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Volume 50,Issue 4,2021 Table of ContentsDownload Contents

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In-situ Observation of Shrinkage Formation and Mechanism during Ni-based Superalloy Solidification
  Tongzhou Xu,Xiuhong Pan,Minghui Zhang,Meibo Tang,Huidong Li and Xuechao Liu
  2021,50(4):1113-1117 [Abstract(1148)]  [View PDF 3.88 M (1196)]
High temperature corrosion behavior of GH3625 alloy under acidic atmosphere SO2
  dingyutian,wangjingjie,mayuanjun,gaoyubi,chenjianjun and zhangdong
  2021,50(4):1118-1124 [Abstract(1063)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (1024)]
Molten Pool Flow Morphology during Vacuum Arc Remelting Process for GH4698 Alloy
  ZanLei,LuoDehan,LiYing,ZhangJian and YuYaowei
  2021,50(4):1125-1131 [Abstract(795)]  [View PDF 2.15 M (1079)]
Influence of small degree deviated from [001] orientation on creep behavior of Ni-based single crystal superalloys---A review
  Du Yu-ling,Tan Zi-hao,Yang Yan-hong,Chen Chao,Wang Xin-guang,Zhou Yi-zhou and Sun Xiao-feng
  2021,50(4):1132-1138 [Abstract(886)]  [View PDF 5.98 M (1059)]
The competitive growth of dendrite arrays in the directional growth of a thin sample
  Yang Zenan,Zhang Zhen,Guo Chunwen,Pan Hao,Wang Zhen,Zhang Qiang,Huang Chaohui and Wang Zhijun
  2021,50(4):1247-1253 [Abstract(983)]  [View PDF 1.52 M (947)]
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Tensile Mechanical Properties of Ni/Ni3Al
  Xu Zhu,Wu-Gui Jiang,Yuan-Cai Li and Hui Lv
  2021,50(4):1254-1262 [Abstract(904)]  [View PDF 1.96 M (1095)]
Effect of Strain Waveform on Low-Cycle Fatigue Properties of Inconel 625 Alloy
  Liu Xueying,Chen Lijia,Zhou Ge and Wang Baosen
  2021,50(4):1263-1269 [Abstract(770)]  [View PDF 21.33 M (1238)]
Short-term high temperature oxidation behavior of Pt-modified Ni3Al-based alloys
  Zhang Zhixi,Cao Yiran and Cao Guanghui
  2021,50(4):1270-1282 [Abstract(717)]  [View PDF 9.57 M (1086)]
Microstructure and mechanical property of electron beam welding joint of GH4169 alloy with different crystal orientations fabricated by laser additive manufacturing
  Liu Fencheng,Chen Yue,Xv Yang,Li Chunyu,Liu Fenggang and Li Qiuge
  2021,50(4):1283-1295 [Abstract(845)]  [View PDF 4.15 M (1056)]
Effect of Heat Treatment on Grain Boundary and Tensile Behavior of Selective Laser Melting GH3536 Alloy
  Yan Xiang,Cheng Xiaoyu,Liu Jufeng,Zhong Fei,Wang Shunhua,Zheng Genwen and Liu Hai
  2021,50(4):1296-1303 [Abstract(789)]  [View PDF 4.10 M (1048)]
Selection of laser melting forming Hastelloy X alloy finite element simulation and anisotropy of microstructure and properties
  zongxuewen,zhangjian and liuwenjie
  2021,50(4):1304-1310 [Abstract(724)]  [View PDF 1.41 M (951)]
Stability of Annealing Twin Boundaries and the Fracture Behavior of GH3625 alloy during in situ Tension
  Chen Jianjun,Ding Yutian,Wang Kun,Ma Yuanjun,Wang Xingmao and Yan Kang
  2021,50(4):1311-1317 [Abstract(820)]  [View PDF 17.28 M (1115)]
Study on the Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of GH4742 Superalloy
  Zhou Ge,Li Jianlin,Men Yue,Zhang Haoyu,Che Xin,Zhu Xiaofei and Chen Lijia
  2021,50(4):1318-1324 [Abstract(848)]  [View PDF 6.99 M (1063)]
Development and Testing of novel Casted&Wrought GH4096 Alloy Labyrinth Disk
  TIAN Wei,ZHONG Yan,FU Yu,BAI Yunrui,FU Rui and LI Fulin
  2021,50(4):1325-1333 [Abstract(705)]  [View PDF 6.41 M (1072)]
Dynamic in-situ study on the phase transition of GH4169 superalloy during homogenization process
  LIU Yan-mei,ZHAO Meilan,FENG Hui,SUN Wenru and WANG Tie-gang
  2021,50(4):1334-1341 [Abstract(809)]  [View PDF 2.07 M (956)]
Influence of Al Content on the Microstructure and Stress rupture Property of Cast Superalloy with High W Content
  Wu Jiantao,Yuan Xiaofei,Song Shengyu,Chen Xingfu and Li Wei
  2021,50(4):1342-1349 [Abstract(844)]  [View PDF 26.29 M (1202)]
Microstructure evolution and Competitive Growth during Grain Growth of Directionally Solidified Column Crystal DZ4125 Superalloy
  XU Mang,LIU Guohuai,ZHANG Xianglong,LI Zeyu,WANG Bingxing,WANG Zhaodong and GUO Jingjie
  2021,50(4):1350-1358 [Abstract(722)]  [View PDF 16.98 M (1058)]
Research Status of Additive Repairing Technologies for Nickel-Based Cast Superalloy Blades
  GUO Yang,ZHANG Jianxun,XIONG Jiankun and ZHAO Pengfei
  2021,50(4):1462-1470 [Abstract(949)]  [View PDF 645.56 K (999)]


Experimental and theoretical analysis of void evolution during irradiation in 0.29V-0.09Ta RAFM steel
  Xia Lidong,Huo Xiaojie,Chen Hao,Yang Zhigang and Zhang Chi
  2021,50(4):1139-1145 [Abstract(842)]  [View PDF 4.27 M (1008)]
Structural Design and Numerical Simulation Optimization of SiCWood Ceramic Composite Armor
  Chen Zhiyong,Xu Yingqiang,Li Bin,Li Miaoling and Xiao Li
  2021,50(4):1146-1155 [Abstract(862)]  [View PDF 3.68 M (1017)]
Deformation behavior and constitutive modeling of thin pure molybdenum sheet at room to medium temperatures
  Peng Dai,Hanfei Gao,Ning Wang,Xiaoguang Fan and Mingming Sun
  2021,50(4):1156-1165 [Abstract(774)]  [View PDF 7.87 M (1021)]
Investigation of the microstructure and mechanical properties of niobium and 316L stainless steel joints by TU1 Oxygen free copper solder
  Wang Ruoxu,Huang Yulu,Jiang Tiancai,Guo Hao,Xiong Pingran,Tan Teng,Yue Weiming,Zhang Zhouli,He Yuan and Zhang Xingyi
  2021,50(4):1166-1172 [Abstract(909)]  [View PDF 3.04 M (948)]
Centrifugal investment casting of Ti-47Al-6Nb exhaust valves
  Xu Rongfu,Li Changhou,Xu Yong,Zhang Dongming and Shi Yueya
  2021,50(4):1173-1178 [Abstract(727)]  [View PDF 3.34 M (1020)]
Effect of sintering temperature on the microstructure and machining performance of (Ti, W, Mo, Nb)(C, N)-(Co, Ni) cermets
  xiang zhong nan,Li Zhan jiang,Huang Shui gen,Chang Fa and Dai Pin qiang
  2021,50(4):1179-1186 [Abstract(831)]  [View PDF 1.98 M (935)]
Effect of extrusion parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of a SiC particles reinforced Mg-3.6Zn-0.6Y-0.2Ca matrix composite
  Nie Kaibo,Yang An,Deng Kunkun,Kang Xinkai and Li Yanan
  2021,50(4):1187-1195 [Abstract(735)]  [View PDF 4.57 M (1011)]
Enhanced sensing properties of acetone with hollow porous NiO/SnO2 nanocomposites decorated by Carbon nanotubes
  Honglei Zhou,Xiaohong Chen,Jun Fan and Ping Liu
  2021,50(4):1196-1203 [Abstract(726)]  [View PDF 4.17 M (1012)]
Synthesis and luminescent properties of Y2O2SO4: Eu3+ sub-micron rods
  Yuxiang Wang,Shengwen Zhong,Xiaoqiang Wen and Qian Zhang
  2021,50(4):1204-1209 [Abstract(717)]  [View PDF 3.03 M (913)]
Metallic amorphous Al/Ti spherical particles and its catalysis effects on the thermal decomposition of high explosives
  Song Xiaolan,Wang Yi,Liu Shuang,Cheng Zhipeng and Li Fengsheng
  2021,50(4):1210-1217 [Abstract(707)]  [View PDF 7.13 M (963)]
The apparent thermal conductivity of Er3Ni particles at 4-40 K and measures to reduce the heat leakage of its regenerator
  yangbiao,xixiaotong,wangjue,liuxuming,chenliubiao,zhouyuan and wangjunjie
  2021,50(4):1218-1222 [Abstract(722)]  [View PDF 6.83 M (1001)]
Research into Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 6061 Al / AZ31B Mg / 6061 Al Symmetrical Laminated Plate
  杨霞,He Dongsheng,Du Xiaozhong and Wang Rongjun
  2021,50(4):1223-1232 [Abstract(834)]  [View PDF 3.82 M (974)]
Study on the hot deformation behavior of Ti2041 alloy based on BP neural network and 3D processing map
  Zhou Xuan,Wang Kelu,Lu Shiqiang and Li Xin
  2021,50(4):1233-1240 [Abstract(693)]  [View PDF 31.39 M (1142)]
Purification and particulate controllable of tungsten particles by hydrometallurgy combined with spray drying-pyrolysis process
  Anjin Li
  2021,50(4):1241-1246 [Abstract(717)]  [View PDF 3.44 M (937)]


Microstructure and room temperature deformation behavior of Mg-9.5Li-2.56Al-2.58Zn alloy
  Jinlong Zhang,Enhao Lu,Jun Zhu,Ying Zhang,Hang Jiang,Chen Yin and Qiming Zhang
  2021,50(4):1359-1364 [Abstract(630)]  [View PDF 1.46 M (968)]
Multi-scale Texture Analysis of Titanium Alloy Made by Laser Additive
  Zuo Yuting,Wang Shuming,Li Cong,Zhang Limin and Zhu Yanyan
  2021,50(4):1365-1370 [Abstract(1030)]  [View PDF 4.96 M (1033)]
Preparation of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films by Atomic Layer Deposition and Its Photocatalytic Activity
  Hou Jing,Yang Peizhi,Zheng Qinhong,Li Sai and Yang Dewei
  2021,50(4):1371-1377 [Abstract(692)]  [View PDF 1.74 M (968)]
Effect of atomic diffusion on magnetization reversal and coercivity in sintered (Nd,Tb)-Fe-B magnets
  QIN yuan,MA Bin-jie and LI Zhu-bai
  2021,50(4):1378-1383 [Abstract(727)]  [View PDF 1.98 M (964)]
Study on the properties of WC@W-Cu composite prepared by electroplating
  Zhao Yuchao,Tang Jiancheng,Ye Nan,Zhuo Haiou,Wei Chaolong and Zhou Weiwei
  2021,50(4):1384-1390 [Abstract(767)]  [View PDF 81.69 M (1371)]
The influence of the arrangement of double voids on the c-axis compressed magnesium single crystal
  Wang Huanzhu,Xue Chun,Yang Qianhua,Gui Hailian,Li Yugui and Chu Zhibing
  2021,50(4):1391-1397 [Abstract(758)]  [View PDF 1.23 M (913)]
Influence of Heat Treatment on the Anisotropic Mechanical Behavior of 2198 Al-Li Alloy Sheet
  PENG Haoyun,XIE Hongzhi,BAI Xueshan,ZHANG Shuai,YIN Yanguang and ZHAO Tianzhang
  2021,50(4):1398-1404 [Abstract(800)]  [View PDF 5.77 M (989)]
The effect of Mn concentration on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties for Mn-based Heusler alloys
  Miao Xiaoji, and Jing Hu
  2021,50(4):1405-1408 [Abstract(666)]  [View PDF 1012.76 K (948)]
Application of copper plating technology in the fundamental power input coupler
  Zhang Shuai,Luo Jirun,Wang Xiaoxia,Zhang Rui and Wu Zhijie
  2021,50(4):1409-1416 [Abstract(666)]  [View PDF 1.07 M (972)]
Effect of tribo-oxide layers on wear properties and coefficient of friction of TC4 alloy in fretting
  He Yanni,Yu Shurong,Li Shuxin and Chen Qiang
  2021,50(4):1417-1424 [Abstract(836)]  [View PDF 16.32 M (1109)]
Microstructures and mechanical properties of low-alloyed Mg-Zn-Y magnesium alloy
  Li ya nan,NIE KAIBO,Deng kunkun and Yang an
  2021,50(4):1425-1432 [Abstract(707)]  [View PDF 1.38 M (948)]
Diffraction Peak Profile Analysis and Texture Measurement of a Two-phase Titanium Alloy TC16
  Yang Mengyao,Yuan Lihong,Wang Wenrui,Zhang Hui and Zhang Wangfeng
  2021,50(4):1433-1440 [Abstract(838)]  [View PDF 2.64 M (982)]
Effect of Oxide Additives on the Creep Resistance of Ag-SnO2 Contact Materials
  Yang TianYang,Ma YuanYuan,Zhang XiaoLong,Feng WenJie and Li GuiJing
  2021,50(4):1441-1447 [Abstract(696)]  [View PDF 4.46 M (991)]
Shan Jiefeng 1, Yu Nengjun1, Zhang Suyin1, Jin Xiangyang2, Wu Qiong1, Zhang Pengyue1, Ge Hongliang1
  shanjiefeng,yunengjun,zhangsuyin,jinxiangyang,wuqiong,zhangpengyue and gehongliang
  2021,50(4):1448-1454 [Abstract(610)]  [View PDF 1.97 M (960)]
Effects of Annealing Temperature on Textures and Corrosion Resistance
  2021,50(4):1455-1461 [Abstract(680)]  [View PDF 1.29 M (925)]


Progress in Hydrophobic-Oleophilic Materials
  Wu WenHao and Zhang Haijun
  2021,50(4):1471-1481 [Abstract(940)]  [View PDF 1.63 M (967)]
Research progress of corrosion resistance of degradable medical magnesium alloys
  Song Yuwei and Qiao Yang
  2021,50(4):1482-1491 [Abstract(811)]  [View PDF 10.02 M (1269)]
Research progress of high-voltage LiCoO2 cathode for lithium-ion batteries
  Lin Chun,Chen Yue,Lin Hongbin,Li Zhixuan,Pan Handian and Huang Zhigao
  2021,50(4):1492-1504 [Abstract(713)]  [View PDF 1.73 M (991)]