2007, 36(5):753-758.
Abstract:Ti-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) developed in the past decade have been reviewed in terms of their compositions, glass-forming abilities and mechanical properties. The cast defects in the BMG samples, which significantly deteriorate the mechanical properties, are discussed and summarized based on the experimental results in the literature. Some results on the cast nanostructured Ti alloys with dendritic ductile beta phase are also reviewed. A special composite microstructure, dendritic beta-Ti(M) (in micrometer size) + rod-like eutectic beta-Ti/gamma-TiCu (in nanometer size), has been obtained in the as-cast cylinders smaller than 5 mm in diameter in the Ti-Cu-Ni-Sn-Ta(Nb) systems. The Ti alloys with such composite microstructure exhibit very high strength and remarkable plasticity.
He Xianghong , Zhou Jian , Lian Ning
2007, 36(5):759-763.
Abstract:Sr2CeO4 is not only a novel blue-emitting phosphor holding important application potential, but also a good host lattice for trivalent rare-earth activators. In recent years, more attentions were paid to the photoluminescence performance of the Sr2CeO4 doped with rare-earth. The crystal structure and spectral properties are analyzed for these phosphors. The luminescent performance of Sr2CeO4 phosphors doped with Eu3+, Sm3+, Dy3+ with tunable emission colors is reviewed. Some suggestions are proposed for the further research.
2007, 36(5):764-768.
Abstract:The in-situ TiC particles reinforced Ti-matrix composites were fabricated by melting-casting. The mechanisms of crack forming and propagation were investigated during dynamic tension under static load by SEM. The results showed that microcracks easily appeared on the surface of TiC particles with stress concentration. The microcracks in advantageous orientation propagated continuously mainly by self-propagation and combination with ambient cracks among the micocracks in different position, forming the dominant crack by connection with surrounding cracks. When the crack propagation was baffled, new cracks formed on the front TiC particle in front of cracks or plastic pits formed in the matrix, and the cracks were connected with each other by propagating, so that the samples losed the stability and fractured rapidly after the cracks propagated to some extent. A model of crack forming and propagation was established according to the results.
Xi Yulin , Chai Donglang , Wang Yaowei
2007, 36(5):769-773.
Abstract:Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) particulate was fabricated by powder metallurgy route. The samples of composite were hot-extruded with an ultra-deformation ratio of 225:1. The microstructures of extruded samples were investigated using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that the Ti-6Al-4V particulates were apparently elongated along the extrusion direction, thus increased its reinforcing effect on the matrix. The ultra-deformation could markedly decrease the grain sizes of the composite matrix, and greatly improve the homogeneity of microstructures when compared with a lower ratio of extrusion deformation; in addition, the oxide layers on the surface of original Mg particles were effectively broken and dispersed randomly in the vicinity of Mg-Mg interfaces. It produced an oxidedispersion-strengthening (ODS) effect, further reinforced the matrix as a kind of secondary reinforcement.
He Xiaodong , Zhang Jianxun , Pei Yi , Gong Shuili
2007, 36(5):774-777.
Abstract:The effects of heat input on the laser beam welding residual stress and distortion of TC4 titanium alloy were investigated by finite element analysis and experimental tests. The internal relationships of residual stress, deformation and heat input were further investigated by the metallographic section of weld. The results showed that the tensile stresses produced in the longitudinal direction of welded joints were about 700 MPa-850 MPa, but only 50 MPa-80 MPa for the transverse tensile stresses. The tensile region of longitudinal residual stress was widened and the stress peak was decreased, but the magnitude of transverse tensile stress was increased when the heat input increasing. At the same time, the angular distortion was decreased and the transverse shrinkage deformation was increased when welding at above a critical specification. As the welding specimens were fully penetrated, the effects of heat input on the angular distortion were decreased.
2007, 36(5):778-781.
Abstract:The fretting wear characteristics of Titanium alloy TC11 in seawater are studied by a SRV wear machine. The effects and the lubrication media on the friction coefficient and the wear resistance are investigated. Results show that the friction coefficients turn stable with the increase of amplitude, and the volume-losses increase with the increase of the amount and amplitude of load. The wear mechanism is fatigue and peeling with grain abrasion for small amplitudes, and only grain abrasion for big amplitudes. Compared with in pure water, the friction coefficient decreases greatly even to 50% in seawater with a smaller volume-loss, exhibiting a negative interaction between corrosion and wear.
Huang Lijun , Huang Xu , Cao Chunxiao
2007, 36(5):782-785.
Li Shikai , Hui Songxiao , Ye Wenjun , Yu Yang , Xiong Baiqing
2007, 36(5):786-789.
Abstract:研究了不同冷却方式(水冷,空冷和炉冷)对Ti-6Al—2Zr-2V-1Mo(质量分数,下同)ELI(TA15 ELI)合金43mm厚板双态组织中次生α片厚度,以及对该合金双态组织和等轴组织损伤容限性能的影响。结果表明:水冷时α片厚约1μm,空冷时α片厚为2μm~4μm,炉冷时α片过于增厚,几乎完全溶于等轴α相内,形成完全等轴组织。次生α相的变化对该合金的屈服强度和断裂韧性产生很大影响,但对疲劳裂纹扩展速率影响不大,疲劳裂纹主要以切过或沿等轴α相界面扩展。采用Paris(dα/dN=c(△Kn)^n公式对3种合金组织疲劳裂纹扩展数据进行拟合,其结果为:c=1-8×10^-8,n=3.12-3.28。
Xiao Xuezhang , Wang Xinhua , Chen Lixin , Li Shouquan , Tang Ying , Chen Changpin
2007, 36(5):790-793.
Abstract:The hydrogen storage properties of La1.8Ca0.2Mg14Ni3 were modified by mechanical ball-milling with addition of x wt%Ti (x=0,5,10). X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and hydrogen absorption/desorption tests were carried out to study the effect of Ti. The results show that the hydrogen storage properties of La1.8Ca0.2Mg14Ni3 are remarkably improved after ball-milling with addition of small amount of Ti. For the as-cast alloy, 6 cycles of hydriding/dehydriding are needed to activate it at 613 K, and the maximum hydrogen storage capacity is around 4.12 %. After modification by ball-milling with addition of Ti, the activation behavior and the hydrogen storage capacity and the absorption/desorption kinetics are all improved. The effective desorption capacities of the alloys with x=0, 5 and 10 at 613 K are 4.69 %,4.80% and 4.83%, respectively. As x=10, the alloys can absorb more than 3% hydrogen at 373 K, and 4.81 % hydrogen (97% of the maximum hydrogen storage capacity) at 600 K within 2 min. The microstructure analysis indicated that the titanium powder on the alloy surface played the role of surface-catalysis, accelerated the hydrogen decomposition and formation, and provided more channels for hydrogen diffusion from surface, were partly transformed into amorphous structure. As a result, the hydrogen storage properties of La1.8Ca0.2Mg14Ni3 were improved
Yan Yigang , Chen Yungui , Zhou Xiaoxiao , Liang Hao
2007, 36(5):799-802.
Abstract:The microstructure and hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of (V30Ti35Cr25Fe10)97.5Si2.5 alloy consisting of 75% BCC phase and 25% C14 Laves phase were investigated by X-ray, SEM and PCT measurement in this paper. The lattice parameters of BCC phase and Laves phase are 0.3021 nm (a), as well as 0.4920 nm (a) and 0.7996 nm (c), respectively. The alloy shows a good activation performance with a saturated hydrogen absorption amount up to 2.98 wt% within 5 min, and reacts with hydrogen immediately at room temperature duo to the large amount of Laves phase. The capacity of (V30Ti35Cr25Fe10)97.5Si2.5 at a given pressure agrees with the one calculated by the linear combination of its constituent phase.
Shen Baoluo , Liu Ming , Li Cong , Qiu Shaoyu , Ying Shihao , Zeng Ming
2007, 36(5):803-807.
Abstract:Texture was examed using XRD and low cycle fatigue property was analyzed using fatigue tester(25 kN) of MTS809A/T-type for Zr-4 alloy plate at room temperature in rolling direction and transverse direction, respectively, in this paper. Results show that the Zr-4 alloy plate has the obvious texture, and the low cycle fatigue property is better in rolling direction than in transverse direction. During the cycle deformation, only partial grains exhibited plastic deformation, where many dislocations and slip lines existed. The dislocations and slip lines in the deformed gains are denser in transverse direction than that in the rolling direction. The difference of low cycle fatigue lifes for the two samples is due to the texture in the Zr-4 alloy plate.
Wang Ruining , Xi Zhengping , Zhao Yongqing , Qi Yunlian , Du Yu
2007, 36(5):808-812.
Xu Qiangang , Qiu Keqiang , Zhang Haifeng , Hu Zhuangqi
2007, 36(5):813-816.
Abstract:The wetting behavior and interracial interaction of Zr41 25Ti13.75Ni10Cu12. 5Be22. 5 molten on W were studied by the sessile drop method in high vacuum. Tungsten fiber reinforced Zr41.25Ti13.75Ni10Cu12.5Be22.5 bulk metallic glass matrix composite was fabricated by infiltration process. The results show that there is a good wettability in Zr41.25Ti13 .75Ni10Cu12.5Be22. 5 molten/W wetting system between 1053 K and 1173 K. Increase of wetting temperature resulted in the decrease of equilibrium contact angle and the increase of spreading rate and solution of W. It had little effects on the equilibrium contact angle and the equilibrium wetting time when increasing above 1173 K. Good wettability and rapid spread rate provided a wide operating space for fabricating tungsten fiber reinforced Zr41.25Ti13 75Ni10Cu12.5Be22. 5 bulk metallic glass matrix composite.
Yang Xiaohong , Fan Zhikang , Liang Shuhua , Xiao Peng
2007, 36(5):817-821.
Abstract:A series of Cu-W alloys added with TiC particles were prepared by means of powder metallurgy-infiltration process. The effects of TiC addition on the microstructure and properties were investigated for the Cu-W alloys, respectively, including the static property and the vacuum breakdown property. The results showed that the hardness of W-Cu alloys increased with increasing percentage of TiC, while the electric conductivity changed slightly for TiC addition in the range of 0wt %-1.2wt%, but dramatical decreases were observed for TiC addition from 1.2wt% to 2wt%. The dielectric strength was improved and the chopping current of was decreased by TiC phase addition. The metallographic analysis of Cu-W alloys after vacuum breakdown showed that the splash of liquid copper was decreased because the TiC phase nailed on the skeletons of tungsten. The vacuum breakdown took place in interphase boundaries of copper and TiC with smaller cathode craters.
Chen Yong , Wu Yucheng , Yu Fuwen , Chen Junling
2007, 36(5):822-824.
Zhou Long , Wang Tianmin , Du Xinkang , Chen Buliang , Ru Ning , Wang Cong
2007, 36(5):825-829.
Abstract:The Mo-Al2O3 cermet granula films were deposited on stainless steel substrates by magnetron sputtering. The Maxwell-Garnett equivalent medium theory was used to analysis the optical constants of Mo-Al2O3 granular films. The optical constants, such as n and k, and their variations with wavelengths of from 300 nm to 800 nm were studied for the Mo-Al2O3 granular films based on the optical constants of bulk material and thin films of Mo and Al2O3. The possible reasons for the disagreement between theory and experiment were explained at the same time.
Wang Zhanyong , Liu Wenqing , Zhou Bangxin , Ni Jiansen , Xu Hui
2007, 36(5):830-834.
Abstract:添加Nb可提高(Nd0.9Dy0.1)9.5Fe79Co5B6.5(原子百分数,下同)合金的非晶形成能力和快淬薄带的晶化温度,经过710℃晶化处理4min后,快淬薄带的晶粒细小均匀,从而显著提高了快淬薄带的磁性能。三维原子探针(Three-Dimensional Atom Probe,简称3DAP)分析结果表明,含Nb快淬薄带晶化后,在晶界形成了Nb-Fe-B偏聚物,抑制了晶粒长大,细化了晶粒,进而使晶粒间交换耦合作用增强,提高了合金的磁性能。
Luo Shaohua , Tang Zilong , Lu Junbiao , Zhang Zhongtai , Yan Junping
2007, 36(5):835-837.
Abstract:LiFePO4/C composition cathode was synthesized by a method of in-situ carbon coating. The influence of ambient temperature on the capacity of LiFePO4/C was investigated. The Arrhenius relationship between capacity and temperature was observed by linear fit and deduced. Temperature dependence of its electrochemical characteristic was evaluated by using AC impedance spectroscopy. A new equivalent circuit based on the charge and mass transfer control process in electrode was suggested to fit the obtained AC impedance spectra. The tendency of every element in equivalent circuit obtained by Zview fitting system was used to interpret the temperature dependence of capacity for LiFePO4/C composition cathode.
Chen Liangwei , Huang Fuchun , Xie Ming , Cai Yunzhuo
2007, 36(5):838-841.
Abstract:The silver base materials containing MgF2 were synthesized by powder metallurgy method. The micro-structures were studied by X-ray diffraction, metallograph and thermal analysis. The hardness, conductance, density and the friction coefficient of materials were tested. The results indicate that the Ag and MgF2 were combined in an atom range with a relative density over 98%, and the conductance of Ag samples added with CaF2 declined obviously; and the grains became thinner obviously. The hardness of material did not obviously increase and and the fi-iction coefficient to Ag and Cu did not obviously decline. In a word, the MgF2 can not be used as the additives of the solid self-lubricating materials.
Liu Xueyan , Yin Na , Hou Zhi , Wang Chengjian
2007, 36(5):842-845.
Abstract:A spectroscopic measuring system was described and developed to analyze the time-varying optical spectra of electrical contacts. A simulaton system of contact life, a monochromator, a photomultiplier tube (CR114) and a four channel digital storage oscillograph are used as optical detectors, so that the precise and quick measurements can be made for the spectrums with tim. At the same time, arc voltage waveform is measured for the breaking arc at the source voltage E of 24 V and the closed contact current I of 18 A. It is shown that this system can be applied to analyse the electric arc light and voltage for spectrums, and the dynamic characteristic of the breaking arc on Ag and Ag/MeO electric contacts.
2007, 36(5):846-848.
Guo Qingtao , Jin Junze , Li Tingju
2007, 36(5):849-852.
Yue Yunlong , Yin Haiyan , Qii Ya , Su Tong , Wu Haitao
2007, 36(5):853-856.
Li Bo , Li Xiaoxia , Wang Tianmin , Cheng Feng
2007, 36(5):857-861.
Abstract:TiN films were deposited onto the NiTi shape memory alloys by an arc ion plating technique. The phase identification and surface characteristics of the specimens were successively performed and tested by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and atom force microscopy. We investigated and compared compatibility and corrosion properties of NiTi alloys in vitro blood with and without TiN film. Experimental results indicated that the TiN film had improved the blood compatibility and corrosion resistance properties of NiTi alloy, and the release rate of Ni ions was reduced about one magnitude after plated TiN film; the thicker the film was, the more the properties improved.
Wang Tiansheng , Tian Yongjun , Peng Wei , Qi Hanhong , Li Lin
2007, 36(5):862-864.
Guo Junming , Wang Baosen , Chen Kexin , Zhou Heping
2007, 36(5):865-868.
Wang Wenbo , Xu Zhong , He Zhiyong , Wang Zhenxia , Zhang Pingze
2007, 36(5):869-873.
Wang Yaqiong , Gu Bin , Xu Wenlin , Lu Lude
2007, 36(5):874-878.
Abstract:Three kinds of Ti-based PbO2 electrodes with or without SnO2+Sb2O3 interlayers were prepared by the thermal decomposition of Pb(NO3)2 solution and applied as anodes to simulate the electrolytic degradation process of phenol in aqueous solution. The experimental results show that the cell voltages for the anodes with the interlayers are lower than that without the interlayers. There are little differences in the removal rate of phenol, the COD values and the instantaneous current efficiency for the three kinds of electrode. The phenol removal rate reaches 99.2% after degradation process for 3.0 h, and the COD value declines to15.7% after degradation process for 6.5 h for the Ti/SnO2+Sb2O3/PbO2 electrode obtained by a polymeric precursor method as an anode. The instantaneous current efficiencies of electrolysis process for the three kinds of electrodes decrease with increasing the electrolysis time. The electrocatalytic activity and the accelerated lifetime were assessed by cyclic voltammetry and accelerated life tests for the three kinds of anodes. It has been found that the accelerated lifetime and electrocatalytic activity of the electrodes with SnO2+Sb2O3 interlayer are improved obviously.
Li Xiwu , Zheng Ziqiao , Li Jinfeng , Li Shichen , Wei Xiuyu
2007, 36(5):879-883.
Zhang Ning , Lin Junpin , Wang Yanli , Zhang Yong , Chen Guoliang
2007, 36(5):884-887.
Liu Wensheng , Ma Yunzhu , Huang Baiyun , Zhang Lin
2007, 36(5):888-891.
Gao Haiyan , He Yuehui , Zhang Wuzhuang , Huang Baiyun
2007, 36(5):892-895.
Abstract:Tungsten alloy scraps are considered as the second tungsten resource to recycle. The plasticity of recycled tungsten alloy has been deeply investigated in this paper. The study indicated that Ni and Fe powders of given amounts were added and mixed to the recycled powder can increase the plasticity of recycled alloy greatly. After vacuum heat treatment, the plastic behavior of recycled tungsten alloy was improved. For example, the elongation increased by about 43.4% and the cross section contraction ratio increased by about 33.9%.
Xia Tongchi , Li Xiaofeng , Dong huichao , Shang Weiwei , Wu Qianming
2007, 36(5):896-898.
Abstract:The film of La-Ni alloy was prepared by electrodepositing method in an aqueous solution. The structures of film before and after charge-discharge cycles were measured by XRD and the surface feature was observed by SEM. The electrochemical hydrogen storage performance of the film was studied by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectrum. The results showed that the film had a good electrochemical activity, unnecessary for an activation procedure and the maximum electrochemical capacity was 156 mAh/g.
Zhao Ma , Wang Jun , Huang Shanxing , Han Zhouxiang , Wei Jianying , Hu Jifan
2007, 36(5):899-902.
Tang Yonggang , Liu Ning , Guo Huanyin , Peng Zhensheng , Yan Guoqing , Mao Qiang
2007, 36(5):903-906.
An Fuqiang , Li Ping , Zheng Xueping , Qu Xuanhui
2007, 36(5):907-909.
Wang Lingyun , Huang Guangjie , Chen Lin , Huang Guangsheng , Li Wei , Pan Fusheng
2007, 36(5):910-914.
Zhang Xiaoli , Xie Shuisheng , Li Tingju , Yang Haoqiang , Jin Junze
2007, 36(5):915-919.
Abstract:The setup and principle od damper cooling tube (DCT) process to prepare the semisolid slurry of A356 aluminum alloy were introduced in different pouring temperatures. The results of measured and calculated grain size and shape factor in castings microstructure show that they are directly related to the pouring temperature, the lower the pouring temperature, the smaller the grain size and shape factor, due to the formation of stray nucleus and the cooling and stir of DCT. The semisolid slurry or billet produced by DCT processis are suitable for the semisolid processing owing to the fine grain size and spherical primary particles.
Liu Guiwu , Qiao Guanjun , Wang Hongjie , Jin Zhihao , Lu Tianjian
2007, 36(5):920-923.
Abstract:High purity alumina/stainless steel joints were produced by activated molybdenum -manganese route using 72Ag28Cu solder. The microstructure and elemental distribution of metallized ceramic were analyzed, and the mechanism of metallization was discussed. Influences of the metallizing technologic conditions, Ni plating and subsequent annealing on the joint shear strength were investigated. The results show that both glassy phases migration and chemical reaction act the key roles for activated Mo-Mn metallizing, but sintering of the metallized layer acts the secondary role, and the main direction of glass migration is from the metallzed layer to the ceramic matrix. The maximum of the joint shear strength under the optimized conditions reaches 115 MPa, and the average strength is over 97 MPa. A thin Ni coating will prevent the metallized layer from being wetted by the solder in resulting avoiding the erosion of the layer by the solder. The annealing after plating could improve markedly the strength of the ioints.
Qin Guoyi , Wang Jianhua , Cai Hongzhong , Zhao Huaizhi , Zhang Fuwenl , Ning Yuantao
2007, 36(5):924-928.
Feng Yu , Bo Tao , Wang Hongli , Zhang Chengyu , Ding Bingjun
2007, 36(5):929-932.
Abstract:The nano-crystalline CuCr25 alloys have been prepared and the breakdown experiments have been done in vacuum room. The traces of cathode spots on the surface of coarse-crystalline and nano-crystalline CuCr25 alloys have been observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Experimental results show that the spot diffusion of coarse-crystalline CuCr25 cathode local iterative combustion or whole jumping move on the Cr phases with a weak voltage withstanding. But the spot diffusion of nanocrystallization of CuCr25 cathode exhibits quasi-continuous move, as one falls and another rises, due to the superior condition for electron emission, and the breakdown phase distributing on the whole cathode surface.
Li Junjie , Wang Shubin , Sun Yujing , Tian Shi , Zhang Yue
2007, 36(5):933-936.
Shi Jian , Li Jiangong , Sun Xiaojun
2007, 36(5):937-940.
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