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  • Volume 51,Issue 9,2022 Table of Contents
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    • >Research Letters
    • Grain Growth Kinetics of TB18 Titanium Alloy

      2022, 51(9):3129-3132. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210907

      Abstract (779) HTML (241) PDF 1.56 M (1189) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The β grain growth behavior of a novel high strength TB18 titanium alloy was investigated through the variation of β grain size in TB18 titanium alloy under the conditions of different temperatures and holding times. Results show that the heat treatment temperature and holding time have significant effects on the β grain growth of TB18 titanium alloys. The β grain size is increased with increasing the solution temperature and holding time. Besides, the coarsening temperature of TB18 alloys is 920 °C. The grain growth exponents and grain growth activation energy were calculated by Beck equation and Arrhenius equation, respectively. The grain growth exponent n is 0.13~0.26 for the TB18 alloys. The grain growth activation energy of the TB18 alloy is 34.27~60.58 kJ/mol.

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    • Optimal Duration Selection of Solid Solution Heat Treatment of Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloys Based on Statistical Analysis

      2022, 51(9):3133-3137. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210793

      Abstract (546) HTML (232) PDF 2.02 M (950) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel approach was developed to select the optimal duration for solid solution heat treatment of Ni-based single-crystal (SX) superalloys based on the statistical analysis of γ′ phase size in the second-generation SX superalloys. The microstructure uniformity ω was introduced through the statistical analysis. The ω curves can be divided into three stages according to the statistical analysis: the significant change area, transition area, and steady state area. The transition area shows the optimal duration range for solution heat treatment of Ni-based SX superalloys. This approach was verified by measuring the γ′ rafting rate and testing the creep properties of alloys. Meanwhile, the accuracy of this approach was also validated through the fourth-generation Ni-based SX superalloys. This approach can effectively optimize the heat treatment and provide guidance for the design and engineering applications of SX superalloys.

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    • >Materials Science
    • Microstructure, Texture, and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Zn-Y-Nd-Zr Alloys

      2022, 51(9):3138-3145. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210666

      Abstract (447) HTML (194) PDF 6.61 M (995) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Zn-Y-Nd-Zr alloys were studied in this research. Results show that the added Nd element partially replaces the Y element in the W phase (Mg3Zn3Y2), forming a new secondary phase Mg3Zn3(Y, Nd)2. A typical bimodal structure consisting of fine equiaxed recrystallized grains and coarse elongated unrecrystallized grains can be observed in the alloy after thermal extrusion. The Nd addition promotes the dynamic recrystallization during hot extrusion. With increasing the Nd content, the dynamic recrystallization ratio is increased, and the overall texture strength of the as-extruded alloy is weakened. The addition of Nd element refines the grains and improves the mechanical properties of Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy. When 0.5wt% Nd is added, the mechanical properties of as-extruded alloy show a good combination of high strength and high plasticity: the yield strength is 362 MPa, the ultimate tensile strength is 404 MPa, and the elongation is 10.2%. After aging treatment, the tensile strength of the alloy is further improved, and the ultimate tensile strength of the alloy after peak aging treatment reaches 421 MPa. The high strength of the Mg-Zn-Y-Nd-Zr alloy is mainly attributed to ultrafine recrystallized grains and precipitation strengthening.

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    • Recrystallization Behavior of the IN690 Alloy during Hot Compression

      2022, 51(9):3146-3152. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210704

      Abstract (444) HTML (166) PDF 6.33 M (967) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel high-temperature IN690 alloy was prepared via a hot extrusion process. The Gleeble-3500 thermal simulation test machine was used to perform isometric compression tests to study the effects of different temperatures, strain rates, and deformations on the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of IN690 alloy. Using metallographic microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), the metallographic structure, grain orientation, grain boundary distribution and grain orientation difference of the IN690 alloy before and after thermal deformation were systematically analyzed. The true stress-true strain curve obtained using the test showed that as the temperature decreased or strain rate increased, the IN690 alloy flow stress increased. The major softening mechanisms during the IN690 alloy deformation were the dynamic recovery (DRV) and DRX; The proportions of high-angle grain boundary increased with an increase in the true strain or a decrease in the strain rate due to the the DRX nucleation for a large true strain or low strain rate.

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    • Magnetic Properties of Mix-Bonded La0.8Ce0.2Fe11.7- x Mn x-Si1.3H1.8 Magnetic Refrigerants

      2022, 51(9):3153-3158. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210661

      Abstract (377) HTML (161) PDF 3.88 M (958) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:La0.8Ce0.2Fe11.7-xMnxSi1.3 master alloys were prepared by medium frequency induction furnace, then annealed, saturatedly hydrogenated, and finally crushed into powders. The multiple components of La0.8Ce0.2Fe11.7-xMnxSi1.3H1.8 (x=0.23, 0.26, 0.29, 0.32, wt%) powders with the Curie temperature (TC) interval of 5 K were mix-bonded by epoxy resin to extend the full width at half maximum of magnetic entropy of alloy. The magnetic properties of the mix-bonded specimens were measured by VersaLab and adiabatic temperature change direct test device. The maximal magnetic entropy change of the mix-bonded specimens is decreased, whereas the full width at half maximum of magnetic entropy and the relative cooling power are increased, compared with those of the single-component-bonded specimens. The maximal relative cooling power is 139.2 J/kg for the four-component-bonded specimen.

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    • Effect of Er on Amorphous Forming Ability and Mechanical Properties of Zr-based Alloys

      2022, 51(9):3159-3165. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210673

      Abstract (427) HTML (198) PDF 2.99 M (958) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The (Zr0.55Cu0.3Al0.1Ni0.05)100-xErx (x=0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Zr-based bulk alloy with diameter of 3 mm was prepared by water-cooled copper crucible smelting and copper mold suction casting using zirconium sponge as raw material. By comparing the microstructure and mechanical properties of sponge Zr-based alloy with different Er contents, the influence of Er on the amorphous forming ability, thermal stability, and mechanical properties of Zr-based bulk alloy was studied. Results show that when the zirconium sponge is used as the raw material, the amorphous formation ability and mechanical properties of sponge Zr-based alloy are obviously reduced. The sponge Zr-based amorphous alloy cannot be prepared when x=0. After adding Er element, the amorphous forming ability and mechanical properties of the sponge Zr-based alloy with the amorphous structure are improved obviously. The optimal mechanical properties of the sponge Zr-based alloy are achieved when x=2: the compression strength σbc is 2142.5 MPa and the plastic strain εp is 10.01% at room temperature. Compared with the amorphous (Zr0.55Cu0.3Al0.1Ni0.05)98Er2 alloy with the diameter of 3 mm prepared from high-purity Zr, the compressive strength and plasticity at room temperature of the sponge Zr-based alloy recovers by 97.63% and 69.95%, respectively. The Er addition is beneficial to improve the amorphous forming ability and mechanical properties of sponge Zr-based alloy, which also provides a new approach for low-cost preparation of Zr-based amorphous alloy.

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    • High-Temperature Oxidation Properties of Micro-arc Oxidation Film on 2A12 Aluminum Alloy

      2022, 51(9):3166-3171. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210789

      Abstract (455) HTML (217) PDF 3.03 M (924) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The high-temperature oxidation experiments were conducted on the micro-arc oxidation film on 2A12 aluminum alloy surface. Results show that the high-temperature oxidation resistance of the micro-arc oxidation film is decreased with increasing the temperature. However, the oxidation index is above 2, indicating that the micro-arc oxidation film has a protective effect for the 2A12 aluminum alloy and can effectively prevent the oxygen diffusion during high-temperature oxidation. The air-cooled thermal shock resistance property of the micro-arc oxidation film layer is better than its water-cooled thermal shock resistance property. After 60 thermal shock cycles, the film falls off at the corners of alloy after water-cooled thermal shock, while only cracks appear on the surface of alloy after air-cooled thermal shock without film shedding. The failure of micro-arc oxidation film after thermal shock is mainly caused by the difference in coefficients of thermal expansion between film and substrate and the formation of hydroxides and oxides through the reactions of film with H2O and oxygen, respectively. The CeO2 inside the film can reduce the pore size and the impact of thermal shock on the film at the initial reaction stage. However, with increasing the thermal shock cycles, the subcarbonate and hydroxide are generated, leading to the failure of micro-arc oxidation film.

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    • Arc Erosion Behavior and Mechanism of CuCr25 Cathode Material in Different Ambient Atmospheres

      2022, 51(9):3172-3181. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210732

      Abstract (406) HTML (207) PDF 7.56 M (941) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The arc erosion behavior of CuCr25 cathode material in oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide atmospheres under voltage of 9 kV was studied. The arc duration and arc energy are decreased with changing the atmosphere in the order of oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide, whereas the variation trend of breakdown strength is opposite. The erosion morphologies of molten pools, bulges, holes, splashes, and cracks formed on the CuCr25 material surface under the high temperature and high energy of the arc were analyzed by scanning electron microscope and three-dimensional laser scanning confocal microscope. The results indicate that the most severe erosion occurs in oxygen atmosphere and the slightest erosion occurs in carbon dioxide atmosphere, which can be attributed to the differences in arc energy. According to the results of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis, the oxidation reactions in oxygen and carbon dioxide atmospheres produce CuO, Cr2O3, and CrO3, while no new compounds are formed in argon atmosphere.

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    • Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance Behavior of CoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy Prepared by Mechanical Alloying Coupled with Vacuum Hot Pressing Sintering

      2022, 51(9):3182-3188. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210698

      Abstract (483) HTML (167) PDF 4.66 M (1284) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy (HEA) was fabricated by mechanical alloying (MA) and vacuum hot pressing sintering (VHPS). The phase and microstructure of alloys were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer, and optical microscope. The mechanical properties and corrosion resistance were investigated by universal tensile machine, Vickers hardness tester, and electrochemical workstation. Results show that CoCrFeNi HEA prepared by MA-VHPS exhibits excellent ultimate tensile strength and elongation, compared with those prepared by the arc-melting method and the combined method of the electrochemical reduction (FFC) with VHPS. The hardness of CoCrFeNi HEA prepared by MA-VHPS is twice larger than that prepared by arc-melting. The CoCrFeNi HEA prepared by MA-VHPS displays corrosion resistance in 0.5 mol/L H2SO4, 1 mol/L KOH, and 3.5wt% NaCl solutions, comparable to that of the 304 stainless steel and CoCrFeNi HEAs prepared by FFC-VHPS or arc-melting.

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    • Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-high Strength Al-7.88Zn-2.05Mg-1.70Cu-0.19Er Aluminum Alloy Thin Strip

      2022, 51(9):3189-3196. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210708

      Abstract (351) HTML (138) PDF 9.36 M (935) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance of ultra-high strength cold-rolled thin strips of Al-7.88Zn-2.05Mg-1.70Cu-0.19Er alloy were investigated. Results reveal that the excellent comprehensive properties of the cold-rolled thin strips with 0.5 mm in thickness are achieved after solid solution treatment of 475 °C/1 h/water quenching and double aging treatment of 120 °C/6 h+150 °C/24 h. The hardness, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation of the thin strips are 1859.1 MPa, 669.4 MPa, 624.1 MPa, and 11.2%, respectively. The mechanical properties of double-aged strip are comparable to those of alloy after peak-aging treatment. The electrical conductivity, exfoliation corrosion rating, and stress corrosion cracking sensitivity of the thin strip are 35.5%IACS, EA, and 4.07%, respectively. The fine spherical Al3(Er, Zr) and η? phases are uniformly distributed in the Al matrix, and most precipitates are coherent with Al matrix lattice. The tiny discontinuous grain boundary precipitate η phase mainly causes the lower stress corrosion sensitivity of the studied alloy.

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    • Effect of Probe Length on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Lap-Welded Aluminum Alloy and Steel

      2022, 51(9):3197-3203. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210659

      Abstract (394) HTML (197) PDF 3.19 M (1180) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The 6061 aluminum alloy and QP980 steel were lap-welded by friction stir welding (FSW) technique, and the effect of different probe lengths of 1.5 and 2.1 mm on the microstructures and properties of welded joints was investigated. Results show that the FSW lap-welded joints of 6061 aluminum alloy/QP980 steel consist of three layers: the upper layer is aluminum alloy, the middle layer is composed of Fe, Al, and intermetallic compounds, and the under layer is steel. When the probe length is 2.1 mm, the aluminum layer contains scattered steel fragments. Two kinds of intermetallic compounds can be detected: the dark gray layer close to Al is Fe4Al13 phase, and the one close to steel is Fe2Al5 phase. With extending the probe length, the fracture load of the joints is decreased from 4 kN to 3 kN. The joints welded by short probe fracture at the bonding interface, whereas those welded by long probe fracture at the mixture zone of Al and steel. The fracture position change is caused by the porosities and steel fragments. In addition, the steel fragments embedded in the Al matrix promote the stress concentration and crack initiation during the deformation process, therefore decreasing the mechanical properties of the joints.

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    • Effect of Low-Temperature ECAP with Extended Route and Aging Heat Treatment on Structure and Properties of Cu0.6Cr Alloy

      2022, 51(9):3204-3213. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210644

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      Abstract:The optical microscope and X-ray diffractometer were used to study the microstructure evolution of Cu0.6Cr alloy prepared by low-temperature equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) with extended route. The scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer were used to study the grain size, precipitate distribution, and fracture characteristics of Cu0.6Cr alloy after different aging heat treatments. The tensile strength, hardness, and conductivity of the alloy prepared by low-temperature ECAP and low-temperature ECAP+aging heat treatment were analyzed. Results show that the obviously refined and intersecting fibrous structure is formed in Cu0.6Cr alloy after low-temperature ECAP. The alloy maintains the preferential orientation of (111) crystal plane during deformation. In the aging heat treatment, the larger the alloy deformation, the larger the number and size of the precipitates, and the faster the precipitation rate of the secondary phase. After aging at 450 °C for 2 h, the tensile strength of the 5-pass alloy is 568.1 MPa, the Vickers hardness is 1624.8 MPa, and the conductivity is 82%IACS.

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    • Ladle Nozzle Clogging in Vacuum Induction Melting Gas Atomization: Influence of Delivery-Tube Geometry

      2022, 51(9):3214-3222. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210707

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      Abstract:The nozzle clogging in vacuum induced melting gas atomization (VIGA) process was investigated. To understand the influence of tip shape of the delivery-tube on nozzle clogging more accurately, the interface tracking method of computational simulation fluid volume was adopted to simulate the two-phase flow in the primary atomization region. Results show that the small platform at the end of the draft tube is the key factor leading to the nozzle clogging. Therefore, the expansion angle (30°, 35°, 40°, 45°) of the delivery-tube is improved to shorten the width of the small platform. Thus, the nozzle clogging is solved, the atomization continuity is realized, and the atomization efficiency is improved. Additionally, when the expansion angle is 40°~45°, the powder has better morphology with the particle size of 21~25 μm. The numerical simulation results under different modification aspects display similar trends to the experiment ones. This research is of guidance significance and reference value to understand the nozzle clogging process of VIGA process.

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    • Molecular Dynamics Simulation of High-Nitrogen Stainless Steel Brazed by AgCuNi Filler Metal

      2022, 51(9):3223-3229. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210687

      Abstract (544) HTML (170) PDF 3.74 M (1051) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The element diffusion process of the binary systems (Fe-Cu and Fe-Ni) in the vacuum brazing of high-nitrogen stainless steel with AgCuNi filler was investigated by Lammps software for molecular dynamics simulation analysis. Results show that the mutual diffusion phenomena of Fe-Cu and Fe-Ni binary systems are obvious, and the thickness of the diffusion layer is increased with increasing the diffusion time. In the Fe-Cu diffusion process, only the mutual atom diffusion occurs; whereas not only the mutual atom diffusion, but also the formation of mesophase occurs in the Fe-Ni diffusion process. In the Fe-Cu binary system, the mean square displacement (MSD) and diffusion coefficient of Fe atom are greater than those of Cu atom, so the diffusion ability of Fe atom is better than that of Cu atom. Similarly, in the Fe-Ni binary system, MSD and diffusion coefficient of Fe atom are greater than those of Ni atom, so the diffusion ability of Fe atom is also better than that of Ni atom. With increasing the diffusion temperature, MSD and diffusion coefficient of atoms are increased, and their diffusion ability is enhanced.

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    • Mechanical Properties of Al0.1CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy Based on Molecular Dynamics Study

      2022, 51(9):3230-3235. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210664

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      Abstract:The microstructure and mechanical properties of Al0.1CoCrFeNi single crystal high entropy alloy (HEA) under axial tensile loading at room temperature (300 K) were investigated by molecular dynamics method. The tensile properties of the single crystal HEA were analyzed by changing the simulated strain rate and temperature. The microstructure and tensile properties of the single crystal HEA with small surface cracks were studied by simulating tensile experiments at room temperature. Results demonstrate that the tensile strength is increased with increasing the strain rate in a certain range; the Young's modulus and tensile strength are increased with decreasing the temperature at strain rate of 1010 s-1. The single crystal HEA with small through cracks on surface presents a necking phenomenon after stretching for a period, and the stress concentration occurs at the crack tip along with the rapid development of a large number of slip dislocations, resulting in the rapid fracture.

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    • Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Effect of Rough Surface on Material Removal and Subsurface Defects During γ-TiAl Machining

      2022, 51(9):3236-3243. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210780

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      Abstract:The molecular dynamics method was used to simulate the machining response of nanoscale γ-TiAl. The rule-generated rough workpiece surface was used to study its effect on atom removal mechanism. The cutting process was investigated by varying the texture density and tool radius. Results show that the surface morphology of the workpiece has a non-ignorable influence on the generation of subsurface defects and the atom removal: the rough surface in the shear mode affects the generation of laminar fault shear zone. The increase in texture density increases the number of subsurface defects, and the integrity of the machined surface is different corresponding to different cutting patterns. The relative tool sharpness has an effect on the cutting mechanism and texture effects.

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    • Numerical Simulation of Microstructure Evolution of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Tube During Two-High Rotary Piercing

      2022, 51(9):3244-3251. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210690

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      Abstract:A new piercing method (two-high rotary piercing) for magnesium alloy seamless pipes was proposed, and the two-high piercing process was simulated by DEFORM-3D finite element analysis software. Results show that the simulated microstructures and the experiment ones all exhibit the similar evolution rules, and their average grain sizes are close to each other's, suggesting that the two-high piercing process is a feasible method to pierce AZ31 magnesium alloy seamless tubes and the DEFORM-3D software is a reliable tool to simulate the two-high piercing process.

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    • Numerical Simulation of Hot Stamping Process for Saddle Shape Part of TA32 Titanium Alloy

      2022, 51(9):3252-3262. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210691

      Abstract (358) HTML (225) PDF 6.68 M (829) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The constitutive model of TA32 titanium alloy was established, and different drawbeads were added on the die to eliminate the wrinkles. The Barlat 89 and Hill 48 yield criterions were used to compare the prediction accuracy of the finite element simulations. The saddle shape part of TA32 titanium alloy was hot-stamped, and the thickness distribution was measured and compared with the simulation results. Results show that the wrinkles can be effectively eliminated by adding the drawbeads along X-axis and Y-axis. The saddle shape part can be precisely formed without defects. The finite element model with Barlat 89 yield criterion has better prediction accuracy than that with Hill 48 yield criterion does, indicating that the finite element simulation has good theoretical prediction significance. The mechanical properties and microstructure of the hot-stamped part were investigated and it is found that they all meet the practical engineering requirements.

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    • Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Near α Type High Temperature Titanium Alloy Combustion Microstructure Under Oxygen Enriched Conditions

      2022, 51(9):3263-3275. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20220041

      Abstract (747) HTML (119) PDF 1.34 M (1091) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:TA19 titanium alloy was ignited by friction oxygen concentration method, and two ignition damage samples after critical ignition and sustained combustion under oxygen enriched conditions were obtained. The phase composition, microstructure morphology and its formation mechanism of TA19 titanium alloy combustion products were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy spectrum analysis (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Results show that: The critical ignition products of TA19 titanium alloy mainly include TiO, Ti3O, rutile type and anatase type TiO2, and the initial combustion temperature is about 500℃. While the sustained combustion products of TA19 titanium alloy mainly include TiO, rutile type TiO2. Combined with the tetragonal structure ZrO2 formed in the fusion zone, the continuous combustion temperature is judged to be above 1170℃.Four distinct zones form from the combustion surface to the alloy matrix, and they are in the sequence of combustion zone, fusion zone, heat-affected zone and transition zone. During critical ignition, Zr solid solution rich in O, α-Ti solid solution rich in O and β phase rich in Al/Sn/Mo are formed in the fusione zone; A large amount of α-Ti solid solution rich in O and a small amount of β phase rich in Al/Sn/Mo are formed in the heat-affected zone. During sustained combustion, Al solid solution rich in O, Zr solid solution rich in O, α-Ti solid solution rich in O and β phase rich in Al/Sn/Mo are formed in the fusion zone; A large amount of α-Ti solid solution rich in O and a small amount of β phase rich in O and Zr are formed in the heat affected zone, finally they form a dense layered structure that prevents the inward diffusion of O and outward diffusion of Ti. In the combustion process of TA19 titanium alloy, the element Zr first diffuses into the interface of the fusion zone, followed by Al. This is different from that Al first diffuses to the interface of the fusion zone during the combustion of TA15 titanium alloy. The reason may be that the Zr content in TA19 titanium alloy is twice that in TA15 titanium alloy, and the activity of Zr is higher. The main combustion mechanism of near α type titanium alloy is the formation of O- rich solid solution. From the perspective of microstructure, higher equiaxed phase content is conducive to the dissolution of oxygen; From the point of view of alloy composition, proper control of the content of Ti, Al and Zr is beneficial to obtain dense O-rich solid solution.

    • Study on Mechanism of Thermal Emission of Plating Particles in Magnetron Sputtering Ion Plating with Ti Target

      2022, 51(9):3276-3281. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210714

      Abstract (512) HTML (111) PDF 721.52 K (1292) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:High power pulsed magnetron sputtering technology can increase the ionization rate of the sputtering particles to enhance the mechanical properties of the film, but the loss of deposition rate has seriously affected the industrialization of this technology. The main purpose of this study is to achieve the functional goal of increasing the ionization rate of the sputtering particles and taking into account the high efficiency goal of the deposition rate. The gas discharge above the cathodic target surface is changed from glow to arc through the adjustment of the electric field parameters using a new type of dual-stage pulsed electric field. The high-density plasma generated by arc discharge enhances the impact kinetic energy of Ar+ and the accumulation of Joule heating on the target surface, and induces the target material to escape from target surface in a thermal emission mode with high ionization rate and high yield. The results showed that when the target current density of the Cu target and the Ti target increased, the volt-ampere characteristics between the cathodic target and the anodic vacuum chamber changed from a proportional to an inverse relationship, indicating that the gas discharge changed from glow to arc, and the escape-target mode of target materials could be transformed into a thermal emission mode. When the dual-stage pulsed electric field was used to induce arc discharge, the morphology of the Ti target surface changed from a polygonal pit structure with linear stripes to a large-area pit structure with linear stripes and ripple structure. It is indicated that the target material escaped from the target surface by sputtering and thermal emission, and the deposition rate of the Ti film had significantly increased from 6 nm/min to 26 nm/min.

    • Study on microstructure, properties and crack formation mechanism of pure tungsten fabricated by selective laser and electron beam melting

      2022, 51(9):3282-3288. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210715

      Abstract (656) HTML (124) PDF 1.39 M (1242) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Selective Electron Beam Melting (SEBM) were used to fabricate pure tungsten. The microstructure and mechanical properties of pure tungsten were compared under different process parameters. The crack initiation location and formation mechanism were analyzed by SEM and EBSD. The results show that the crack generation of pure tungsten printing process can be effectively reduced by adjusting the process parameters in SLM and SEBM process. The relative density and hardness of pure tungsten samples are proportional to the energy density input by SLM and SEBM. Compared with SLM, SEBMed pure tungsten has lower temperature gradient, less thermal stress accumulation and fewer cracks. There were many cracks in SLMed samples, and that mostly existed in the lap areas. Cracks in SLMed and SEBMed samples were distributed along grain boundaries, most of which were initiated at high-angle grain boundaries.

    • The Architecture and Microstructure Evloution of Gradient Structured Nickel Based Alloy with Different Stacking Fault Energy

      2022, 51(9):3289-3296. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210702

      Abstract (466) HTML (100) PDF 709.16 K (1132) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this work, Inconel 625 alloy is used as a reference object, based on the alloy design ideas of interface control, a model alloy with lower stacking fault energy is designed by Thermodynamic software. The influence of stacking fault energy on the evolution mechanism and grain refinement mechanism of nickel-based alloy with gradient structure was studied by surface mechanical grinding treatment (SMGT) technology. The results show that a 450 μm, 300 μm and 250 μm thick gradient structure layers were prepared in Inconel 625 alloy, M1 and M2 alloys by means of SMGT, respectively. Moreover, the evolution mechanism of the gradient structure of different alloys is also different. For the Inconel 625 alloy, with the gradual increase of strain, its microstructure refinement mechanism gradually changed from dislocation segmentation mechanism to shear band and/or twin segmentation mechanism. However, for the M alloy, the deformation twin splitting mechanism is dominant. Therefore, based on the design concept and the corresponding microstructure evolution mechanism, it can provide a reference for the composition design of low stacking fault energy nickel base wrought superalloy.

    • Anisotropic Yield Criterion and Hardening Model Construction of Aging Inconel 718 Thin Sheet Under Quasi-static Loading

      2022, 51(9):3297-3306. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210703

      Abstract (404) HTML (108) PDF 1.16 M (928) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The deformation mechanism will be more intricate by the size effect when the characteristic size of metal parts is reduced to a micro scale. In this paper, the aging Inconel 718 foil with thickness of 0.1mm was selected as the study subject and tested for its mechanical properties. Based on the data mechanical test, the anisotropy, elongation, yield strength and maximum tensile strength of aging Inconel 718 foils were explored under different tensile direction and uniform strain rate. And the predicted model of anisotropy and yield strength and the hardening model for considering the strain and strain rate are established. The research results show that the aging Inconel 718 foils have conspicuous anisotropy. The tensile direction of 45° is an extreme point for the anisotropy, elongation, yield strength and maximum tensile strength. The elongation and anisotropy firstly increase and then decrease with the increase of angle between tensile direction and rolling direction. But the change rule of yield strength and maximum tensile strength is opposite to elongation and anisotropy. In order to accurately predict the anisotropy and yield strength, two different sets of material parameters are needed due to the size effect. When the strain rate is higher than 0.1 s-1, the material yield strength shows obvious sensitivity for strain rate. In this moment, the above hardening model is not applicable.

    • Superplastic Deformation Behavior of Nickel-Based Powder Superalloy During Isothermal Hot Compression

      2022, 51(9):3307-3315. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20220284

      Abstract (566) HTML (126) PDF 1.95 M (1147) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on Gleeble isothermal hot compression test, combined with OM, SEM and EBSD analysis methods, the flow characteristics and microstructure evolution of a new hot extruded third generation nickel-base powder superalloy FGH4113A (WZ-A3) during superplastic compression deformation was systematically studied. The superplastic deformation behavior and deformation mechanism at different temperatures of 1050 and 1100 ℃, different strain rates of 0.001 and 0.005 s-1, and different amount of deformation (strain) were presented. The results shown that FGH4113A (WZ-A3) alloy exhibited good superplasticity during hot compression deformation, and no cavities or cracks were observed. The grain size tends to grow at 1100 ℃/0.001 s-1 after large deformation (60%-80% deformation), while grain size has little change under other deformation conditions. In the process of superplastic compression deformation, the accumulated dislocation is annihilated mainly by dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization, and grain boundary slip is the main reason for large deformation without cracking. The results lay a good foundation for the development of superplastic isothermal forging process of FGH4113A (WZ-A3) alloy.

    • Microscropic Phase-field study of the interatomic potential and precipitation process for L10 structure in Co-Pt alloys

      2022, 51(9):3316-3322. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210699

      Abstract (560) HTML (96) PDF 728.74 K (1063) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the Microscropic Phase-field method and the interatomic potential equation, we calculate the first near-neighbor interatomic potentials of the L10 structure in Co-Pt alloy, and the results show that the first near-neighbor interatomic potential of the L10 structure in the Co-Pt alloy increases with temperature, and increases with concentration. The first near-neighbor interatomic potential, which linearly changes with the temperature and concentration, is close to other literature result. Using the interatomic potential to simulate the Co-Pt alloy precipitation process and the final morphology, the simulation results can get L10 and L12 structure. According to the sequence parameters, we can get that the L10 structure precipitation mechanism characteristics are spinodal decomposition, and then coarsed. The final two-phase volume fraction is close and the alloy precipitation profile and experimental results are consistent. The calculation of the interatomic potential for L10 structure in Co-Pt alloy using Phase-field method can expand the application range of Phase-field method in alloy design with L10 structure.


      2022, 51(9):3323-3329. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210730

      Abstract (348) HTML (101) PDF 858.07 K (905) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were adopted to investigate precipitates in 46Fe-33Ni-15Cr and 50Fe-27Ni-20Cr valve alloys. The results show that 46Fe-33Ni-15Cr alloy contains γ", σ and MC phase after solution and aging, however 50Fe-27Ni-20Cr alloy contains γ", σ, MC and Laves phase. The γ" phase has two patterns, spherical and cellular in 46Fe-33Ni-15Cr alloy. But only one pattern of γ" phase spherical exists in 50Fe-27Ni-20Cr alloy, and its size is about 20nm~40nm,smaller than that in 46Fe-33Ni-15Cr alloy. The σ phase distributes in strip on the grain boundary in 46Fe-33Ni-15Cr alloy, but it precipitates in needle shape along the grain boundary in a certain orientation. Within 2000 hours aging under 700℃, the amount of σ phase in 46Fe-33Ni-15Cr increases more rapidly than that in 50Fe-27Ni-20Cr alloy with the increasing aging time.

    • Molecular dynamics study on phase transition properties of Pt nanoparticles

      2022, 51(9):3330-3335. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210747

      Abstract (619) HTML (101) PDF 784.20 K (1028) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The excellent catalytic activity of Platinum (Pt) nanoparticles have been widely used in energy and energy storage. The investigation demonstrates that the catalytic capacity of Pt depends on the number and type of active sites on the surface, however, the regulation mechanism of its surface activity was not fully understood. In this paper, molecular dynamics method was used to study the microstructure and phase transformation of Pt nanoparticles based on LAMMPS software. The results show that the proportion of disordered atoms of Pt nanoparticles decreases with the increase of particle radius, and the melting temperature of Pt nanoparticles decreases with the decrease of particle radius. In addition, the particles can be further divided into two parts: the surface shell and the inner core. Like the bulk material, the coordination number of the inner core is also 12. The thickness of the shell was about 0.27 nm with the thickness close to 2 layers of atoms and the coordination number decreases with the increase of the core distance. This unique core-shell structure resulting that the potential energy surface atoms was approximately higher than the core. In this study, we found that the Pt shell atoms with particle radius of 3nm can melt at 1300K, whereas the inner atoms can not melt. Therefore, the structure characteristics of Pt catalyst can be regulated by the phase transformation law, which provides a theoretical basis for the regulation of surface activity.

    • >Materials Technology
    • Effect of Pulsed Magnetic Field on Precipitation Behavior and Mechanical Properties of TC4 Titanium Alloy

      2022, 51(9):3336-3344. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210693

      Abstract (701) HTML (111) PDF 1.57 M (1176) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to investigate the effect of pulsed magnetic field on precipitation behavior of as-rolled TC4 titanium alloy, a pulsed magnetic field was applied during aging.The effects of electromagnetic energy on microstructure, strength and plasticity of TC4 during aging were studied by SEM,TEM and tensile testing machine.Observation and analysis were carried out at nucleation stage and growth stage respectively.The mechanism of electromagnetic energy in aging process was analyzed by using classical nucleation theory and the first law of diffusion. The results show that the precipitation rate of TC4 is significantly increased due to the addition of electromagnetic energy. The aging time is reduced on the premise of ensuring the mechanical properties. Compared with 4 h without pulse magnetic field, the plasticity of 2 h with pulse magnetic field is increased by 22.67%, and the tensile strength is approximately the same. The aging process under the coupling of pulse magnetic field and temperature field can lead TC4 to over aging stage (2h). In the aspect of tensile fracture, the fracture morphology of fracture is dimple fracture before applying pulse magnetic field 2 hours ago, but when the time increases to 2h, the fracture surface gradually changes to the fracture morphology in quasi solution.The results reveal that the secondary phase precipitation and growth of TC4 can be promoted by pulsed magnetic field through electromagnetic energy, which is due to the synergistic effect of reducing critical nucleation work and promoting atomic diffusion. Overall, electromagnetic energy can promote the precipitation of secondary phase and reduce the aging time.

    • Non-Isothermal Oxidation Behavior Research of Ti-Al-Mo Alloy During Welding Process

      2022, 51(9):3345-3352. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210717

      Abstract (495) HTML (112) PDF 1.11 M (990) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Non-isothermal oxidation behavior of Ti-Al-Mo titanium alloy’s high temperature weld metal after molten pool solidified during cooling process at different temperatures in the range of 500~1300℃ was studied, and the oxidation mechanism in air and CO2 atmosphere was compared and analyzed. The surface oxidation degree of the sample, the morphology and phase of the oxide layer were studied by means of oxidation weight gain method, XRD, SEM and XPS. The results show that the oxidation degree of the sample in CO2 atmosphere is lower than that in air atmosphere, and the oxide particle size of the oxide layer in CO2 atmosphere is smaller and more compact. The main phase of oxide layer in both atmospheres is rutile TiO2. Besides, the mixed oxide of (TiO2+Al2O3) is observed in the surfacial layer, and the proportion of Al2O3 in CO2 atmosphere is higher. The oxide layer porosity in CO2 atmosphere is lower , which reduces the internal matrix diffusion of CO2. And the reaction thermodynamics inclination of the titanium alloy with CO2 is significantly lower than that with the air, so titanium alloy weld metal in the environment of CO2 atmosphere will have lower oxidation tendency. It’s proved that CO2 can be used as a protective gas in a certain temperature range during the cooling process of titanium alloy weld metal.

    • Effect of triple heat treatment on basket-weave structure and tensile properties of TC21 titanium alloy

      2022, 51(9):3353-3359. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210741

      Abstract (455) HTML (111) PDF 1.80 M (1231) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effect of heat treatment temperature and cooling rate on the basket-weave structure and tensile properties of TC21 titanium alloy is studied by triple heat treatment experiments. The results indicated that the microstructure of TC21 alloy presents a typical basket-weave structure, which is achieved by high temperature (990℃) solid solution in the β single-phase region, and then through high temperature(870~910℃)aging in the (α + β) phase region and low temperature (590℃) aging. With the increasing of the second heat treatment temperature, the content and length of the flake α phase decrease significantly, and the thickness of the flake α phase increases slightly, the strength of the alloy increases, the ductility decreases. After being treated with different cooling rates, the microstructure of TC21 titanium alloy consists of α phase, β phase and α′martensite in both water cooling and air cooling samples, but only α phase and β phase are identified in furnace cooled sample, Compared with the tensile properties of the three samples, the water cooling and air cooling samples showed better strength and poorer ductility, furnace cooling samples show good ductility and poor strength. The better triple heat treatment process for TC21 alloy is 990℃/1 h AC+870℃/1 h AC+590℃/4 h AC.

    • Interface characteristics of laser cladding SiCf/Ti-6Al-4V compositesand micromechanical properties

      2022, 51(9):3360-3365. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210762

      Abstract (527) HTML (94) PDF 920.54 K (1058) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:SiCf/Ti-6Al-4V composites prepared by laser cladding have short reaction time and diffusion time. The interfacial properties and micromechanical properties of SiCf/Ti-6Al-4V composites under different vacuum thermal exposure conditions were studied. By means of scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and nanoindentation instrument, the thickness of the reaction layer, chemical composition at the interface and micromechanical properties at different temperatures and times after vacuum thermal exposure were characterized. It is found that the interfacial reaction between reinforcer, C coating and matrix occurs in the process of laser cladding laminated composites, and the main interfacial reaction product is TiC. Short time vacuum thermal exposure increases the thickness of the interfacial reaction layer and decreases the thickness of the C coating. With the extension of thermal exposure time, the growth of the reaction layer conforms to a parabolic law. The kinetic parameters of the reaction are frequency factor k0 =6.005×10-3 m.s-1/2, and activation energy Q=143.13 kJ.mol-1. The hardness and elastic modulus of fiber, C coating, substrate and interfacial reaction layer do not change obviously after 900℃ short-time vacuum thermal exposure, indicating that the material has good short-time thermal stability at 900℃ and below.

    • The temperature rise and stress distribution of 825 alloy during cross-rolling piercing process

      2022, 51(9):3366-3371. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210719

      Abstract (469) HTML (115) PDF 1005.97 K (975) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper studies and analyzes the cracks in the process of cross-rolling piercing production of domestic 825 alloy pipes. Through the use of metallographic observation and finite element analysis methods, the causes of the cracks are discussed, and it is found that the local temperature rise and increased shear stress is the main cause of cracking. In addition, from the perspective of three process parameters such as the initial diameter of the tube, the initial temperature, and the lubrication conditions of the plug, the regularity of the cracking phenomenon of the tube is studied, and the most important factors affecting the local temperature rise of the tube It is the plug lubrication condition, and the local temperature rise phenomenon can be significantly reduced by reducing the friction coefficient of the plug. However, the influence of process parameters on the maximum shear stress is not obvious. Therefore, it is believed that the temperature rise caused by the cross-rolling piercing process is the most critical influencing factor for the quality control of the tube.

    • Effect of Zr on microstructure evolution of a high Al + Ti containing Ni-based superalloy during homogenization

      2022, 51(9):3372-3380. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210740

      Abstract (597) HTML (88) PDF 1.83 M (1092) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A high Al+Ti containing Ni-based wrought superalloy ingot was prepared by a vacuum induction furnace. Then the ingot was remelted into three with different Zr contents in the same furnace. After as-cast microstructures observation, these ingots were homogenized. The effect of Zr on microstructures evolution during the homogenization process was emphatically studied. The results show that the Zr addition has no obvious influence on the initial grain size of the ingots, but significantly promotes the non-equilibrium solidification eutectic (γ + γ′) and Zr rich phase precipitation, especially at the grain boundary. Besides, Zr significantly promotes the formation of micropores in the interdendritic region. After homogenization, the non-equilibrium phases have been completely dissolved, the dendrite segregation has been obviously reduced and the original grains have grown obviously. Interestingly, the higher the Zr content is, the more obvious the grain growth is. Besides, the size and area fraction of micropores have increased markedly compared with those in the as-cast microstructure, and the micropores formation in the as-homogenized microstructure also increases significantly with the increase of Zr content. Zr increases the micropores formation in the as-cast alloy is mainly related to the enrichment of Zr in residual liquids which retarding the alloy solidification. The principal reason why Zr promotes the grain growth and micropores formation during homogenization is that the more eutectic (γ + γ′) and Zr-rich phase formation aggravates the interdiffusion between solute elements.

    • The Effect of the Powder Size Distribution on the Hot Deformation Behavior of a Novel Nickel-based Powder Metallurgy Superalloy

      2022, 51(9):3381-3393. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210757

      Abstract (527) HTML (106) PDF 2.43 M (1064) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and Electron Back-Scatter Diffractometer (EBSD), Optical Microscope (OM) and the thermal simulation testing machine were used to study the effect of the powder size distribution on the hot deformation behavior and the organizational differences of a novel nickel-based powder metallurgy superalloy (WZ-A3). The results show that: compared with powder preparation of HIP-01, the dendrite structure of coarse powder is obvious and the composition segregation is serious. The residual primary γ′ of the HIP-02 made by the coarse samples is more than the HIP-01. At the low temperature (1050℃, 1080℃) and high strain rates (1/s, 0.1/s), the peak stress of HIP-01 is higher than that of HIP-02. After hot compression, the crack situation at the edge of HIP-01 is more serious than that of HIP-02. Most of the original HIP-01 microstructure are retained, and the crack is generated at the Prior Particle Boundary (PPB), while some recrystallized structure appears at the edge of HIP-02. At 1080℃-0.001/s, the peak stress of HIP-02 sample is about 30MPa lower than that of HIP-01. The recrystallization phenomenon of HIP-02 during hot compression is obvious. The recrystallized grains of the HIP-02 are uniform. The HIP-01 has necklace crystal structure, and the recrystallization is not sufficient. The coarse γ" can promote the recrystallization of HIP-02 sample at 1050℃ and 1080℃. At high temperature (1150℃) and low strain rates (0.001/s, 0.01/s), the γ" dissolve into γ matrix, and the thermal deformation behavior of the two samples is similar. No cracks occur in the samples, and the microstructure is fully recrystallized. The abnormal grown grains were found in 1150℃-0.001/s at the both two samples.

    • Effect of Solution and Aging heat treatment on Microstructures and Stress Rupture properties of a 4-th generation Ni-based Single Crystal Superalloy

      2022, 51(9):3394-3402. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210748

      Abstract (643) HTML (116) PDF 1.68 M (1279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effect of solution and aging heat treatment on microstructures and stress rupture properties of a fourth generation Ni-based single crystal superalloy with content of 4.0% (in weight percent) Re and Ru has been investigated.The results show that the as-cast alloy exists significant composition segregation.Due to less Al and Ti elements, interdendritic γ/γ’ eutectic content is low.During the solution heat treatment,the eutectic is almost dissolution after 1310℃.However,the differences between dendrite core and interdendritic is completely eliminated until 1340℃ and the segregation of other elements except Re is significantly improved.The advantage of the fourth generation Ni-based single crystal is to improve the mechanical propertie at high temperature,especially stress rupture properties.After solution and aging heat treatment,the stress rupture lives of DD476 is about twice that of the second generation single crystal superalloy at 950℃/300MPa and is more than 10 times comparaed with the second generation single crystal superalloy MC2 at 1150℃/100MPa.There is no TCP(topologically close-packed) precipitation during the whole heat treatment because of the addition of Ru element in DD476.

    • Evolution of Phase and Mechanical Properties of Ti Alloyed U-5.7Nb-xTi Alloys

      2022, 51(9):3403-3408. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210736

      Abstract (599) HTML (111) PDF 449.80 K (1048) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:U-5.7Nb-xTi (wt. %) alloys with different Ti contents were fabricated by arc-melting. With the increasing of Ti contents, γ0 phase was first to appear in the α″ phase matrix, followed by its propagation. After completely transforming to γ0 phase at U-5.7Nb-1.2Ti, additional Ti alloying led to the formation of the equilibrium γ12 phase. After the Ti atom was equivalently converted to the equilibrium niobium concentration Nbeq, the boundary of each phase composition was very consistent with the U-Nb alloy. Meanwhile, the hardness of U-5.7Nb-xTi alloys were similar with those of U-Nb alloys with same total atomic contents. By analyzing the mechanism of transformation of the U-alloy and the theory of solid solution strengthening of the metal materials, the phase structure and mechanical behavior were considered to be closely related to the yield strength of the parent phase and twinning energies, respectively. Due to their similar physical parameters including atomic radii and bulk modulus, the solution strengthening effects of the parent phase and variation of the twinning energies led by Ti or Nb alloying were similar, which were responsible for the similarities of the phase structure and the mechanical properties in U-Nb-Ti and U-Nb alloys. According to the same physical mechanism, U-Nb-X ternary alloys (or multi-element alloys) can be more accurately predicted the phase structure and the mechanical properties by analyzing physical parameters such as the atomic radius and bulk modulus of alloying element X. These results and analyses provided theoretical basis and guidance for further strengthening design of U-5.7Nb alloy.

    • [35]. Hassan S F, Gupta M. Material Science and Engineering A[J],2005,392 (1-2):163

      2022, 51(9):3409-3418. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210749

      Abstract (607) HTML (107) PDF 4.95 M (953) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the 5wt. % ZrB2p /6061Al composite was prepared by in-situ synthesis and the microstructure of laser welding and mechanical properties were studied. XRD and EDS analysis show that 5wt. % ZrB2p/6061Al composites were successfully prepared through the Al-K2ZrF6-KBF4 in-situ reaction system. Through OM and SEM analysis, compared with the matrix 6061Al alloy, the heterogeneous nucleation effect and pinning effect of the nano ZrB2 particles has a certain grain refinement effect on the matrix grains of the composite, but the existence of nanoparticle clusters makes the refinement effect limited. During laser welding, under the condition of complete penetration, a high-power and high-speed welding of 3.6 kW and 40 mm/s can be ultilized to obtain a well-formed weld. The rapid laser melting process and solidification made the matrix grains further refined, a large number of ZrB2 clusters basically disappear, and ZrB2 particles were basically evenly dispersed. By analying the migration behavior of ZrB2 particles, it is found that the melt agitation and rapid solidification process of the laser molten pool achieved the twice distribution of ZrB2 particles. The optimization of the weld microstructure improves the Vickers hardness and the tensile strength of the welded joint, respectively up to 57.3 HV and 125.17 MPa. And the strengthening mechanism of weld is discussed.

  • Effects of Cr coating on fretting wear behavior of Zr-1Nb alloy cladding

    2022, 51(9):3419-3426. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210722

    Abstract (634) HTML (116) PDF 1.39 M (1242) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:Fretting wear caused by flow-induced vibration is the predominant cause of fuel cladding failure of pressurized water reactor (PWR). The Cr-coated Zr alloy is one of the most promising candidate materials for accident tolerant fuel, due to its outstanding high temperature oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance. However, research of fretting wear behavior and mechanism of Cr-coated Zr alloy cladding relatively little exists. In this paper, the fretting wear behavior and damage mechanism of Cr-coated and uncoated Zr-1Nb alloy cladding with AFA 3G grid under simulated PWR primary water environment were studied contrastively by 3D white light interferometer, scanning electron microscopy and energy disperspective spectroscopy. The results indicated that Cr coating can significantly improve the fretting wear resistance of Zr-1Nb alloy cladding. In addition, for cladding against dimple, the dominant wear mechanism of Zr-1Nb was delamination and abrasive. However, the main damage mechanism of Cr-coated Zr-1Nb was adhesive wear and materials transfer, due to higher surface hardness and formation of protective third body layer. For cladding against spring, the damage mechanism was delamination and adhesive wear for Zr-1Nb, while abrasive wear for Cr-coated Zr-1Nb.

  • Effect of Y2O3 doping on microstructure and phase structure of plasma-sprayed ZrSiO4 coatings

    2022, 51(9):3427-3434. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210694

    Abstract (472) HTML (106) PDF 1.80 M (977) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:In this paper, ZrSiO4 and Y2O3 doped ZrSiO4 coatings were successfully prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying. The microstructure, mechanical properties and sintering behavior at 1300 °C of coatings were investigated. The results showed that plasma-sprayed ZrSiO4 coating was mainly composed of ZrSiO4, t-ZrO2, a small amount of m-ZrO2 and amorphous SiO2 phases, while the ZrSiO4-5%Y2O3 coating contained c-ZrO2, a small amount of ZrSiO4 phase and amorphous SiO2. Compared with ZrSiO4 coating, Y2O3 doping slightly improved the hardness and fracture toughness of ZrSiO4-5%Y2O3 coating. After sintered at 1300 °C for 48 h, (t,m)-ZrO2 reacted with amorphous SiO2 to form new ZrSiO4 phase in plasma-sprayed ZrSiO4 coating accompanied by volume shrinkage, resulting in a large number of pores and cracks in the coating. In contrast, c-ZrO2 phase and ZrSiO4 phase were the main phases in the ZrSiO4-5%Y2O3 coating. The addition of Y2O3 helped the ZrO2 in the coating to maintain the cubic phase (c-ZrO2), which improved the high-temperature phase stability of ZrO2.

  • Effect of Pre-annealing Time on Microstructure and Properties of Semi-solid extruded Copper Alloy

    2022, 51(9):3435-3442. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210760

    Abstract (484) HTML (105) PDF 1.30 M (1114) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:The pre-annealing-rolling-remelting strain-induced melting activation method was used to prepare semi-solid slurry and back-extrusion to prepare copper alloy bushing parts. The effect of pre-annealing time on the microstructure, hardness, and mechanical properties of copper alloy bushings has studied the law of influence. The results show that the pre-annealing time dramatically influences the structure, mechanical properties, and hardness of the semi-solid copper alloy bushing. After pre-annealing, the Sn content in ZCuSn10P1 copper alloy α-Cu tends to be uniform. Annealing at 700℃ improves the elemental segregation tendency of ZCuSn10P1 copper alloy. With the increase of annealing time, the average grain size of sleeve structure increases, shape factor decreases, and liquid phase ratio decreases; The Brinell hardness of the sleeve decreased, and the tensile strength and extension were increased first and then decreased. The pre-annealing process with better comprehensive properties is 700 ℃ for 2h. At this time, the microstructure uniformity and element distribution of the ZCuSn10P1 copper alloy sleeve are better, and the average grain size of the sleeve is 73.06 μm. The average shape factor is 0.72, tensile strength is 382 MPa, elongation is 5.5%, and average Brinell hardness is 127 HBW.

  • Effect of The Shapes of Tools on The Structure and Properties of 6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy Welded Joints by Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welding

    2022, 51(9):3443-3450. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210713

    Abstract (508) HTML (108) PDF 1.23 M (1138) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:Four types of tools were used to weld 3mm 6082-T6 aluminum alloy thought stationary shoulder friction stir welding. The macro morphology, microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture morphology of welded joints by tools of different shapes, as well as the heat generation of the tools were studied. The results show that the triangle tool and the quadrangle tool produce lower heat and have a relatively large dynamic and static volume, which can enhance the flow of plastic metal at the joint, reduce the small temperature difference between the top and bottom of the weld during the welding process, and form a defect-free SSFSW joint. XRD analysis shows that no new phases are generated during the welding process, and the crystallites size of NZ welded by triangle tool is the smallest. The hardness of each joint is distributed in a "U" shape, and the lowest point is at the junction of RS-TMAZ and NZ, but the hardness of the welded joint by triangle tool is slightly higher. The tensile strength and elongation after fracture of the welded joint by triangle tool are the highest, respectively 202.9MPa and 3.8%. Analysis of tensile fracture morphology shows that all joints are ductile fractures.

  • Effect of Annealing Process on Microstructure and Properties of Rolled Semi-Solid billet

    2022, 51(9):3451-3458. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210758

    Abstract (500) HTML (105) PDF 2.28 M (972) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:In this paper, deformation heat treatment of 7075 aluminium alloy semi-solid billet was carried out by asynchronous rolling process. The effect of recrystallization annealing on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of the deformed semi-solid sheets was studied. The recrystallization degree and grain size change trend of the annealed sheet under various process parameters were analyzed, and the recrystallization mechanism of the deformed semi-solid sheet during annealing was summarized. The results show that the recrystallization order of microstructure is deformed eutectic phase, deformed primary solid phase, and deformed intragranular “droplet”. When the annealing process is held at 470 ℃ for 20 min, the recrystallized grain size of the annealed sheet is smaller and the comprehensive mechanical properties are better. The tensile strength and elongation of the annealed sheet are 408 MPa and 28% respectively. The increase of annealing temperature will lead to the transition from brittle fracture to ductile fracture, but too high annealing temperature will lead to hot cracking, which will greatly reduce the mechanical properties of the plate.

  • Pre-corrosion Fatigue Performance of 2195-T8 Al-Li Alloyin N2O4Under Tension-Tension Load

    2022, 51(9):3459-3465. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210774

    Abstract (469) HTML (99) PDF 1.28 M (1008) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:In the state of long-term filling and storage of liquid missiles, the body and tank structure are often damaged by corrosion, which leads to fatigue cracks and even fractures. Fatigue life testing, scanning electron microscopy and energy spectrum analysis were used to study the fatigue crack initiation, propagation and fracture mechanism of 2195-T8 aluminum-lithium alloy pre-corroded in N2O4 for 180 days, and compared with uncorroded samples. The results show that the fatigue limits of the specimens tested in the two environments are 145Mpa and 118Mpa, and the cyclic stress reduction ratio is about 18.62%. During the pre-corrosion process, the sample forms an "occlusion zone" and forms a galvanic cell with the copper-rich phase particles at the same time, which further accelerates the corrosion process and forms the characteristics of multi-source crack initiation, and it is easier to crack from the non-metallic inclusion area. Affected by factors such as dislocation and accumulation between grains, it is found that it is perpendicular to the fatigue striations, passing through large grains, and passing through small-angle grain boundaries. The fracture morphology of the fatigue transient fracture zone in the two environments shows the characteristics of typical along-crystalline dimples and ductile fracture.

  • Structure and Electrocatalytic Property of Platinum Oxide Films Prepared in Different Substrate Temperature

    2022, 51(9):3466-3472. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210706

    Abstract (390) HTML (95) PDF 820.21 K (1234) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:Platinum oxide electrode, as an important part of hydrogen concentration monitoring sensor built in containment, made hydrogen sensor was at a bottleneck of due to its insufficient mechanical and electrocatalytic properties, which limited the overall localization process of AP1000 technology in China. In present study, platinum oxide film electrode was successfully prepared on platinum substrate by reactive magnetron sputtering, and the influence of different substrate temperature on the composition, morphology and electrocatalytic property of the film was investigated. The results show that platinum oxide film composed of PtO and PtO2 can be obtained in Ar/50%O2 sputtering atmosphere. As the temperature increases from room temperature (RT) to 200℃, the oxygen vacancies in the amorphous film are gradually repaired and convert to the crystalline state, and form a three-dimensional nano-dendritic and crack-free film, which shows increasing PtO2 ratio, increasing electrochemical active area (ECSA), and improved stability. When the temperature rising to 400℃, the film shows decreasing oxygen vacancies, increasing average grain size. Since PtO2 decomposes into PtO and Pt, and thus ECSA decreases, the stability and oxygen reduction activity of the films decreases gradually.

  • Study on Formability and Heat Treatment of Mar-M509 Superalloy by Selective Laser Melting

    2022, 51(9):3473-3481. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210765

    Abstract (481) HTML (107) PDF 1.08 M (1223) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:The printing process parameters of Mar-M509 alloy formed by selective laser melting (SLM) are optimized. The optimized process parameters with less pores and microcracks are obtained. Two heat treatment systems of solution and solution + aging were designed to study the effects of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties. Compared with as-built samples, heat treatment mainly leads to the production of two precipitates: bright white nearly circular Cr-Co rich carbide particles and dark gray long strip Ta-W rich carbide. The tensile test results at room temperature show that the as-built samples have a high tensile strength and yield strength. After solution treatment, the tensile strength of the sample decreases by 500MPa, while the tensile strength of the sample after solution + aging treatment decreases by about 350MPa. The main causes of strength reduction are grain coarsening and residual stress elimination during heat treatment. After solution treatment, the main precipitates are Cr-Co rich carbides with a small amount of large-size Ta-W carbides precipitate along the grain boundary. After solution + aging treatment, the content of Ta-W carbide increases and exists along grain boundary and in grain. The plasticity of the Mar-M509 superalloy has not been improved after heat treatment. Both heat treatments lead to a large number of carbides precipitated along the grain boundary, which is speculated to have an adverse effect on the plasticity. In order to improve the strength and plasticity of SLM Mar-M509 superalloy, the size and distribution of precipitated carbides need to be further regulated by heat treatment.

  • Effects of Zn on Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Mg-6Al-2Nd-2Ca Alloy

    2022, 51(9):3482-3491. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210782

    Abstract (417) HTML (97) PDF 1.78 M (1002) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:Mg-6Al-2Nd-2Ca alloy and Mg-6Al-2Nd-2Ca-1.2Zn alloy were prepared by the gravity casting method in a permanent mould. The as-cast alloys were homogenized, hot extruded and thereafter tested and analyzed by optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and tensile test. Effect of Zn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-6Al-2Nd-2Ca alloy were analyzed. The experimental results show that the addition of Zn could refine grains, which mainly exist in the α-Mg matrix, reduce the solid solubility of Al in the α-Mg matrix and generate more Al-Nd phases. After homogenization treatment, the microstructure of the two alloys were more uniform, and the amount of precipitated phase was reduced compared with that of the as-cast alloys. After hot extrusion, the hard and brittle phases in the two alloys were crushed, the grains was refined, and the mechanical properties was obviously improved. The tensile strength, yield strength and elongation of the Mg-6Al-2Nd-2Ca-1.2Zn were 294.0 MPa, 197.1 MPa and 11.6%, respectively, which were attributed to the combination of refinement strengthening and second phase strengthening.

  • Effect of CNTs on the Microstructure and Properties of Ag-Cu-Ti Filler Metal

    2022, 51(9):3492-3496. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20220051

    Abstract (463) HTML (109) PDF 1016.15 K (1009) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:Ag-Cu-Ti alloy can be used as active filler metal to achieve metal-diamond bonding, the effect of CNTs on the microstructure and properties of Ag-Cu-Ti filler metal was investigated. The results indicate that CNTs can improve the wetting spreading area of filler metal on the surface of steel substrate, and increase the melting temperature with ~9℃, and obviously increase the shear strength of brazed joint, when the content of CNTs is 0.2%, the maximum shear strength can be obtained with 49.3% amplitude. Moreover, SEM figures indicate that the addition of CNTs can refine the microstructure of filler metal, but excessive CNTs would coarsen the microstructure of Ag-Cu-Ti. For the fracture morphologies of Ag-Cu-Ti-xCNTs brazed joints, obvious ductile fracture mode can be observed on the fracture surface of Ag-Cu-Ti-xCNTs (x=0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%) brazed joints. however, The fracture mechanism of Ag-Cu-Ti and Ag-Cu-Ti-1.0CNTs brazed joints shows obvious mixed fracture mode.

  • >Reviews
  • Research progress in powder metallurgy of Mg-based materials

    2022, 51(9):3497-3509. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210660

    Abstract (493) HTML (103) PDF 1.10 M (1359) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:Magnesium and its alloys have many advantages, such as low density, high specific strength and stiffness, good damping and electromagnetic shielding performance, good liquid formability and machinability, easy recycling et al. They possess splendid application prospects in aerospace, transportation and 3C products. However, the low absolute strength and poor heat and corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys limit their wider application. Research and engineering practice show that powder metallurgy process has great potential in improving mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Mg-based materials. In this paper, the latest development of powder metallurgy Mg-based materials has been reviewed, and the applications of powder metallurgy Mg-based materials in biomedicine, automobile and hydrogen storage are briefly introduced. Ultimately, the development direction of powder metallurgy Mg-based materials and process research is prospected.

  • A critical review of effects of rare earth elements on metal additive manufacturing

    2022, 51(9):3510-3523. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210684

    Abstract (711) HTML (108) PDF 1.56 M (1326) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:Today, additive manufacturing (AM) has been wildly used for processing of metallic components with complex structure by vast alternations in microstructure and performances. Addition of rare earth elements (RE) is a potential route for improvement of the microstructure and properties in AM. Recent development of applications of RE in metal AM is reviewed in this article. With starting by a brief introduction of AM and basic understanding of the related microstructure, this review emphasizes on the fundamentals of the effects of RE on the melting pool and microstructure of the AM samples. Several key issues of application of RE in AM are also discussed. It is proposed that beyond of improvements of the microstructure and properties, limitation of the metallic system available for AM would also be expanded by RE addition and related processing parameter optimization.

  • Research progress of PVD high-entropy alloy coatings for Accident Tolerance Fuel

    2022, 51(9):3524-3532. DOI: 10.12442/j.issn.1002-185X.20210658

    Abstract (743) HTML (109) PDF 906.24 K (1353) Comment (0) Favorites

    Abstract:The high entropy alloy metal coatings can be considered as the accident tolerance fuel (ATF) technologies due to their higher surface hardness, better corrosion resistance, especially superior radiation resistance. Physical vapor deposition (PVD) is an ideal technology for preparing high entropy alloy coatings on fuel assembly surface. The coatings synthesized by PVD have compact structure and high interfacial bonding strength without damaging the mechanical properties of substrate. This paper is an overview of PVD high entropy alloy coatings for ATF in recent years. The performance and potential problems of the existing PVD high entropy alloy coatings system are analyzed from the aspects of fuel assemblies’ service condition, coating’s composition design, performance analysis and failure mechanism. It is put forward that the research of PVD high entropy alloy coating for ATF should be carried out from the degradation mechanism analysis of coating under accident condition, structural component design and engineering PVD process technology, so as to obtain a high entropy alloy coating suit for ATF.

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