形成特征,对黑斑区和正常区的相析出特征进行了系统的对比分析,并用热力学相计算手段对合金黑斑区的相变规律和元素的热力学平衡分配进行了计算分析。结果认为,Inconel 706合金宏观偏析黑斑主要是由富Nb的Laves相和富Ti的η,δ相的严重偏聚粗化导致的。从黑斑的组织行为分析及热力学相计算可以认为,Nb在凝固过程中发生了极为明显的枝晶间液态偏聚,同时Ti和Al也有一定程度的偏聚,这些元素不同程度的液态偏聚行为是造成合金黑斑区相富集的主要原因。
Tan Jun , Guo Wencai , Xu Bingshi , Yang Hongjun
2006, 35(2):181-185.
Abstract:Ni/n-SiO2 compositional coatings were electrodeposited by brush-plating with pulse-reverse current. Morphology, hardness, and tribological properties of the coatings were investigated and compared with those of Ni and composite coatings electrodeposited by brush-plating with direct current. The test results obtained indicate that Ni/n-SiO2 composite coatings electrodeposited by brush-plating with pulse-reverse current, because of the pulse-reverse current and the nano powders, possesses the fine crystal grains, high hardness and low friction coefficient, so it is a better wear-resistant coatings.
Li Meiheng , Hu Wangyu , Sun Xiaofeng , Guan Hengrong , Hu Zhuangqi
2006, 35(2):186-188.
Abstract:Indentation microhardness testing was used to assess the microhardness of an EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) deposited on a single crystal Ni-base superalloy substrate. Tests performed using a Knoop indenter geometry reveal that there is an indentation size effect (ISE), namely that the apparent microhardness decrease significantly with increasing indentation test load. An energy balance analysis based on elastic/plastic indentation model was applied to analyze the apparent ISE and to extract the load-independent hardness from the experimental measurements.
2006, 35(2):189-194.
Deng Yunlai , Zhang Xinming , Liu Ying , Tang Jianguo , Wu Wenxiang , Zhou Zhuoping
2006, 35(2):195-199.
Li Yongsheng , Chen Zheng , Lu Yanli , Wang Yongxin , Chu Zhong
2006, 35(2):200-204.
Abstract:The microscopic structure and evolution of ordered interphase boundary of Ni-Al-V alloy was investigated using microscopic phase-field model. The results show that three kinds of interphase boundaries are formed between LI2 phases, the width of the interphase boundaries are narrower, and of which one kind of interphase boundary is in equilibrium for the occupation probability of Al atoms. According to the different orientation variants of [ 10] and [01 ] of the projection of D022, there form eight kinds of interphase boundaries structure, in which the interphase boundaries are wider with the same orientation variants, and the occupation probability of V atoms reach the equilibrium value with different orientation variants. There are four kinds of interphase boundaries between the different phases. The occupation probability of atoms in the interphase boundaries reach the equilibrium value and two phase transit continuously, for one phase precipitate from the interphase boundary of another. With the precipitation process, the interphase boundaries formed in [01] direction of D022 transform from disordered to ordered and become narrower firstly and then dissolve into disordered phase.
Wang Dunjia , Fang Zhengdong , Han Deyan
2006, 35(2):205-208.
Gao Wenli , Zhang Hu , Zhang Erlin , Zeng Songyan , Chen Zhenhua
2006, 35(2):209-212.
Yang Guangyu , Jie Wanqi , Hao Qitang
2006, 35(2):217-222.
Wang Jiping , Jin Zhihao , Qian Junmin , Qiao Guanjun
2006, 35(2):223-226.
He Xiangming , Rong Lijian , Yan Desheng , Li Yiyi
2006, 35(2):227-231.
2006, 35(2):232-236.
Abstract:Based on life prediction of fatigue crack growth in a powder metallurgy, the residual strength interference model and life interference model are proposed to analyze the reliability of the fatigue crack growth. The reliability of the fatigue crack growth life of single inclusion is analyzed by the advanced first order and second moment method. In order to obtain the crack growth reliability of multiple inclusions existed in the structure, a new model, where the mean value of the random inclusion position is distributed uniformly, is presented. Comparing with the available model, where the mean value of the random inclusion position is at the center of the volume occupied by the corresponding inclusion, the new position distribution model is more safe and more suitable for engineering application. In the illustration, the above reliability method is applied to analyze the reliability of a powder metallurgy turbine disk. The results show that the position of the inclusion in the turbine disk has significant effect on the failure probability of the crack growth.
Chen Xiujuan , Liu Xuelong , Xia Tiandong , Zhao Wenjun , Liu Tianzuo
2006, 35(2):237-241.
Abstract:The pure Mg2Ni intermetallic was synthesized by self-propagating combustion mode and thermal explosion mode respectively. And the reaction process of thermal explosion was researched under different preheat temperatures. The results show that solid combustion exists at lower temperatures, and the degree of reaction increase with the decrease of preheat rate. A further experiment of Combustion Front Quenching (CFQ) was carried out successfully in cylindrical steel mould by adding some Al-Ti-C powder that is accepted as a high exothermic system on the top of Mg-Ni samples. The physical and chemical changes of all region in the quenched samples during the combustion synthesis were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). The results show that the Mg2Ni is directly synthesized rather than through other intermediates and the synthesis process of Mg2Ni can be express as: (1) solid combustion in the pre-combustion stage; (2) liquid combustion in the combustion process; (3) nucleation and crystallization of the product after the reaction; (4) uniformizing of the composition in the heat preservation stage.
Chu Zhong , Chen Zheng , Wang Yongxin , Lu Yanli , Li Yongsheng
2006, 35(2):242-246.
Abstract:The aging behavior of Ni-Cr-Al ternary alloy are studied at temperature 1123 K, the early ordering process are simulated at atomic-scale with microscopic phase-field model. Precipitation mechanism of low supersaturated alloy Ni-15at.%Cr-10.5at.%Al is non-classical nucleation and growth, the precipitation process include three stages, i.e. the nucleation and growth of D022 ordering phase, nucleation of L12 ordering phase and transmit of L12 ordering phase from D022 ordering phase. The occupation possibilities of Al and Cr in L12 ordering phase are similar because of substitution behavior of Cr atom, Ni3(CrxAl1-x) structure are formed and coexist with D022 ordering phase. high supersaturated alloys show the congruent ordering and spinodal decomposition mechanism and the process of the ordering and clustering are precedent to low supersaturated alloys.
Zhuang Houlong , Peng Ping , Zhou Dianwu , Liu Jinshui
2006, 35(2):247-252.
Zhu Lei , Zhang Maicang , Dong Jianxin , Pang Keehang , Shanghai . China)
2006, 35(2):253-256.
Abstract:Based on test data from hot process simulator, a Kumar type constitutive equation for TC11 ahoy is established in this paper. Applying this cortstitutive equation in commercial FEM software of MSC /Autoforge, hot die forging process of TC11 alloy turbine disc is then simulated. The results show that the Kumar-type constitutive relationship meets the practical need to a great extent.
He Sufang , Lin Junpin , Xu Xiangjun , Gao Jianfeng , Wang Yanli , Song Xiping , Chen Guoliang
2006, 35(2):257-260.
Abstract:研究了Ti-45Al-9(Nb,W,B,Y)两相合金分别在760℃和815℃时,应力值在80MPa-300MPa区间的蠕变行为。蠕变前合金的显微组织为均匀细小的双态组织。将研究结果与高铌TiAl合金全片层组织的蠕变性能进行了对比,发现所研究的双态组织合金具有相对较弱的蠕变抗力,其最小蠕变速率较全片层组织Ti46A18.5Nb0.1C0.2B合金的要高1个数量级。蠕变应力指数表明,该合金在760℃~815℃2,80MPa-300 MPa的蠕变条件下,合金的蠕变受位错攀移控制。
Zhou Xiaosong , Peng Shuming , Li Hongfa , Long Xinggui , Luo Shunzhong
2006, 35(2):261-264.
Zhou Jun , Zeng Weidong , Shu Ying , Zhou Yigang
2006, 35(2):265-269.
Qin Hongwei , Hu Jifan , Li Bo , Zhang Ruihong
2006, 35(2):270-272.
Li Yueming , Chen Wen , Xu Qing , Zhou Jing , Gu Xingyong
2006, 35(2):273-276.
Zhang Yanghuan , Wang Guoqing , Dong Xiaoping , Guo Shihai , Ren Jiangyuan , Wang Xinlin
2006, 35(2):277-282.
Abstract:The rare-earth-based AB5-type Mm(NiMnSiAl)4.3Co0.6-xFex (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6) hydrogen storage alloys were prepared by casting and rapid quenching. The microstructures of the as-cast and quenched alloys were analyzed by XRD, SEM and TEM, and electrochemical cycle stability of the as-cast and quenched alloys were measured. The effects of substitution Fe for Co on microstructures and electrochemical cycle stability of the as-cast and quenched alloys were investigated in detail. The obtained results show that the effects of substitution Fe for Co on the phase structures of the as-cast and quenched alloys are imperceptible, but its effects on electrochemical cycle stability of the alloys are notable. The substitution Fe for Co can improve the cycle stability of the as-cast and quenched alloys. Especially, substitution Fe for Co can significantly enhance the cycle lives of the as-quenched alloys, which is mainly attributed to the grain refinement caused by substitution Fe for Co.
Liu Changjiu , Chai Xiaoqin , Chen Jingjuan
2006, 35(2):283-286.
Liu Chunfang , Feng Yong , Xi Wei , Yang Zhijun , Liu Jingyan , Ji Ping , Lu Yafeng , Zhang Pingxiang , Wu Xiaozu , Zhou Lian
2006, 35(2):287-290.
Abstract:The Ni5W alloy substrates with higher strength, lower magnetism and cubic texture were prepared by a powder metallurgy method for YBCO second-generation coated conductor. The results show that the cube texture fraction in the substrate increases obviously with increasing reduction and heat-treatment temperature. X-ray results show that raising total reduction increases actually quantities of cubic grains and nuclei in cold deformed samples. It can be seen that the time corresponding peak of the curve decreases according to relationship between heat-treatment time and (200) preferential orientation, which illustrates that temperature raises the grow rate of cube nuclei. As the results, the better process and excellent Ni5W substrate with 99%~100% cube textured fraction have been obtained by the study.
Wang Liuying , Wang Hangong , Hua Shaochun , Cao Xiaoping
2006, 35(2):291-294.
Abstract:In the paper, the microstructure of PS45 coatings prepared by high velocity electric wire arc spraying was investigated by scanning electron microscope. Bonding strength was tested by electron tensile testing machine. The interface morphology of PS45 coatings was acquired by means of picture analysis and processing technology, the computing programs of fractal dimensions and multifractal spectrum were designed in Matlab language. The relations of the bonding strength to spray voltage and fractal dimension and multifractal spectrum were discussed. The results of analysis and calculation show that the better the bonding strength of PS45 coatings is, the more complicated the interface morphology and bigger fractal dimensions are. With spray voltage gone up, the better the interface uniformity is, the smaller the spectrum width is.
Wang Xiaofeng , Gao Qi , Liang Ji
2006, 35(2):295-298.
Liu Guoqiang , Qi Lu , Wen Lei
2006, 35(2):299-302.
Abstract:Solid-state method and wet method were employed to synthesize spinel compounds LiNixMn2-xO4.The experimental results indicate that the capacity of high voltage at 4.7 V increase with the increase of amount of Ni. There are impurities in LiNixMn2-xO4 which were made by solid-state method. The sample LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 had a capacity of 121 mAh/g at first cycle, in which 100 mAh/g was at high voltage range. Its cycle retention rate after 50 cycles was over 92%. The LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 synthesized by wet method show a single spinel phase without impurity phase. It deliver a discharge capacity of 140 mAh/g in the first cycle, in which 125 mAh/g was at high voltage range. Its cycle retention rate after 50 cycles was over 96%. The XPS experiment results indicate that the oxidation states of Ni and Mn in LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 made by wet method are +2 and +4 respectively.
Xi Shengqi , Li Pengliang , Zhou Jingen , Zhu Ruihua , Wang Ning
2006, 35(2):303-307.
Abstract:The Mg-Ni alloys with different Ni content were prepared by high-energy ball milling. Their structures were determined with X-ray diffraction and their discharge capacities as an electrode were tested. The results show that, as the Ni content increase from Mg2Ni, Mg1.5Ni to MgNi (the ratio of the atom), the structure of Mg-Ni alloy changed from nano-Mg2Ni, amorphous-MgNi to nano-MgNi. The Mg-Ni alloys with different structure exhibit different discharge capacities. As the increase of Ni content, the number of nano-MgNi increase and the discharge capacity could reached 500 mAh/g. As the milling time prolonged, the nano-MgNi with scarcely nano-Ni could be attained. As there was almost no nano-Ni, its discharge capacity is decreased.
Xi Yulin , Chai Donglang , Zhang Wenxing , Cao Liqiang
2006, 35(2):308-311.
Mao Yangwu , Li Shujie , Han Wenbo
2006, 35(2):312-315.
2006, 35(2):316-319.
Zou Yabing , Wang Yijing , Yuan Huatan , Cao Jiansheng , Wang Yongmei
2006, 35(2):320-323.
Abstract:NiB powder was prepared by mechanically alloying in this paper and was composited mechanically with MgNi amorphous alloy. The effect of NiB on structure and electrochemical performance of MgNi-electrode was studied. The XRD analysis show that MgNi-NiB composite is amorphous phase. The electrochemical characteristics of this composite were also studied. The cycle life of the MgNi-NiB electrode is improved.
Wen Jinsheng , Liu Chao , Zhong Sheng , Yang Zhigang
2006, 35(2):324-328.
Abstract:Plating Cu on TiNi/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate in the HF+CuSO4 solution by separated electrodes chemical method was discussed in this essay. Si and TiNi/Ti/SiO2/Si are used as the anode and cathode. The best condition for the plating is as followings: distance for the electrodes is 0.5 mm, [HF] and [CuSO4] more than 8 wt% and 0.045 mol/L. Finally uniform deposited Cu film with complete coverage, few voids and preference of <111> is obtained. Also deposited Cu film does not contain Cu2O, which reduces the resistivity.
Shao Jing , Zhai Qingzhou , Hu Weihua , Li Jingmei , Zhang Wei
2006, 35(2):329-332.
Abstract:在0.5 mo1·L-1盐酸介质中,La(Ⅲ)-(DBC-偶氮氯膦)所形成的络合物可吸附到201×7型苯乙烯阴离子树脂上.该固相显色体系最大吸收波长位于650 nm,镧的表观摩尔吸光系数为ε650nm=2.08×l05L·mol-1·cm-1.该固相分光光度法测定镧灵敏度为La(Ⅲ)-(DBC-偶氮氯膦)液相分光光度法灵敏度的2.31倍.镧在0~0.44 μg.ml-1范围内遵守比尔定律.考察了26种共存离子对测定镧的影响.本研究所建立的方法已成功地用于分子筛中镧的测定,结果满意.
Huang Donggen , Liao Shijun , Dang Zhi
2006, 35(2):333-336.
Abstract:The determination of impurity elements of Sn, P, Ca, Nb, Ta, Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Mn, Bi and Fe in tungsten concentrates have been studied using ICP-MS. After the samples were completely liquated by Na202-NaOH, tungsten was precipitated in the form of H2WO4 and separated from the solution on the addition of water and nitric acid. Adding internal standard elements of ^45Sc, ^115In, ^205T1 to the sample solution, the effect of matrix, interface and fluctuation of instrument has been overcome effectively by use of matrix match and internal standard calibration method. By choosing the optional operation parameters and appropriate isotopes of element to be detected, the influence of mass spectrometry interference has been conquered effectively. The effect of acidity on the separation of tungsten and detected elements has been tested. The recovery for spiking sample was 90.5%-101.5%, and the relative standard deviation was 1.2%-7.8%. This method is a simple, rapid and accurate method, and it could be used in the testing of tungsten concentrates and tungsten products.
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