Lü Xianghong , Yang Yanqing , Ma Zhijun , Luo Xian , Huang Bin , Chen Yan
2007, 36(6):941-948.
2007, 36(6):941-948.
Abstract:采用三元体系半无限扩散偶的高斯方法,求解了SiC/Ti6AL4V复合材料界面反应层中相关元素的扩散系数,计算的浓度分布和实测值一致.碳原子通过反应层的扩散服从间隙扩散机制,硅原子的扩散为空位扩散机制.由于碳扩散的振动能最低并且跃迁距离最短,而供硅扩散的空位不足,碳和硅在反应产物TiCx中具有最小的内禀扩散系数,分别为8.9403×10-16和4.7747×10-16 m2·s-1.研究表明,在SiC/Ti6AL4V复合材料界面反应的过程中,反应元素通过反应层TiCx的扩散是一个主要的控制步骤.
Jiang Na , Li Jinfeng , Zheng Ziqiao , Ren Wenda , Han Dongfeng Co. Ltd , Chongqing , China)
2007, 36(6):949-953.
Zhang Peixin , Wen Yanxuan , Liu Jianhong , Xu Qiming , Ren Xiangzhong , Zhang Qianling , Luo Zhongkuan
2007, 36(6):954-958.
Abstract:The chemical co-precipitation method was used to synthesize LiFePO4 by doping with Mg2+,Al3+,Ti4+,V5+,and Ni 2+,then the specific charge/discharge capacity of LiFePO4 was measured by stable-current charge/discharge method and the particle structure was examined by X-ray diffraction and Rietveld method. The results indicate that a small amount of metal ion doping can improve the discharge capacity of LiFePO4 to above 120 mAh/g at high current and keeping the capacity over 80% after 20 cycles when the charge/discharge rate is at 2C for Li1-xTixFePO4,Li1-xVxFePO4 and Li1-xNixFePO4,mainly due to the metal ion dopings in the form of solid solution and occupying the position of Lithium. The metal ion dopings change the distance and position between atoms in grains,resulting in the contraction of unit cells,the increase of average distance between Li-O atoms and the disengagement of Lithium ions.
Wang Yuehui , Zhou Ji , Wang Ting
2007, 36(6):959-962.
Li Hui , Zhao Yongqing , Qu Henglei , Zeng Weidong
2007, 36(6):963-967.
Zhang Xin , Zhang Jiuxing , Lu Qingmei , Wei Qun , Liu Danmin , Liu Yanqin
2007, 36(6):968-972.
Zhang Deming , Chen Guiqing , Meng Songhe , Qu Wei , Han Jiecai
2007, 36(6):973-976.
Abstract:采用电子束物理气相沉积(EB-PVD)技术,成功制备了尺寸为150mm×100mm的TiAl基合金薄板,并利用光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和x射线衍射(XRD)等测试手段,对真空退火或热压前后试样的显微形貌、物相组成等进行了分析。结果表明,蒸镀态TiAl基合金薄板由 γ相、α2相和ι相组成,成分呈梯度变化,内部自然分层,显微组织结构为柱状晶;经1000℃,16h的真空退火处理后,柱状晶和τ相消失,α2相含量显著减少,成分趋于均匀化;而经1250℃,1h的真空热压处理后,材料致密度得到明显提高。TiAl基合金薄板经真空退火或热压处理前后,断裂方式由沿晶断裂转变为解理断裂和沿晶断裂的混合断裂方式。
Wang Qingyang , Zhang Pingxiang , Li Jinsan , Yan Guo , Lu Yafen
2007, 36(6):977-980.
Xiao Lixia , Yuan Songliu , Wang Yongqiang , Yin Shiyan
2007, 36(6):981-984.
Hu Yifeng , Deng Wen , Chen Zhenying
2007, 36(6):985-988.
Abstract:Doppler-broading spectrum of positron annihilation radiation have been measured by using 2-detector coincidence technique for pure metals of Si, Ni, Ti and NiTi alloys with five different chemical compositions. The W parameters of NiTi alloys are calculated. The experimental results show that some 3d electrons are localized to form covalent bonds when Ni and Ti atoms aggregate to form NiTi alloy, decreasing the free electrons in metal bonds. The covalent bonds and metal bonds coexist in NiTi alloy. The Ni-49at%Ti alloy has the biggest W parameter, indicating that the quantity of defects is least in this component alloy. This may be the reason why the Ni-49at%Ti alloy has the best shape memory effect.
2007, 36(6):989-993.
Xue Lei , Chen Jing , Lin Xin , Wang Wei , LU Xiaowei , Huang Weidong
2007, 36(6):989-993.
Wang Wenjun , Lin Junpin , Wang Yanli , Chen Guoliang
2007, 36(6):994-997.
Abstract:The static isothermal corrosions of Ti-50A1 and Ti-45A1-8Nb alloys in liquid zinc were studied and their positron lifetime spectrums were measured. The densities of free electrons of the bulk and microdefects in these alloys were calculated by using the positron lifetime parameters. It is found that the density of free electrons is lower in the bulk TiAl alloy than in Ti or Al matrix due to the localization and aggregation of some valence electrons in Ti and Al atoms to form TiAl alloy with a mixture bond of metallic bond and covalent bond. The large open defects occurs in the grain boundary of TiAl alloy and the bonding strength of grain boundary is weak due to the low density of free electrons. Then the densities of free electrons in the bulk and the grain boundary will simultaneously increase due to the great decrease of dissolution rate in liquid zinc as the TiAl alloy is alloyed with Nb
Li Minggao , Sun Daqian , Qiu Xiaoming , Sun Dexin , Yin Shiqiang
2007, 36(6):998-1001.
Jiang Longtao , Wu Gaohui , Norio Kouno , Hideo Saito
2007, 36(6):1002-1004.
Song Min , Chen Kanghua , Huang Langping
2007, 36(6):1005-1007.
Abstract:The effects of Mg element on the distribution of dislocations in Al-Cu-Mg alloy have been investigated. It has been shown that the interaction between Mg and Cu atoms was decreased since the concentration of Cu in Al matrix decreases due to the formation of Al2Cu precipitates during deformation and aging. The Mg element blocks the distributed glide of dislocations and thus inhibits the formation of cell structures due to the large atom radius, producing high aberrance energy and internal friction in Al matrix. Compared with the cell structures in typical metals and alloys with high stacking-fault energy, the dislocations in Al-Cu-Mg alloy are quasi-uniformly distributed and can decrease the free energy, named as the Taylor lattice distribution.
2007, 36(6):1008-1011.
Abstract:A special furnace was designed and applied to produce an external electrical field up to 4 kV/cm and to study the wettability between copper and tungsten. The results showed that chromium can significantly reduce the wetting angle between copper and tungsten, so benefit to Cu-W infiltration system. The electrical field can also reduce the wetting angle, but not so stronger by comparing with chromium in the experimental electrical field range.
Wen Shunda , Chen Liqiang , Gong Shengkai , Xu Huibin , Peng Hui
2007, 36(6):1012-1015.
Abstract:Tension-compression tests at high temperature were carried out on the specimens made of Ni based superalloys (DZ125 alloy) coated with bond coating (NiCoCrAlY) and zirconia ceramic coating by electron beam-physical vapor deposition(EB-PVD). Failure of the thermal barrier coatings (TBC) was investigated. The test results show that the failure of TBCs occurred from the initiation and expansion of fracture in TGO,differing from under thermal loading alone. There are two kinds of fracture cracks: initiating from the TGO/bond coat interface and the bond coat/diffusion coat,respectively,resulting in the failure of specimens at last. From the simulation results by finite element analysis (FE),it can be conclude that there are abrupt changes of stress state and value near the interfaces of TGO/TBC and TGO/bond coats. The abrupt change of radial stress would result in the failure of TBCs from the spallation of interface. The abrupt change of axial stress would accelerate the extension of the microcracks perpendicular to the interface,resulting in the rupture of specimens.
Liu Hongtao , Sang Wenbin , Yuan Zheng , Min Jiahua , Zhan Feng
2007, 36(6):1016-1019.
Feng Keqin , Bai Chenguang , Yang Yi
2007, 36(6):1020-1023.
Chen Xiaozhen , Zheng Ziqiao , Li Shichen , Wei Xiuyu , Chen Zhiguo
2007, 36(6):1024-1028.
Chen Xiaozhen , Zheng Ziqiao , Li Shichen , Wei Xiuyu , Chen Zhiguo
2007, 36(6):1024-1028.
Yang Yingjun , Xing Dawei , Wang Gang , Sun Jianfei , Wei Sidong , Shen JunI
2007, 36(6):1029-1032.
Huang Linjun , Liang Gongying , Sun Zhanbo
2007, 36(6):1033-1036.
Abstract:Amorphous and nanocrystalline Mg-based alloys (Mg65Cu25)100-xNdx (x=2,5,7,10) were prepared by melt-spinning. The microstructure of the as-quenched ribbons was characterized and the hydriding properties of these alloys were measured. The experiment results show that the as-quenched amorphous (Mg65Cu25)93Nd7 alloy display the best hydriding properties (hydriding kinetics and hydrogen absorption capacity),its maximum hydrogen capacity is 3.0 wt%H. The nanocrystalline (Mg65Cu25)98Nd2 alloy shows slower hydriding kinetics and lower hydrogen absorption capacity compared to the other Mg-Cu-Nd amorphous alloys. It is conformed that the glass-forming ability becomes strong with the increase of neodymium for the as-quenched (Mg65Cu25)100-xNdx alloys,which leads to the high H-capacity.
Zhang Junying , Ge Qi , Yang Chun , Wang Tianmin
2007, 36(6):1037-1040.
Abstract:Light-storing photocatalyst was prepared by combining long afterglow phosphor with TiO2 photocatalyst film, and bactericidal effect of this material on E.coli was investigated. TiOz shows high bactericidal ability under irradiation of light source and can decompose bacterial cell completely, but can not function in the darkness. The long afterglow phosphor can supply light for TiOz film after irradiation source is cut off, and hence E.coli can be killed by the light-storing photocatalyst even in the dark. This light-storing photocatalyst can be irradiated intermittently while maintaining photocatalyst activity all the time.
Lu Shiqiang , Hu Chunwen , Li Xin , Wang Kelu , Dong Xianjuan , He Yuehui
2007, 36(6):1041-1045.
Abstract:CuCr50 powders were first activated by mechanical alloying (MA),then used to prepare the contact materials by vacuum hot pressing. The results indicate that the CuCr50 powder by MA is ametastabe and supersaturated solid solution,would dissolve during the followed hot pressing. The microstructures and properties of bulk CuCr50 materials vary with the dissolving amounts of supersaturated solid solution. A bulk CuCr50 material of high density with fine and homogeneous Cr particles distributed can be acquired at lower temperature for shorter holding time in hot pressing due to the mechanically activated effect of MA powders. As a result,the synthetical properties of bulk CuCr50 materials fabricated by this method are superior to those prepared by other methods.
Li Wei , Ying Jierong , Wan Chunrong , Jiang Changyin , Tang Changping , Lei Min
2007, 36(6):1046-1050.
Abstract:用FeSO4、H3PO4、(NH4)2HPO4、NH3·H2O为原料合成NH4FePO4·H2O前驱体,再与LiCO3和蔗糖均匀混合,烘干后埋入活性炭粉中,在最大功率为800 W的家用微波炉中以320~640 W功率加热一定时间,获得LiFePO4.用扫描电镜和X射线衍射分析对NH4FePO4.H2O和LiFePO4的形貌结构进行了表征.研究了微波输入功率、加热时间对LiFePO4结构和电化学性能的影响.研究表明,在320 W下微波加热15 min得到的LiFePO4材料,具有良好的电化学性能.在0.05 C放电倍率下可达到156 mAh/g的放电比容量,在0.5 C放电倍率下仍可达到115 mAh/g的放电比容量.
Li Lingxia , Wang Dapeng , Guo Rui , Wang Hongru , Meng Xudong , Li Huiling
2007, 36(6):1051-1054.
2007, 36(6):1055-1057.
Abstract:Gold nanoparticles are prepared in O/W microemulsion of SDS/Vc/H2O (0.001 mol?L-1 HAuCl4) system by using Vc as the reducing agent. The size of obtained polygonal gold nanoparticles is from 5 nm to 20 nm,and increases with the content increase of HAuCl4 in O/W microemulsion in the condition of SDS/Vc weight ratio of 50/50. The formation mechanism of gold nanoparticles is discussed in the present paper.
Zhou Zenglin , Song Yueqing , Cui Shun , Huang Zhuo , Guo Zhimeng , Qu Xuanhui
2007, 36(6):1058-1062.
Abstract:The La0.7Mg0.3(Ni0.85-xCo0.15Alx)3.4 hydrogen storage electrode alloys were prepared by cold crucible melting under argon gas atmosphere. The phase structure of these alloys and the electrochemical properties and surface of corresponding electrodes were investigated by means of XRD and tri-electrode test system and SEM. Rietveld analyses show that all these alloys consist of hexagonal Ce2Ni7-type main-phase,hexagonal CaCu5-type phase,rhombohedral PuNi3-type phase,cubic MgCu2-type Laves-phase and orthorhombic BCr-type phase. The Ce2Ni7-type main-phase content and the cell volume of all these phases increase with increasing of x. P-C isotherms show that hydrogen-desorption plateau region narrows,and the plateau pressure decreases and the plateau becomes steeper with increasing of x. The electrochemical results show that maximum discharge capacity and high-rate dischargeability decrease,cyclic stability is improved markedly with increasing of x.
Xu Sankui , Wang Xiangyu , Liang Lizhen
2007, 36(6):1063-1065.
Liu Weiqiang , Yue Ming , Zhang Jiuxing , Wang Gongping , Li Tao
2007, 36(6):1066-1069.
Abstract:The electrochemical properties of Nd2Fe14B single crystal grain,conventional sintered NdFeB and SPS NdFeB in electrolyte were studied. The microstructures and compositions of the magnets were investigated with scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray detector (EDX). Polarization curves in 3.5% NaCl solution show that Nd2Fe14B single crystal grain has displayed most positive corrosion potential and the SPS NdFeB magnet has more noble potentials compared with the conventional sintered one. Compared with conventional sintered NdFeB magnet,SPS processed magnet has original microstructure i.e. the grain size of the Nd2Fe14B main phase is fine and uniform,and the fine Nd-rich phase does not form along the grain boundaries of main phase,but agglomerates into the triple junctions. The pathways for corrosion propagation are restricted and the inter-granular corrosion process though Nd-rich phase in the magnet is suppressed effectively. Therefore,the SPS NdFeB magnet possesses excellent corrosion resistance. Autoclaves test indicates that a strong correlation has been established between an increase in the total rare earth level,which corresponds to the amount of Nd-rich phase,and an increase in the corrosion rate. The results show that chemical character; microstructure and the amount of Nd-rich phase determine the corrosion resistance of magnets and indicate an intergranular corrosion leads to poor corrosion resistance.
2007, 36(6):1070-1073.
Hu Tao , Chu Chenglin , Sun Weibin , Wang Juan , Zhou Jingyan , Dong Yinsheng , Pu Yaopu , Lin Pinghua , Paul K Chu
2007, 36(6):1074-1077.
Sheng Jianfeng , Feng Haibo , Yu Ronghai
2007, 36(6):1078-1081.
Abstract:A new Y6Fe60.5Co11.5B22 Fe-based bulk metallic glass with a maximum diameter of 2 mm has been fabricated by suction casting method in a water-cooled copper mould. The interrelationship between cooling rates and magnetic properties were investigated and the critical cooling rate of the amorphous alloy was calculated. The bulk amorphous alloy has a coercivity of 2.53 A/m,a saturated magnetization of 1.24 T,and a high initial susceptibility. The critical cooling rate (Rc) of the Y6Fe60.5Co11.5B22 amorphous alloy was determined to be about 119 K/s.
Zhu Guoli , Ye Jinwen , Liu Ying , Wang Xiaohong , Zhang Zhongyu , Gao Shengji , Tu Mingjing
2007, 36(6):1082-1084.
Abstract:The microstructure and phase composition of Sm-Fe alloy during quenching process were investigated by means of SEM, XRD, EDX, and AFM, etc. It is indicated that the Sm-Fe alloy cast consists of Sm2Fe17 phase, Sm-rich phase and a mount of a-Fe phase, and the alloy of single Sm2Fel7-phase was obtained after homogenization annealing. The alloy is composed of the Sm2Fe17 phase with Th2Zn17-type structure and a few a-Fe phase, with unhomogeneous grain sizes of about 100 nm when the quenching velocity is 10 m/s. But at 20 m/s, the alloy still contains Sm2Fe17 and a-Fe phases, but the content of a-Fe is increased when compared with at 10 m/s. At the same time, the stable Sm2Fe17 phase starts to convert into sub-stable SmloFe90 phase. At 30 m/s, the alloy is completely composed of SmloFe90 phase with the ThCuT-type structure and homogeneous grain size of40-50 nm.
Zhang Dailan , Bai Xinde , Li Juan , Chen Jianxin , Wu Zhiming , Zhu Guosheng
2007, 36(6):1085-1087.
Wang Huijie , Li Anhua , Li Wei
2007, 36(6):1088-1090.
Abstract:The effects of PrHx addition on the magnetic properties, microstructure and bending strength have been studied for the sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets. It shows that the bending strength and coercivity can be effectively improved and enhanced by the addition of PrHx for the experimental magnets. The magnets have the optimal microstructure according to SEM images, and the atoms diffusion can be potentially improved among the magnetic main phase Nd2Fel4B after the PrHx addition.
2007, 36(6):1091-1094.
Huang Yunxia , Cao Quanxi , Li Zhimin , Wang Yupeng , Li Guifang , Wei Yunge
2007, 36(6):1095-1098.
Yu Xiaojiao , Yao Binghua , Nagaosa Yukio
2007, 36(6):1099-1101.
Abstract:The extraction of Pr3+was studied by using heptane containing bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphinic acid in sodium perchlorate,chloroacetic acid and citric acid medium,respectively. The effects of extraction equilibrium time,different mediums,PIA-8 concentrations upon extraction Pr3+ and that of concentration of back extraction agent on back extraction rate of Pr3+ were discussed. The composition of the extracted compound was shown to be La(HA2)3.The pH1/2 values of La3+,Ce3+,Pr3+,Nd3+,Sm3+ and Eu3+ in different mediums were determined,it is 3.69,3.30,3.16,3.10,2.68 and 2.54 in sodium perchlorate medium respectively,3.65,3.27,3.12,3.08,2.66 and 2.50 in chloroacetic acid mediums,respectively,4.34,4.26,4.11,3.91,3.57 and 3.38 in citric acid mediums,respectively.
Huang Jingjing , Ren Yibin , Zhang Bingchun , Yang Ke
2007, 36(6):1102-1105.
Abstract:The vitro blood anticoagulant activities,including rothrombin time (PT),plasma recalcification time (RT) and kinetic cloting time,were measured and compared for pure magnesium,magnesium alloys and a comparison material (316L stainless steel). The pure magnesium rods were implanted into the back muscle of rats to evaluate the osteo-induction.The results showed that the blood anticoagulant activities were in the order of Mg
Zhang Guikai , Lu Guangda , Chen Huchi , Yin Chen
2007, 36(6):1106-1109.
Chao Yajun , Yuan Xianxia , Ma Zifeng
2007, 36(6):1110-1114.
Abstract:Electrochemical capacitor (ECs) is one of the novel energy-storage and conversion devices,by which the electric energy can be obtained from the electrochemical double-layer or the redox reaction occurring on the interface between electrode and electrolyte with the advantages of large power density,large energy density,excellent reversibility and long cycle life. In the present paper,the recent application progresses and developments of the composite electrode materials for ECs have been reviewed and introduced in detail.
iZuan Meini , Yang Yanqing , Ma Zhijun , Ltl Xianghong , Li Jiankang , Chen Yan
2007, 36(6):1115-1118.
Abstract:The effect factors, micro measurements and numerical simulation were reviewed and discussed for the interracial strength of SiC fiber reinforced titanium composites. Special attentions were paid to the limitation of the experimental measuring numerical modeling. The way of quantitative study on the interracial bonding strength was pointed out for the composites
Chen Junliang , Fang Fang , Zhang Jing , Zhu Jian , Chen Guorong , Sun Dalin
2007, 36(6):1119-1123.
Abstract:Nanotechnology can remarkably modify the hydrogen storage properties of hydrogen storage materials. The latest progresses on the nanotechnological aspects of hydrogen storage materials are described and discussed in this paper. Some problems to be overcome are pointed out, and some suggestions for future work are given.
2007, 36(6):1124-1128.
Abstract:The changes of A and B elements have great effects on the electrochemical properties and microstructure for the rare-earth based ABs-type hydrogen storage alloy as the cathode material of Ni-MH batteries. The electrochemical properties of rare earth-based hydrogen storage alloy, and the substitution of A and B in the ABs-type hydrogen storage alloy are reviewed and the relationship of substituted elements and electrochemical properties are summarized in order to provide some ideas for researchers.
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