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  • Volume 36,Issue 2,2007 Table of Contents
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    • Refinement of Microstructure by Heat Treatment for Ti2AlC/TiAl Composites

      2007, 36(2):189-193.

      Abstract (1266) HTML (154) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Numerical Simulation of Flow Field for 3 kA Neodymium Elctrobath

      2007, 36(2):194-196.

      Abstract (1237) HTML (133) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The distribution of the melt flow field under electromagnetic force and gas bubble floatage is already studied by the numerical simulation method for a 3 kA neodymium electrobath. These results will provide the theoretical foundation for further improving and optimizing the structure of electrobath.

    • Crystal Lattices of the Intermetallic Compounds CePd5, PrPd5 and NdPd5

      2007, 36(2):197-200.

      Abstract (1526) HTML (147) PDF 0.00 Byte (12) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Rare earth metals have distinct influence on hydrogenation,magnetic and catalytic properties of the Pd-rich alloys.Investigation on the most Pd-rich compounds in the Pd-RE systems is significant.In this work,single phase compounds CePd5,PrPd5 and NdPd5 were prepared by a proper smelting and heat treatment.X-ray diffraction was used to determine their structure and lattice parameters.It is found that the most Pd-rich compound in the Pd-Ce system is CePd5 with the hexagonal CaCu5-type structure,and that in the Pd-Pr and Pd-Nd system is PrPd5 and NdPd5 with the orthorhombic SmPt5-type structure,respectively.X-ray diffraction data for the three intermetallic compounds have been reported.Following lattice parameters have been obtained:a=0.5372 nm,c=0.4178 nm for CePd5;a=0.5278 nm,b=0.9239 nm,c=2.575 nm for PrPd5;a=0.5265 nm,b=0.9219 nm,c=2.570 nm for NdPd5.The stoichiometries and the crystal structures of the most Pd-rich compounds in the Pd-RE systems have been compared with those in the Pt-RE systems.

    • Research on Atmospheric Galvanic Corrosion Evaluation of Magnesium Alloy

      2007, 36(2):201-207.

      Abstract (1656) HTML (170) PDF 0.00 Byte (22) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents the galvanic corrosion behaviors of AM60 magnesium alloy coupled with variable materials(carbon steel,stainless steel,brass and aluminum alloy) in the outdoor atmosphere of Beijing.The correlations among mass variation,galvanic effect and atmospheric factors for AM60 magnesium alloy coupons were investigated.Surface morphologies were observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM),and X-ray diffraction(XRD) was used to analyze the crystal corrosion products.The results showed that the AM60 magnesium alloy acted as anodic material when it coupled with tested metals.The arrangement order of galvanic effect from strong to little is carbon steel,brass,stainless steel and aluminum alloy after 12 months exposure in Beijing atmosphere.The atmospheric galvanic effect of magnesium alloys coupled with aluminum alloy is the least among the tested coupled alloys during any testing periods because the effective potential difference of the cathode(AM60) and anode(aluminum alloy) is the least for all of tested coupled alloys.The atmospheric galvanic effects in Beijing compared with other cities indicate that atmospheric environment is most important factor.The atmospheric galvanic effects for magnesium alloys are affected by cathode alloy,testing time,sample acreage and environment condition.And no intact and protective corroded products layer was formed to prevent further corrosion after 1 year exposure.The edge of AM60 coupon suffered harsh galvanic corrosion,which was limited by the existing of thin-film on the coupon surface.The high dust precipitation of Beijing could prolong the time of wetness on metal surface.So,the atmospheric corrosion of AM60 magnesium alloy coupled with different metals could be accelerated.

    • Study of Stress-Impedance Effect in Co-Based Amorphous Ribbon

      2007, 36(2):208-210.

      Abstract (1372) HTML (143) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:When a high frequency alternating current flows through the Co-based amorphous ribbon bended, there is obvious stress-impedance effect due to the stress. A Co-based amorphous ribbon Co66.3Fe3.7Si12B18 annealed with an appropriate pulse current is used in the experiment. The impedance ratio dependence on the bend and the effect of alternating current value and frequency on the stress-impedance of Co-based amorphous ribbon have been studied. The experiment results show that the Co-based amorphous ribbon has obvious stress-impedance effect, and the maximal impedance ratio can reach 25%. The ribbon has negative impedance ratio when the displacement of the end of the elastomer is positive direction, however, it has positive impedance ratio when the displacement is negative direction, but they all increase with the increasing of displacement. The impedance ratio increases firstly until a maximum and then reduces with the increase of frequency at the same displacement. The impedance ratio dependence on the current value also has the same trend.

    • Research on Forming Mechanism of Defects in Laser Rapid Formed Titanium Alloy

      2007, 36(2):211-215.

      Abstract (1495) HTML (156) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The defects forming mechanism in the Laser Rapid Forming(LRF) process of titanium and titanium alloy was studied through microscopic analysis methods.The results showed that there were two kinds of defects,porosity and ill bonding in the laser multi-layer cladding.For the LRF titanium and titanium alloy,the porosity was spherical and randomly distributed in samples due to the low loose density of the powders,and the oxygen content wasn't the factor to influence the porosity rate.The ill bonding tended to be irregular shape and generally occurred between the layers and the line boundaries.The laser energy density,overlap and Z-increment ?Z were main process characteristic parameters to influence the ill bonding.

    • The Cracking Mechanism of Rene88DT Superalloy by Laser Rapid Forming

      2007, 36(2):216-220.

      Abstract (1635) HTML (158) PDF 0.00 Byte (20) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Finite Element Simulation of Effect of Conical Feeding Angle on Swaging Strain Distribution of Pure Magnesium

      2007, 36(2):221-225.

      Abstract (1272) HTML (146) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Numerical Simulation of Intrinsic Absorption and Desorption Kinetics for Mg-3Ni-2MnO2 Hydrogen Storage Materials

      2007, 36(2):226-230.

      Abstract (1465) HTML (151) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Effect of Non-Metallic Inclusions on Micro-Tension Behavior of FGH95 Superalloy

      2007, 36(2):231-235.

      Abstract (1196) HTML (145) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Critical Cooling Rate and Microstructure Evolution of Cu-Based Bulk Amorphous Alloy

      2007, 36(2):236-240.

      Abstract (1263) HTML (147) PDF 0.00 Byte (3) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bulk amorphous Cu52.5Ti30Zr11.5Ni6(at.%) alloys up to 5 mm in diameter were fabricated by a copper mold casting method.The critical cooling rate was determined to be 126.8 K/s by using the Barandiaran-Colmenero expression.Based upon the Jackson-Hunt relation,the cooling rate for the formation of devitrified structure was also evaluated.In the cooling range of 10 K/s ~ 120 K/s,there exists a mixed microstructure of primary metastable phase and eutectic structure.With further decreasing of cooling rate(below 10K/s),the precipitation of metastable phase was depressed,and the growth mode also deviates from the eutectic mode.

    • Growth Behavior of Intermetallic Compounds on Sn-3.5Ag-0.5Cu/Cu(Ni) Interface under Thermal-Shearing Cycling Condition

      2007, 36(2):241-244.

      Abstract (1469) HTML (137) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper,the atoms diffusion and growth behavior of intermetallic compounds(IMCs) on the Sn-Ag-Cu/Ni and Sn-Ag-Cu/Cu interfaces under the thermal-shearing cycling condition were investigated.The results showed that two kinds of IMCs,(CuxNi1-x)6Sn5 and(NixCu1-x)Sn3,formed on the Sn-Ag-Cu/Ni interface,but only Cu6Sn5 IMC layer formed on the Sn-Ag-Cu solder and Cu interface under the thermal-shearing condition of 720 cycles.The morphology of(CuxNi1-x)6Sn5 and Cu6Sn5 IMCs varied from scallop-type to planar-type with increasing the thermal-shearing cycling periods,while(NixCu1-x)Sn3 IMC formed surrounding(CuxNi1-x)6Sn5 IMC after 200 cycles.The IMC thickness increased with the increasing of thermal-shearing cycling periods by a role of parabolic growth kinetics,it implied that the IMC growth was controlled by Cu atom diffusion.

    • Preparation and Characterization of Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5 Anodes for Oxygen Evolution Used to Sulfate Electrolysis

      2007, 36(2):245-249.

      Abstract (1667) HTML (141) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5 anodes with different ratios of IrO2 were prepared by thermolytic decomposition method for sulfate electrolysis. The structure and morphologies of the oxide films were determined by XRD and SEM, respectively. Linear Sweep Voltammetry, Tafel Plot and Cyclic Voltammetry were used to characterize their electrochemical activities of oxygen evolution. Test results show that the iridium and tantalum could form solid solution structure. The mutual solubility between iridium and tantalum is affected by the ratio of Ir/Ta in coating solution and influences the dimension parameters of IrO2 crystals. The finer IrO2 crystallites increase on the coating surface and the electrocatalytic capability of oxygen evolution is strengthened with the increasing of IrO2 content in the coatings. When the content of IrO2 is too high, the coating adhesion and rigidity would decrease which affect electrochemical activity of the anode. The electrochemically active surface area is determined not only by the content of IrO2, but also the structure and morphology of the anode coatings. It is probably due to the existence of proper quantities of inert Ta2O5, resulting in a typical morphology of cracks and solid solution structure. The solid solution structure is helpful to prolong the anode service life. The morphology of cracks could perhaps improve the anode active surface area and the electrocatalytic activity of oxygen evolution.

    • Phase Formation Regularities and Size Effect of Ti-Fe Alloy Nanometer Powders by Gas Evaporation

      2007, 36(2):250-254.

      Abstract (1167) HTML (147) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ti-Fe alloy nanometer powders with particle size between 5 nm~30 nm were prepared by gas evaporation with arc as a heating source.The formation regularities of the phases and the melting point of the powers were investigated.The results indicate that the as-formed alloy phases in the nanometer powders are different from that in the Ti-Fe equilibrium phase diagram.FCC and TiFe2 phases were easily obtained when the master alloy rich in Fe was evaporated;by contrast,we gained FCC and TiFe phases when the master alloy rich in Ti were evaporated.The relative amount of the FCC phase is always the highest in all the powder samples.As the component of Fe in the master alloy is 53wt%,the relative amount of FeTi phase in the as-prepared powder was the highest among all the samples.A little amount of Ti phase was detected in the nanometer powders only when the Fe10Ti90 master alloy was evaporated due to the formation of the FCC phase.The lattice spacing of d(111) plane of FCC phase increased with the increase of Ti amount in the master alloys,which confirmed the solution of the Ti in the phase.The DSC curves showed that the mean melting points of these nanometer powders were lower than that of the as-formed alloy phases at equilibrium state.

    • Surface Characteristics and Corrosion Behavior of DLC Film on NiTi Alloys

      2007, 36(2):255-258.

      Abstract (1469) HTML (151) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Diamond-like carbon(DLC) films were fabricated on NiTi alloys using plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition(PIIID).The surface morphology and roughness were analyzed by atomic force microscopy(AFM).The film microstructure and hardness were characterized by Raman scattering spectroscopy and nano-indentation system,respectively.The corrosion resistance in Hank's solution was evaluated by mean of potentiodynamic polarization techniques.The surface morphology of the samples was observed using scanning electron microscopy(SEM) after potentiodynamic polarization tests.The Ni ions release from the NiTi alloys was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy(AAS).It is shown that the roughness and hardness of the NiTi alloys is reduced and increased by DLC film,respectively.The DLC films markedly improve the corrosion resistance of the NiTi alloys and effectively prevent the Ni ions dissolution from the substrate.

    • Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Composites Synthesized by Direct Melt Reaction in the Al-K2ZrF6 System

      2007, 36(2):259-263.

      Abstract (1167) HTML (145) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Study on Patulous Energy and Fractal Properties of Crack for Zircaloy-4

      2007, 36(2):264-268.

      Abstract (1431) HTML (152) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper,the low-cycle fatigue fracture crack growth is investigated gropingly for Zr-4 alloy(Zircaloy-4).By analyzing the trend of patulous energy and fractal dimension in the crack growth direction,three stages(A-B,D-E,and F-H) of different energies and fractal dimensions are discovered in the growth period of dynamic crack.The normalized energies are 0~0.0156,0.8754~0.9652,and 1 for the A-B,D-E,and F-H stages,respectively.But for the fractal dimension,it is in the middle for the A-B stage,its mean value and standard deviation in LL and LH directions are 2.2796,0.0277 and 2.4516,0.0592,respectively;and it is minimal for the D-E stage,its mean value and standard deviation in LL and LH directions are 2.2214,0.0131 and 2.3477,0.0550,respectively;it is maximal for the F-H stage with the mean value and standard deviation in LL and LH directions of 2.3414,0.0704 and 2.5398,0.0263,respectively.Finally,the phenomena were studied on the morphology of low-cycle fatigue fracture by SEM for Zircaloy-4.

    • Microwave Permeability Controlling and Absorbency of the FeNd Nanocrystalline Composite

      2007, 36(2):269-272.

      Abstract (1399) HTML (163) PDF 0.00 Byte (3) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Synthesis and Luminous Characteristics of a New(Y,Gd)(BO3,VO4): Eu Phosphor

      2007, 36(2):273-277.

      Abstract (1124) HTML (144) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The Study on Preparation and Properties of Ti/SnO2 Electrode

      2007, 36(2):278-281.

      Abstract (1441) HTML (142) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:采用热分解法制备了钛基二氧化锡电极,并用XRD,SEM对电极涂层进行了表征,应用快速电极寿命法测试了钛基二氧化锡电极在60℃,1.0mol/L H2SO4溶液中的使用寿命。以降解苯酚为目标,用循环伏安法考察了该电极的电催化氧化性能。结果表明,苯酚转化率达到96.5%,其电催化性能优于传统单质铅电极和Ti/PbO2电极,是1种优良的电催化剂。

    • Preparation of High Purity Tantalum Oxide Nanoparticles

      2007, 36(2):282-286.

      Abstract (1477) HTML (161) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Effects of RE Element Contents on Properties for 93WNiFe Alloy with High Density

      2007, 36(2):287-290.

      Abstract (1426) HTML (156) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The static and dynamic mechanical properties of the 93WNiFe heavy alloy improved by adding rare earth elements of La and Ce with different contents have been studied in this paper. The results show that the mechanical properties, especially the dynamic mechanical properties, can be improved by the addition of a small amount of La and Ce for the tungsten alloy due to the reduction of the segregation of oxygen and sulfur at the interface between W grains and matrix and the reduction of the contiguity of W grains. The reasonable adding content of rare earth is 0.10%-0.15%.

    • Coating of Spherical Ni(OH)2 Cathode Materials for Ni-MH Batteries at Elevated Temperature

      2007, 36(2):291-295.

      Abstract (1252) HTML (152) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Research of Manufacturing Technique of Al/Ni Clad Composite Metal

      2007, 36(2):296-300.

      Abstract (1471) HTML (156) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Al/Ni clad composite metal is widely applied as the external terminal of battery under the demands of both high bonding strength and low hardness of nickel layer.A better solution to the contradiction of bonding strength and controlling hardness of nickel was successfully got by adopting a controlled-atmosphere hot-bonding technology for the clad composite metal strip.The mechanism of controlled-atmosphere hot-bonding and the effects of microstructure transformation near the bonding interface on the bonding strength during annealing process were discussed in this research.The results show that:(1) the thermal activation of two metals interface can be explained by the mechanism of bonding;(2) the satisfying properties of final product can be attributed to the lower critical rolling reduction for bonding by the new technique;(3) the temperature is more important for annealing parameters to optimize the technique and to avoid the damage of intermetallic compound.

    • Effects of Laser Surface Melting on Corrosion Resistance of U-2Nb Alloy

      2007, 36(2):301-304.

      Abstract (1348) HTML (151) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Studies of Synthesis and Optical Properties of ZnS Nanocrystals

      2007, 36(2):305-308.

      Abstract (1458) HTML (152) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:ZnS nanoparticles and one-dimensional nanocrystals were obtained by in-situ synthesis in Aa-AMPS-hT ternary periodic copolymer by ion complexometry and self-assembly method. The micro-morphology, structure and optical properties were characterized by TEM, SED, UV-vis spectra and PL spectra. The results show that the products are hexagonal ZnS nanocrystals with 15 nm-215 nm in diameter. The morphology and dimension of ZnS nanoparticles could be controlled by varying the sulfuration time. The UV-vis absorption spectra indicate that the absorption edges are blue-shifted by shortening the sulfuration time, exhibiting a marked quantum size effect. With shortening sulfuration time, the photoluminescence emission peak of 409.8 nm is blue-shifted, which could be ascribed to be the forbidden gap emission .

    • Research on Structural Performance of Green Parts for Electromagnetic Dynamic Metal Power Injection Molding

      2007, 36(2):309-312.

      Abstract (1378) HTML (149) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An experiment was carried out on the blend of metal power 316L/binder under steady and dynamic molding conditions using the self-made electromagnetic dynamic injection machine DPII-90.The effects of vibration parameters on the uniformity and densification of metal power 316L/binder were studied.Results show that the density of green parts under dynamic molding conditions is obviously higher than under steady molding conditions.The increase of green parts's density is nonlinear under a given frequency(or amplitude) with the increase of amplitude(or frequency).The density decreases slightly as it reaches to a max value.The densification of green parts is better in the frequency range of 7 Hz~10 Hz and vibration amplitude range of 0.05 mm~0.15 mm.SEM showed that the change of uniform dispersion and distribution is basically accordant with the change of density with vibration amplitude(frequency).

    • Study on Preparation of Y-TZP Ceramic Matrix for Dental Prosthesis

      2007, 36(2):313-317.

      Abstract (1247) HTML (148) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Process, Microstructures and Properties of Porous Palladium Materials

      2007, 36(2):318-320.

      Abstract (1601) HTML (149) PDF 0.00 Byte (11) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Porous Palladium materials have great importance in the storage, recycle and application of hydrogen isotopes. In this paper, porous Pd materials processed by a newly applied sintering-resolving technology are studied. The microstructures of the porous Pd materials are characterized by FESEM. In addition, their hydrogen isotopes displacement and mechanic properties arc studied. The results show that porous Pd materials with a porosity range from 85.29% to 87.82% can be stably processed by sintering-resolving technology. The compressive strength of the porous Pd materials exceeds 2 MPa. The deuterium absorption amount of the porous Pd material with a porosity of 87.3% is 0.0767 L/g and its hydrogen isotopes displacement ratio is 86.2% at room temperature.

    • Study on HTS YBCO Adding BaF2

      2007, 36(2):321-324.

      Abstract (1330) HTML (146) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effects of adding BaF2 on the thermodynamic behavior of YBCO precursory powders,melt-textured microstructure and properties of YBCO superconductors have been investigated.The differential thermal analysis(DTA) results showed that the peritectic decomposition and reaction temperature of YBCO precursory powder were lowered when BaF2 is added,but the temperature range for melting texture growth did not significantly change by the addition of BaF2.The microstructures of the doped samples have been observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The results show that the appropriate addition amounts of BaF2 were not affect the microstructure of YBCO and the distribution of Y211 in the matrix.The transition temperature Tc was measured by susceptibility method without obviously decrease for the samples with an addition amount lower than 10wt% of BaF2.

    • Preparation of lsotropic Sm2Fe17Nx Magnetic Powders and Bonded Magnets

      2007, 36(2):329-331.

      Abstract (1499) HTML (147) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Influence of TLP Bonding on the Tensile Properties for a Kind of Nickel-Based Single Crystal Superalloy

      2007, 36(2):332-334.

      Abstract (1310) HTML (155) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:采用Ni-Cr-B非晶中间层瞬间液相连接(Transient liquid phase bonding) 一种镍基单晶高温合金DD98,TLP连接在1230℃,8h真空条件下进行。利用扫描电镜进行微观组织观察和成分分析。在不同温度对接头与母材进行了拉伸实验。实验结果表明:接头的微观组织和化学成分与母材趋于一致;接头强度达到母材的标准,其它性能指标与母材相当,二者的应力一应变关系相同。

    • Sintering Characteristic of Mechanically Alloyed PM304 Powder

      2007, 36(2):335-338.

      Abstract (1126) HTML (140) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites


    • MBE Growth and Luminescence Property of GaSb Thin Film Based on GaAs

      2007, 36(2):339-343.

      Abstract (1579) HTML (165) PDF 0.00 Byte (5) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Study on Electrocatalytic Properties of TiN Based IrO2+Ta2O5 Coating Anodes

      2007, 36(2):344-348.

      Abstract (1335) HTML (153) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Effects of Preparation Method and Flux on Luminescent Properties of BaAl2B2O7:Eu3+

      2007, 36(2):359-362.

      Abstract (1400) HTML (152) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Study on Hydrogen and Deuterium Separations in Full Reflux Mode by Thermal Cycling Absorption Process

      2007, 36(2):363-366.

      Abstract (1188) HTML (142) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Progress on Single Crystals of Refractory Metals of Their Alloys

      2007, 36(2):367-371.

      Abstract (1288) HTML (137) PDF 0.00 Byte (3) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The preparation technology and development on the single crystals of refractory metals of their alloys were introduced in this paper.Some suggestions have been given on the R&D prospects of processing technology for the single crystals of refractory alloys to enhance the high temperature creep resistance.

    • Exploitation,Application and Development of Fission-Generated Platinum Precious Metals (FPs) in Nuclear Waste

      2007, 36(2):372-376.

      Abstract (1302) HTML (157) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:These is a lot of platinum precious metals(FPs) in the spent nuclear waste,such as Ru,Rh,and Pd.This FPs were generated through nuclear fission reaction in nuclear power reactor.Now in the worldwide,the quantity of FPs in the spent nuclear waste is no less than quantity of precious metals resource in the nature.This number of FPs will continue to increase.In the future,the FPs will be the important resource for precious metals.In this paper,methods of extraction and sate of FPs in the nuclear waste were introduced.The radioactive properties of every species of FPs were all listed.Viewpoints and methods about how to apply and develop the FPs were given in this paper.The applications of FPs in nuclear technology and high purity hydrogen gas production were intruduced,and other potential utilizations of FPs were presented.

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